With Impeachment Looming, Trump Rallies Dubious Support | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow looks at the cast of characters being assembled to support Rudy Giuliani and, in turn, Donald Trump heading into public impeachment hearings in contrast to the stalwart set of witnesses being lined up by the House impeachment committees. Aired on 11/08/19.
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With Impeachment Looming, Trump Rallies Dubious Support | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @David Hale Did you go to school, buy food stuffs that are reasonably safe, buy fuel, ever drive on a road and so many others that we as a society provide?

    1. I know secret trial in a basement over a phone call we can all read that is perfectly legal. After a two year hoax that was proven wrong. Crazy eyes Shiff for brains making up a fake transcript in a formal proceeding then calling it a parody. What a freakin circus!

    2. There is a clown for president. A circus is to be expected. trump is putting on a world class 3 ring performance.

    1. @Will Putts if you were smart enough to be able to research you would find out there’s over 70 socialist programs

    2. Let’s see ,open borders -drugs ,murder,crime , Free everything -higher taxs ,unemployment ,poverty ,yep….. sounds like a socialist country to me .Chili,Venezuala ,here we come …..

  1. How is it these people haven’t been disbarred?
    No matter. I’m sure they’ll do a swell job defending Trump.
    Trump has said he knows the best people.
    Unfortunately for Trump, they want nothing to do with him. “SAD!”

    1. Really? When BEER BOY in the Supreme Court sits comfortably ? And the rest of Republican’s appointed AGs? Texas court pardon Rick Perry’s crimes… see the pattern here?

    1. How dare you say that about
      President Trump .
      As soon as trump enters prison big bubba going to give trump a blonde wig along with some lipstick

    1. @Russ Martin … And Ratchetjaw Madcow told you this? Think back…. Did he/she/it say ……..”But what if?” … just before she/he/it gave her/his/its “news” report? Of course she/he/it did. She/he/it ALWAYS says “But what if?” right before her/his/its manufactured story rolls off of that forked tongue ….. 🤔

  2. Seriously, this whole administration just keeps churning out one cluster-f*ck after another. I hope the House is keeping track of it all. Time to get to work on the impeachment. Enough is enough!

  3. Does Pam Bondi consider her $25,000 hush money donation from the Trump Fraudulent Charity Foundation as her retainer fee for representing Trump in his impeachment proceedings?

    1. Is there even bottom to this thing? It’s like we’ve been free falling for three years and haven’t reached ground.

  4. “It strains credulity to believe that the Justice Department didn’t know about this letter when they swore under penalty of perjury that it didn’t exist–you don’t exactly forget about a formal directive to investigate Hillary Clinton signed by Jeff Sessions,” he added.

    “The fact that they only ‘found’ it the same week Matthew Whitaker was heading for the exit makes it hard to see DOJ’s previous denial as anything but a deliberate attempt to conceal the extent to which President Trump’s authoritarian demands were being put into action. The authoritarian instinct in the Trump administration needs to be investigated. Sessions and Whitaker shouldn’t escape accountability by skipping town.”

    1. GreensOplenty I understand he loves hearing his name mentioned, so the staff says his name constantly in hopes of getting his attention. Well, he should watch the regular news, all the folks who report on him, especially Colbert, who’s staff only has to watch the news and make it funny. God only knows, something about this needs to be funny. After three years of this, I am exhausted. If he isn’t gone soon, the televisions in my house have to go up to the attic.

    1. @Andy C , you can post as many Facebook-quality articles like that last one if you just want to amuse me more, but you simply won’t be able to show any factual cause-and-effect between the policies of Trump’s administration and any sudden reduction in black unemployment, or even gradual reduction that can’t be already be explained by longer running trends.

    2. Lacidios The Democrats still haven’t accepted that Trump won the election. Why would I expect you to accept black unemployment numbers???

    3. @Andy C , lol. What kind of awkward intellectual fetal was that?
      Look, the numbers speak for themselves, and they _are_ at record lows, but it’s simply dishonest politics to try to attribute the cause of the low rates solely to Trump when there’s zero evidence to support influence that goes beyond existing trends.
      You tried to use misleading information to speak for the lack of Trump’s prejudice. The funniest part about that failed effort is that people generally don’t expect blatant racism from politicians in modern times (although, it still happens sometimes for _one_ party), because most expect politicians to lie anyway.
      So, people look to _who_ supports candidates and _who_ interprets their more vague messages and policy platforms to be a means to exercise to their brand of bigotry. _Then_ they look back to candidate to see how much they condemn and distance themselves without external pressure to do so.
      _This_ is where Trump failed *multiple* times, to the point where many either see him with his own prejudice, or so amorally opportunistic that didn’t want those with prejudice to believe he had none.

