World Markets React To The Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Wall Street Journal's Charles Forelle and The Economist's Zanny Minton Beddoes discuss the market reaction to the effects of the coronavirus. Aired on 03/19/2020.
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World Markets React To The Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. *Covid-19?*
    *No, the most serious and debilitating disease is MAGA-45.*
    *That one causes impaired mental cognition, confusion between fantasy and reality, nonsensical speech, delusions of grandeur and profound stupidity.*

    1. @Truth Matters _”four more years of Trump”_
      Wait…You MAGAtards REALLY think The OrangeAnus (R – Impeached) is going to be re-elected???

    2. @Wilson Orshal I pay attention to all news sources and think for myself. That’s why I’m not an ignorant sheep being led by MSNBC/CNN propaganda as you are.

    3. @Truth Matters When The OrangeAnus (R – Impeached) LOSES, will you be starting that civil war you gutless cowards keep talking about?
      I hope so. I’m looking forward to that.

    1. TDS: Trump Delusionment Syndrome

      A mental illness wherein the sufferer experiences the delusion that the molester Donald Trump, a second rate con man turned third rate fascist traitor, is actually concermed with the well being of the people.

    2. @N. deG Dream on, the common cold is a coronavirus and despite attempts over centuries of study, it is *STILL* incurable or preventable

    3. @supernumery Be that as it may,we’ll still find a cure for the common( actually,they’ve only been trying to find a cure since the 1950’s) cold before a cure for stupid.

  2. *The USAID PREDICT program SHUT DOWN by The OrangeAnus (R – Impeached)*
    The USAID PREDICT program – launched in 2009 after the 2005 H5N1 bird flu sparked global fears of an epidemic – *was designed to help identify and combat emerging pandemic threats like coronavirus.*
    _United States Senators Angus King (I-Maine) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent a letter to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) today requesting information regarding the agency’s recent decision to shutter PREDICT, a program established to identify and combat viruses that may generate global public health emergencies, such as the recent coronavirus._

    1. @Bill Christian I hear you but knowing many Magafilth individuals I can tell you why they will vote for him again; ignorance, arrogance and hate.

    1. @John Swo what? really an ” I’m rubber you’re glue” child playground statement of rebuttal. Really ?

    2. @brian gardner Morons like you voted for and still support Trump. You’ve literally f’ed over your own country. BIG LEAGUE
      Don’t worry sure only Trump. can fix this too🤣🤣
      Gave a nice plague moron.

    3. @brian gardner You are the one immaturely name-calling here while insisting that someone else is filled with hate.

  3. Trump is on live TV telling us all how badly he feels for the Russian economy. Putin has him by the shorthairs, there’s no other explanation.

    1. Putin totally controls and owns Donald Trump and he knows it.Trump has got to be voted out in November for the United States to begin the healing and recovery process.

    2. He’s Putin’s slave. Better kneel, donny. That guy is pretty short. How else can you kiss his *ss?

    1. @Wilson Orshal hahahha u are a STUPID FOOL. HAHHAHA u can whatever alternate universe u want delusional snowflake. Lol he was AQUITTED end if.story lol man u kids re stupid these days…


    2. No one with a brain trusts trump. “Loyalty” is a one-way street for trump, and to thank you for yours he’ll throw you under the bus. @dumptrump

  4. Funny how we don’t hear t’rump taking credit for the stock market as much as previously. I wonder why? 🤔

    1. Aren’t you grateful that the stock market was so high, that it could afford to take a temporary hit? I’m grateful. And I’m grateful Trump is joining the people reporting anti-malarial treatment for the bat eaters virus.

    2. @Lynda Kelly When ever their cult leader screws up they come up with all kinds of excuses for him

    1. @Bill Christian Please understand that the USA does not test for coronavirus infections among its population until they have fallen very sick and have already spread the disease to hundreds of people in their family, neighborhoods and work places . The USA has the lowest per capita rate of testing in the world.That’s because there’s a shortage of tests and there is a shortage of tests because Donald Trump refused to take the working tests offered by the WHO and waited two weeks trying to develop one that they could make a profit on, thus accelerating the progress of the disease. There is still an alarming shortage of tests and equipment in spite of the White House claiming the contrary. Smart people know that you can not support an argument without the supporting facts

    2. @jan cam Thanks for your reply. It reminds me of a recent lengthy two part movie, Pandemic, that was produced to entertain viewers. You have done the same, but narrowed it down to only one word, “profit”. Not many will profit from all the negative economic side effects, but I see the healthcare industry being uplifted without doing very much differently. I am still trying to understand the decision to not treat certain unnecessary procedures that are considered only selective hospital cases now. It might appear that even hospital workers are tested for the virus, until they have infected a growing number of patients, family and coworkers.

  5. 🤔And who said a potus should resign and go home if he couldn’t stabilize the stock market? trump said that about O😒 – RESIGN AND GO HOME trump failure!😡🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊

    1. 2019 seen a 2.1% GDP growth, the lowest in 16 years. Trump has more than once said, any POTUS that doesn’t achieve 4% GDP growth, doesn’t deserve to be POTUS.

  6. The markets are merely making a correction for all the gains since Trump came to office. Trump’s biggest claim since taking office has been the “best economy of all times.” Now, Trump’s bungling the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has returned us to the hard realities of what picking an inexperienced, imbecilic, reality TV star to lead the nation can lead to.

    1. All the gains were from short term shifts to interest rates, etc. No real growth just numbers which he clearly does not understand.

  7. Trump’s done to America the same thing he’s done to all his businesses, BANKRUPT!!!!! 😳😳😳

    1. @Jeremy Backup haha you’re such the typical 🐑 mentality.. haha u sound like ur apart of a cult you psycho… Trump will be DESTROYING you moronic backwards cult members and leaders in november. “Incompetence” that b1tches…

  8. As long as trump’s in office. This will continue to happen.. .

    Get him out now or we WILL HIT ROCK BOTTOM

    1. uh, can we lease the rocks at the bottom to Saudi and china? 99 year lease? (or is that the WTO that does leases more than 40 year term?)

    2. True, it’s not just that he’s incompetent, it’s that he is self centered and weak, thus he cannot accept *any* criticism nor can he admit he is wrong, he will simply double down and try to blame everyone else endlessly.

    3. This is the punishment that GOP needs for letting America down by looking over Trump’s crimes and lies as well as their own.

  9. Apparently, pretending to be a successful entrepreneur on a reality tv show does _not_ prepare you to lead a nation through a real crisis. Who could have predicted it?

    1. @George B. Wolffsohn my vote doesn’t count. vote your conscious and policy beliefs, please.
      (my state votes last in the primary — the coronation has already occurred)
      (my state is solid red in the general — again my vote doesn’t count)

      come and solicit me when we have a national primary day… rank choice voting… and the popular vote determines the prez like the rest of the adult countries in the world. deuces.

    2. @Janusz Dworak : nope. neoliberal, corporate, $hill dems are almost as bad as republicucks… almost.

  10. America this is your fearless leader pandemic don in action.. Failing and nobody is better at failure than Trump…

  11. Sean Hannity & Trump: “The FDA has approved Chloroquine as a means to fight the Coronavirus.”

    Here you go Trumpers follow doctor Trump’s and Sean Hannity orders.

  12. The dotard’s excuse was that the Chinese did not give him enough time…but what was his administration doing when the Chinese started building two hospitals ?

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