1. I have no idea what this airdrop thing is. I rarely even respond text messages or emails. As one of the last born baby boomers, I resist excessive communicating.

  2. Who leaves their airdrop enabled on their phone when traveling through airports? At least set it to contacts only.
    I don’t even dare going through airports without VPN enabled and WiFi off. That’s why phone spammers are unstoppable, because too many people are reckless.

    1. Um, many people have no idea what you are talking about. Or what airdrop is. Some rarely travel. For many it’s generational – not reckless. And not everyone is tied to their tech. Good tips though.

    1. @AaronKredible
      M&M Got his name off a candy wrapper and then after he lost his soul to the demon he got cloned out.
      It’s all just about turning your back on Christ when you spiral into eternal death

    1. Pro tip; don’t remove all society’s sexual morality if you don’t want nudity and predatory behavior to become the next norm.

    2. @Red Ranger I’m pretty sure he was fired around the same time as Brian Seltzer. P.S. Maybe ‘airdrop’ should be done away with.

  3. OMG, I’m having flashbacks to the ’80s when my dad would threaten to turn the car around on vacation. With my dad, it was probably an empty threat (he spent all that time driving, he’s not turning around now); this pilot would have turned the plane around. 😆

    1. Ha Ha my Dad would threatened that too. 🤣 If you kids keep acting up I’m turning around and no dinner or movie.

  4. WTH is AirDrop? I’ve also heard a story of a Southwest pilot waiting for twenty minutes for a passenger travelling to see his brain dead daughter before the hospital removed her life support. “The plane can’t leave without me and I’m not leaving without you” he told him. And the pilot knew Southwest would be OK with that.

  5. “I have no idea why anyone would want to do this” while they laugh and giggle and report it on the Nooz. Talk about answering your own question and not even knowing it.

  6. Mom and dad flashbacks- don’t make me turn this plane around- this trip is over if this doesn’t stop right now!! 😂😂😂❤- all that was needed was to call the airport- Houston we have a problem…

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