    4. Jokers Wild he had a great support over the weekend …at a college football game….apparently these college people supports him…mind boggling.

  5. …if you like democracy…ya better be willing to fight in the mud pit for it…or you will have to worship the Great Leader

    1. @Karon Sanchez Do your history as you will sound less ignorant. DemoKKKrats are known for their past. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

    2. @Senator Proud Republican? Do you have to keep bullshitting ourself at night so you can sleep well? DEMENTED REAGAN… CRIMINAL BUSH SENIOR… BUSH JUNIOR’s 9/11… WAR… AND A CATASTROPHIC ECONOMY WE ARE STILL STRUGLING WITH? And you are…. PROUD REPUBLICAN? LMAO. Oh yes… KEEP VOTING REPUBLICAN IF YOU LIKE DEMOCRACY!

    1. @Judith Aldridge She is a purublican. That immediately qualifies her as a moron. She obviously lacks any sense of morality and is a glutton for punishment. Giving and taking it. If there was a justice system in Amerikkka, she would be languishing in prison for her past criminality. She is a perfect fit for Trumpland.

    2. @Joseph Nagle What? Are you a comedian? Being a Republican does not make a p[erson a moron, no more than being a Democrat. If you had actually something you would have seen that I do not like her one little bit. By writing off an opponent does not make you strong, it enables the opponent to get elected if you dismiss them.
      I am Bernie 2020 all the way.

  6. tRump ONLY hires the filthy. That way he immediately has leverage. tRump=fraud. He is coercive and dishonest to his core.

  7. It’s extremely frightening to see, how many people are so corrupt and willing to give up principles and decency for money and power.

    1. I know. Fake Pee Dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign used to attempt an coup on an elected president. Corrupt times these are. Then Biden threatening Ukraine unless they fire a prosecutor looking into his son. Then they accused Trump of doing what Biden did. Can’t write this in a novel

  8. On Barr’s resume: Working against the American people and breaking his oath of office for a criminal President.

    1. @Carolyn Silvers … Hi gorgeous! Great to hear from you again ! 😊 Remember, when you hear the words “conspiracy theory” …. you might want to take a deeper look…. There ARE reasons for misleading you with the words “conspiracy theory” ……

      You see, a “theory” combines evidence with the obvious…. Charles Darwin had a “theory”, at least that is what HE called it …. And a LOT of people accept it without question. And the educators, who hate God, conspired, to push it as Truth…. However, REAL conspiracy theories, are rarely identified for what they are…. That is why the propaganda news actors use that phrase to trigger your brain shutdown switch. That “switch” is on automatic shutoff mode, when certain words, noises, phrases or keys are utilized……

      FREE !!!!!! MSNBS and 💩NN Deprogramming Kit…. Play by play reveal, of the CLOSED DOOR Coup Attempt…. https://youtu.be/6ko8kV5nY-k 😎👍

    2. What part did you hear? As soon as she unregister as a foreign agent? That’s what your suppose to do when working with another country. That’s why Manafort got in trouble for not registering as a foreign agent. That’s not too be confusing with foreign spy for those who don’t know. You people who have so much hated for our president which I really don’t blame you because your being bombarded with lies from the media. This President is hated because he is keeping his promises, which is unheard of today and he’s attacking the crooks that we all hate in DC. You saw the crooked FBI crumble. Let him finish this job. Geez, never in my life would I even dream of seeing the working class cheering for the elite in DC who BTW despise you. Look what’s happened to you people. It’s no different than a Knight in the medieval days who is attacking the King at his castle who has been cheating the people, only to find the peasants cheering for the King to win. Why? Cause the Knight gets the girls, has an ego and talks a little sh** once in a while? Yeah he’s cocky at times, but don’t let that take away from who the real enemy is here. We’ve seen DC run amuck for over 20 years and it’s time for the people to take back the power. Our politicians work for us and don’t know what best for us, WE DO!

    1. @Minda Kahn You were happy with the muslim Brotherhood running Homeland Security ? Seems like the fox guarding the hen house. You like Czar,s. And giveing Billions to a known terrorist sponsoring Country ? The Muslim milk dud , he did that and you voted for that.

    1. TheDesertsweeper : lawyers , set a judicial fellow compariate , have a former President tell the American public in front of a camera & congress demand frivolous lawsuits , tort reform every 3 years , and lie constantly on talk radio . working eh.

    2. @Peter Marchi I’m not sure I agree. I mean yes how on earth does it happen to start with. But surely once it happened the nightmare would become apparent and he would be evicted from office? I guess what I should have said is: “…allowed to CONTINUE running the country”

    3. @TheDesertsweeper The President is a reflection of his people. So if that’s true. “We let it happen…” That being said, Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! It happened because we were so busy enjoying ourselves at the coliseum.

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