1. @Gabs It’s not just about banning guns or blaming one party. Countries with high gun ownership don’t automatically have high rates of gun crime. US wasn’t always known for having lots of shootings and crime. Maybe there’s something else going on, such as legitimizing the mentally ill and what leads to it, letting them roam free, ignoring criminality, erasing the family unit, putting people on drugs etc…

  1. I can’t imagine how that father was shattered by the news, may god give those parents strength to carry this pain, my deepest condolences to everyone involved!

  2. Hard to anticipate all contingencies in a situation like this. The innitiation of the event when people are suprised by an attacker is when victims suffer the worst. Very tragic situation.

    1. How about if you take the automatic weapons away …all of them. They are NOT necessary…for F sakes

  3. Sometimes, more often than not when I follow American news, I wonder if living in an authoritarian country, where guns are totally banned, even from law-abiding citizens, is a good idea. You know, I guess the ultimate question is am I willing to trade off the ideas of rule of law, democracy, freedom of human rights with safety of my kids. Or can we have them both?

    1. @Julie C That sounds nice. Just imagine go hunting in the pristine nature Canada has to offer is so liberating.

    2. The countries that are safe don’t only regulate gun use. They regulate criminal behavior, deter mental illness, promote good morals, gets rid of drugs, recognizes the traditional family unit and works for its people. Combining efforts against all of this is what leads to success, not just bans on guns. You’ve been consuming the propaganda if that’s the only perspective you’ve got on what the issue is.

  4. Prayers for the family members of all involved. God bless Katharine Coonce for going toward the shooter to protect others and giving her life for others.

  5. Whatever officer or organization trained that school certainly turned the tide on this awful event. As bad as it was, the immediate reaction and response by the school and law enforcement is a model on how to respond correctly to a mass shooting event, especially in a school setting or a setting with multiple vulnerable minors.

  6. It’s so sad and unfortunate that we live in a world where young and innocent children can’t even go to school to learn to experience new things. My prayers go out to all of the families of the victims! You guys didn’t deserve this at all, the staff nor the children.

  7. This is the first time I’ve seen the video, and it felt different than the all the others. You can see the power of the gun, her tactical training and that literally there was no way to stop her all in HD. It’s still not enough. I don’t think the needle for gun control will move until they show accurate re-enactments but even then people will say it’s exaggerated.

  8. It’s insane that this is so prevalent that a school can do active training and then get attacked. What should be an extremely rare and tragic thing is becoming the norm

  9. In uvalde the republicans said that the doors were opened and that allowed the perpetrator to commit the acts. In this case I am pretty SURE I saw the doors locked. Yet they were no match for a machine gun. HOW do these politicians live with themselves???

  10. It’s wild that active shooter training is required in schools. Surely this must put people in a state of fear each time they set foot into the school?

  11. I live in Sydney Australia, I used to work for a company based out of San Francisco. The company decided to mandate active shooter training in all offices around the world. I was slightly saddened and shocked when going through the training, why? 1) We have not had a mass shooting incident for 25 years since the ban of guns, none of our schools teach them and no Australian company has to worry about teaching this training so it was surreal being taught any of it.2) Part of the training was if you have no other option fight for your life, this was the saddest part thinking that someone will have to put this into practice because of culture of guns. I glad to be living in Australia but sad that this has to happen again and again with our friends across the Pacific.

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