CNN's Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour speaks with CNN's Abby Phillip about the latest developments in the war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
Amanpour: Dissent about war in Ukraine in Putin’s circle is ‘silenced’

CNN's Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour speaks with CNN's Abby Phillip about the latest developments in the war in Ukraine. #CNN #News
Therefore to summarize; “If” Ukraine had received the Artillery and Air Defense they so desperately needed months ago, countless lives could have been saved…
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
Slava my butt
Hitler is now on a desperation.. 😁
War is too damn expensive. It is time for good people of the world (who can still vote) to stop playing around and put a 500%+ tariff on ALL dictatorships and theocracies. Free trade should only be with free people. All democracies must join together in a free-trade union to finally make all governments accountable to their people by taking the profit out of oppression. Discounts can be given to encourage improvements, but we must be consistent. Domestic tax reductions and rebates will make this tariff cost the consumer nothing. In fact, this would eventually make all countries more prosperous as well as peaceful. No excuse not to start now.
Did you miss the coronation of a king in UK?
Wonderful idea but there is a risk of autocratic states bonding and doing trade together and getting more repressive to their people.
All it takes is one brave Russian soldier to ” do the right thing ” and stop the little madman and his war .
Одна пуля, нож, молоток… что угодно…
@Byron E oh please be a hammer. Lmao
Some Americans should set aside their arrogance and self-righteousness long enough to fix the problems in their own country, before telling other countries how to fix theirs. How did we become the know-it-alls of the world?
You are misinformed my friend. Stop watching media.
Just because dissenters are “silent” doesnt mean that they aren’t plotting.
yes and we can only hope they are successful at a point in the future.
They are dead
@Glinton Gordon Has the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army been liquidated? Zaluzhny disappeared from radar after strike on Ukrainian army headquarters
Someone in Russia will make the decision to end this war by ending one man. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.
We can only hope, but sadly zelensky is always away on a begging run so it’ll be tricky for a Russian to end that one pathetic little boy
You have a terrible brainwashed view of ‘what’s going on there’
Putin wanted the war Putin started this war and let Ukraine finish this war and hopefully Putin with it and we should support Ukraine in winning this war not putting limitations on Ukraine. Remember we begged Putin not to start the war but he blew us off.
Richard we are slowly boiling the frog, because he could make irrational moves. That’s a humanitarian tragedy and a sad reality in world with nukes.
limitations on Ukraine? They aren’t paying for all these weapons, the world is in inflation…
Nuclear blackmail doesn’t work, as seen over the past 50 years
Putin is reaping what he has sown Glory To GOD
Thank you.
Russia is shocked and outraged. Imagine invading a neighboring country. Its unacceptable
You are listening to cnn and believing what they say… Stop it
@Glinton Gordon oh so it’s not true? Ok Genius
Middle East? 😅
The sheer amount of approving and cheering comments by ordinary Russians under videos about the atrocities committed against civilians and prisoners of war in Ukraine were no less shocking to Ukrainians than the war itself.
We somehow got used to the war, but the realization of who we have been living next to all this time without even knowing it is still terrifying.
Those barbarians called themselves our brothers.
Imagine what they would do to you, who they call their enemies, if you let them.
Negotiating with russia is like negotiating with еbоІа vіrus. That’s why any реасе agreement without a fuІІ victory for Ukrаіne is nothing but a temporary cеаsefire.
I’m old enough to remember the “Cold War”, we had to practice hunkering down under our desks.
Sorry. The inhumane assault on Ukraine has been mind altering.
When your country is in a war and you speak against your government, you are directly or indirectly working for the enemy, i.e. against your country. That’s another bad side of the war.
Agree with the devil, and run Hell
Amampour is clearly an articulate speaker! clear , brief and precise explanation🎉
Unlike incoherent, mumbling, bumbling, slurring, teleprompter gaffing Biden. Trump 2024.
But @rolback Trump actually sucks at everything that _matters_
i like the background😇, only if it could have gotten brighter …
Its insane, how Russia can think they are not a traget. This should of been happening from day one.
One man, of flesh and blood, and millions can not stop him. This is sad.
That was a huge mistake not to give UA all the weapons they needed already before the bigger invasion. Sad.
Thank you for your coverage, more please
This Ukraine situation is the initial domino