Hear how Clarence Thomas responded to bombshell story

Justice Clarence Thomas said Friday that he did not disclose luxury travel paid for by a Republican donor because he was advised at the time that he did not have to report it. CNN's Ariane De Vogue reports. #CNN #News


  1. We need to get rid of lifetime appointments on the highest court of the land. When you’re serving decades on that bench, people are susceptible to corruption

    1. @Jordan Munk I suspect you’ll just disappear In shame when faced with the FACTS as usual. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. @Jordan Munk You bringing up RBG actually made Clarence Thomas look so much more rotten and corrupted 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Great job 👏 🎊 🎉👍

  2. The process is no longer to hide corruption, instead it is a deliberate project to so normalize open visible corruption that is is just accepted.

  3. Corrupted judge whose wife was involved in a coup. Why aren’t these people behind bars? How is this justice?

    1. ​​@Me Me ‘AKA’ “The Phenom”

      You aren’t very bright bud. How many red hats do you own?

  4. Shameful, no Supreme Court officials should not be able to receive any sort of gifts. Absolutely wrong.

    1. @Ezotyric There were no cases involving his wife and he doesn’t have to recuse himself from a case that doesn’t exist. She testified to the jan sixth committee. This is just slander someone has been spreading around and people believe it.

    2. ​@Bitchslapper316they are referring to her connections to leaders of the J6 riots. Clarance rather plainly tried to hide her connections, and then refused to recuse himself.

  5. There is a big difference between joining your friends on trips, where you pay your own way, and having friends that drop 500,000 for you while you pay nothing. I have never had a “friend” like that and I do not know anyone who has either.

    In any job I have ever had there has always been a ethics guide we had to sign which explained that we were never to accept hospitality/gifts from anyone whether as part of a business gathering or offered on an individual/personal basis.

    I know it is the same in all countries, but there really is one set of rules for the rich and powerful and on totally different set for the rest of us.

    1. Sadly, other Federal judges, have to abide by such ethics guidelines, but there are none for justices.

    1. Every one of them who said Roe v. Wade was the established law of the land, and then overturned Roe need to be disbarred!

  6. It is a shame to have a corrupt judge in the supreme court. How can he continue in the court?

  7. “Sure I took gifts from a Republican donor and didn’t report it. There’s nothing wrong with that!” — Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

  8. It must be heartbreaking to live in a country where so many of the people who should have the highest level of integrity without question, so often demonstrate that they do not.

    1. @My Cat Corruption “all over the world” is NOT a reason for you to also be corrupt. That’s ridiculous.

  9. If he doesn’t have enough common sense to know a $500,000 gift is a problem, he has no business being a judge

  10. EVERY member of EVERY branch of the government needs to be accountable to the American people! The people should be deciding who stays and who GOES! NO LIFETIME APPOINTMENTS!!!

    1. While I don’t particularly agree with the election of judges I do think there should be term limits and a mechanism for removal.

    2. agree but if you haven’t noticed “the people” keep choosing the ignoramuses. look at what just happened in Chicago. They chose another ignoramus. Big cities will NEVER learn there lesson.

  11. It’s well known that even the appearance of corrupt influence for any common judge is absolutely unacceptable due to the nature of their position.

    Let alone taking trips and gifts, hiding them, and doing so as one of the most influential people in the country. This is beyond abhorrent behavior by Thomas. He needs to be ashamed and the judiciary needs to set an example of him or there will be a huge loss in credibility.

    1. Shame on you for bad mouthing Justice Thomas. He never hid any gifts or trips. He recorded them in his private diary.

  12. A common theme with folks in power! They feel like they can do whatever they want and get away with it. There is definitely no equal justice in this country. The corruption in the courts and politicians is just mind blowing!

    1. He went on trips with his friends. That’s normal. Ruth Bader Ginsburg accepted a $1 million prize in 2019.

  13. He is a liar. He needs to be removed. Who gave him that guidance? They need to be named and shamed, then investigated for corruption 😤

    1. Justice Thomas is not a liar. Who gave the guidance to him is confidential. It is not your business. Stop causing trouble Nic.

    2. He is and he started out as a creep and a liar nothing has changed about him over the years i see

  14. Nice to have a Supreme Court Justice in your pocket to gum up the works when it comes time to vote on certain key issues, whatever those issues might be. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

  15. I worked in a bank here in Australia and we had to report any gifts over value of Aud$50 or more. I can’t see how he thought it was ok to go on the gravy boat and planes and holidays all these years without it being a conflict of interest to him.

    1. Australia isn’t America. Stop causing trouble for Justice Thomas. He is a honest and honorable Christian man.

  16. This guy has been a $hit from day 0. We have criminal politicians and judges in this country. Integrity, trust, honor are out the door.

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