WH Reporter Breaks Down This Week’s Timeline | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday. AP reporter Jonathan Lemire discusses the timeline of events inside the Trump administration. Aired on 10/02/2020.
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WH Reporter Breaks Down This Week's Timeline | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. In the words of the FLOTUS: “I REALLY DON”T CARE. DO YOU?” ๐Ÿฅผ๐Ÿฅผ๐Ÿฅผ๐Ÿฅผ ๐Ÿ‘€

  2. “Hope Hicks works closely with the president”

    translation: Young Melania body double services Trumps tiny member daily…..frequently viruses are shared with Hope and Melania via Trump.

    Go ahead and argue with these statements lol we all know the truth here.

    1. Melania stopped sleeping in Trump’s bedroom three years ago, she has her own room on another floor. Donald beats off alone, dreaming of how he can sneak hookers in.

  3. The insider GOP paid off the โ€˜doctorsโ€™ to say he has COVID to keep him out of the spotlight for the next few weeks. Hope Hicks was paid to cough and Melania is going along so she can stay away from him without any scrutiny…

  4. Seriously? He is a compulsive liar, how do we know he is infected, itโ€™s probably part of his game plan.

    1. This is the only thing he hadn’t yet done to disrupt the election. He called the virus a Democrat hoax. Im calling this a republican hoax. Good for the goose, good for the gander. Mark my word, he will be just fine and tell his ignorant base that this proves how strong and invincible their dear leader is. It’s like he rose from the dead, the likes of which nobody has seen in two thousand years.

    2. @SoWavyFernandez Ha! I’ve been saying for a few years that trump is the president for people who really like “professional wrestling”.

    1. @Father Fred Is this the only depopulation vaccine created?
      Why should we believe you when your belief system justified slavery,still justifies subjugation of females,1/2 of human population?

    2. @Father Fred haha…as an African,I take with a bag of salt anything religious people say,priests,imams….
      No. don’t also swallow unquestioningly what is brewed in labs…..

  5. Two weeks ago I was saying President Trump was either going to walk off-stage during the first debate,
    or he wouldn’t show up for the second. I called it. This morning, I got out the A&W root beer, with ice,
    and some Cadbury halloween chocolate bars, with some caramelized onion and balsamic vinegar chips.
    The sun is shining over Niagara Falls. I’m going to get out on the bicycle today with my free Whopper coupon.

  6. When doctors asked Trump who he was around recently, he replied: โ€œman, woman, person, camera, tv.โ€

    1. @Nari Crighton
      Hes always been into ivanka looking hos
      ID DO HER IF SHE WASN’T MY DAUGHTER ๐Ÿ˜ multiple sexual assault cases out there too against the PUSS GRABBER

  7. I’ve tested positive, the most positive, the biggest positive you’ve ever seen. They say I’m the best kind of positive.

  8. Could this be real โ€œFake Newsโ€!! Could he be trying to deflect from his deplorable performance at the debate and the bad press and the drop in the polls. This also allows him to not to debate again without losing face. He could also be trying to garner sympathy before the election. Do not trust this guy or the GOP. Real proof is needed from a trusted source like Dr Fauci that this is actually true!! Cannot believe anything coming out of this WH. They will do anything to distract, deflect, etc….Another possibility is that the GOP leadership and his rich donors told him to take himself out of the spotlight from now until election because he is costing them the Senate and down ballot across the country.

    1. And here I was thinking, like cockroaches, he wasn’t going to be affected. Still, I have more time for cockroaches that this orange faced lying buffoon.

  9. And he was making fun of Biden’s mask.
    ” The biggest I’ve ever seen” he said.
    Now you need one bigger than Biden’s mask.

  10. Trumps Tomb Stone. ” We Only Have One Case Of Covid In The US And It’s Being Taken Care Of”.
    Melania’s Tomb Stone ” I Don’t Care”.

  11. “…despite knowing he had a confirmed exposure to a positive test, traveled to Bedminster NJ for a fundraiser,where he mingled in close proximity with several dozen guests.
    This tells you all you need to know about how much he cares about his supporters. Or anyone else.

    1. Americans also prefer presidents who don’t get peed on ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘ release the MOSCOW HOOKERS pee tapes COMRADES

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