1. @Jacob B He’s both a symptom and a “catalyst”. He made certain ideas and rhetoric that used to be unacceptable a part of main stream politics.

  1. At a book signing in Florida this week, Desantis ordered the police to remove Magas that were protesting him. I am fairly certain he will not be Trump’s veep.

    1. @Randy Watson there’s no draft for Ukraine. As you would know if you had listened to the whole speech.

    2. It was actually just a security guard, but you are right. DeFascist won’t take a back seat to trump. And trump wouldn’t accept him as VP, because trump won’t share the limelight.

  2. I think it would be good for people to watch CPAC it makes it clear why every one should vote blue .

    1. @Jeremy DeCaro _Seis días después, Jesús tomó consigo a Pedro, a Jacobo y a Juan su hermano, y los llevó aparte a un monte alto; y se transfiguró delante de ellos; y su rostro resplandeció como el sol, y sus vestiduras se volvieron blancas como la luz_

  3. I’m so sick of these people pretending like the “left” is anything close to what is going on with the “right”. Whenever a commentator says something like that then I know they aren’t serious about anything they said before or after it.

    1. @Muddy Water Strange that the GOP wasn’t talking about drag queens 2 years ago before the midterms? Maybe because they were still taking part in them at that point?

    2. @Thomas Smith They,re entitled to their sensitivities. But they don’t have to have anything to do with people in drag if they don’t want to.

    1. @Doogie Bear ; You ‘poorly educated’ are so delirious, too bad you don’t read and comprehend or you would understand that most presidents would envy the acts he has accomplished; American rescue plan, CHIPS, inflation reduction, infrastructure to name a few, no need to disparage him – this guy is actually working for America.

  4. ”I am your retribution” — A vow a vengeance upon the perceived, ”enemies of the State”?
    Words of a Fascist. A dangerous one at that.

    1. Not a huge fan of William Barr, but he was pretty on point when compared Trump’s behavior after the 2020 election loss to that of a deposed king.

    2. Screaming screaming for vengeance Screaming for vengeance This guys Sickening The Orange Jesus

  5. If they want to block trump, Republicans should pass a rule in their constitution that nobody under indictment can be the party’s nominee for president. That should take care of old Donnie boy

    1. You must be a genius! It’s so rare to find people like you. With your exceptional level of brilliance and online so rest of us can benefit from your wisdom. Do you play D&D too?

    2. Right down to the current CPAC which resembles the Nuremberg rallies (without the people) with all their BS rhetoric.

  6. What principles what party ????
    Crazy to think he actually still believes the republican party is still in existence

    1. @Joe What do you consider principled? I ask because you don’t seem to have an understanding of the definition of that word. I ask because I’ve noticed that most on the right tend to come up short when it is regarding the meaning of words. Almost like dictionaries don’t exist.

    2. @Doogie Bear Was that first line supposed to make any sense or are you puking up word salad like Donny always does?

    3. @Lord Aleron Powerful and competent are not the same thing. Admiring power is seeking subjugation. It is comments like yours that keep driving competent people out of the Republican Party. Those that seek power are insecure. Not a good way to feel.

    4. @Rennrogue Im asking you…are democrats and liberals principled? Can a liberal be principled by definition??

  7. Didn’t ask the real question though: “Will you vote for Donald Trump if he is the Republican nominee?” All these voices in opposition to Trump and even swear up and down Trump wont be the nominee, but always follow up with “I’ll support the Republican nominee.”

    1. Larry Hogan has already posted on his twitter feed that he would not support Trump.
      He only said that because he genuinely believes Trump will not be nominated.

  8. Notice that the Republicans keep saying they need a new message. Actions speak louder than words and instead of saying we need a new message how about you start behaving and living that message. Because the evangelicals will vote no matter what for liars thieves grifters in any other bad individual who will advance their agenda

    1. Is always about the message and never about the substance. I am wondering if most republicans have only a listening brain. That would explain a lot.

    2. Can’t stand with Evangelicals. They’re preaching Christian values, aren’t they? But they always support politicians who have ideologies/principles/policies that are not aligned with what Christ taught us to become.

  9. “Troubling, he calls it troubling” How nice, I call it stark raving madness. Retribution, my arse, whats the GOP allready doing then with all those idotic commissions? Is that policy, or just retributional revenge?

    1. Troubling like a pandemic or a civil or nuclear war or the collapse of our financial system. That kind of “troubling”.

  10. “Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
    Donald Trump June 15, 2018

    1. Yup, Trump is interested in being a fascist dictator. The question is this: How many words of this comment can he understand? He has a 30 word vocabulary.

    2. @corn pop was an orange dude This isn’t about Biden or any other president – this is about the character of a particular individual, in this case, DJT.

  11. If you are an evangelical and you vote for or support Trump, then you are not a Christian in any sense of the word. You can’t worship Jesus Christ and Trump at the same time.

    1. But wait…..didn’t someone build a golden idol of trump? Maybe I missed it, but did anyone hear of any evangelical preacher bad mouthing it?

    2. @Ian S Thanks. I had never heard of the Magdalene Laundries. Now I have something to research and learn about. Thank you again.

    3. @Melinda Unknown check out the 2002/3 film “The Magdalene Sisters”. Regarding artistic license, opinions vary on whether the film went too far, or not far enough.

  12. Doesn’t matter if Trump signs a pledge, if he doesn’t like the results, he’ll renege on said pledge.

    1. In the case of Trump, there will have to be a rider granting permission to Americans to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights to enforce his compliance.

  13. I am a Democrat who is VERY pleased to hear a Republican like Asa Hutchinson say what he did in this interview. I may not agree with him on everything politically, but he is a decent, rational human being. It’s a relief to hear someone like him.

    1. Really? So a well spoken, folksy sort of evil is more to your taste? Me, I prefer the loud, brash in your face kind of evil. It’s easy to spot and easier to motivate people to stop it. I _want_ DJT to win the nomination because I like it when the party reveals it’s true face. It’s when they pretend they’re reasonable people they’re dangerous.

    2. @Michael Burgess I wouldn’t call him “evil”. Not all republicans are “evil”. He is a run of the mill Republican with conservative ideas and values.

  14. I laughed out loud when he said we have to come back to the” Community of faith”
    They are the ones fueling this monster.

  15. “I am your justice”
    If you are justice to anyone, representative democracy is truly under threat.

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