What a young woman on Moscow’s most wanted list thinks of Putin and his war in Ukraine

Russian student Olesya Krivtsova was charged with terrorism after criticizing Russia's war in Ukraine on social media. She's now on Russia's most wanted list. CNN's Melissa Bell has the story.
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  1. Brave girl. I wish the best o her, and hope she can stay safe. I hope that Masha Moskalyova’s dad can also escape Russia and the idiocy going on there.

    1. ​@Алексей Medic honey you need to get some rest and maybe go see a doctor and get some medication

  2. Considering the sheer number of Putin’s enemies that have fallen out of windows, been shot, poisoned or suffered unfortunate freak accidents, she is very brave for even appearing on camera.

    1. @Yuri when they serve their sentences as given as a result of being found guilty as charged of a crime by a jury of their peers. You. Know the rule of law doesn’t make exceptions for Trump supporters.

  3. When the truth that children speak becomes a crime, adults will have removed their purest source of information.

  4. if we dont ever see her again, we already know what happened to her. prayers for her and that she does well

  5. When a government with nukes fear a little teenage girl, the cowardice and dishonor is blatantly obvious 😂

  6. intelligent brave beautiful young of course she is on the list . God bless her how can we help her ?

  7. I can’t improve on what others have said of Olesya Krivtsova, generously and appropriately. I’ll add my belief that every single person is irreplaceable, yet a few somehow command our respect and admiration at another level. Stay brave, young woman. And to all who pass this way, in the name of human virtue, ¡Free the Prisoner of Belmarsh!

  8. Wishing and praying that you keep safe. I hope that it’s some comfort to you to know that Putin is on an international wanted list.

  9. 自由的人民永远不会屈服于铁链和枷锁,他们会战胜一切,所向无敌!

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