Hear what Kim Kardashian says changed about Trump

Kim Kardashian sits down with CNN's Poppy Harlow at the Time100 Summit to discuss working with then President Donald Trump on passing the First Step Act, a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill. #CNN #News


  1. An attorney…..😂😂😂😂!
    I would love to hear her first opening arguments filled with statements, “you know, hmmmm, it’s like.”

    1. I guess you didn’t bother to actually watch the video, she didn’t say “you know hmmmm it’s like” in response to any of the questions. In fact, at times, she’d pause and really think about what she was going to say before giving a thoughtful response. I’ve never watched her reality show, nor do I bother following on social media, but I actually watched the interview

  2. Kim actually thinks you don’t have to go to law school to become a lawyer. She literally think she’s a lawyer

    1. ​@TorontoCitizen Because getting attention from strangers is the only thing that gives his life purpose.

    1. @Michael Cordero-Martínez No, frankly I bopped right through the endless upspeak, vocal fry, confused & indeterminate politics, questionable intelligence, and self-importance. But hey if she influences for the right things, I say she should keep it up.

    2. @Michael Cordero-Martínez 35 seconds worth. It still sounds like a miss America contestant’s answer to how to fix the world’s hunger problems.

  3. Learning to blow on camera and take credit for being born into riches… the journey opened my eyes because I’m such a good person.

    1. She has a philanthropic future, and that’s better than most. Her family has raised a good amount of money, as well as donated.

    1. She didn’t get the job done. All she did was took credit for something other people worked on for about 10 years. Alice was going to be released during the same time frame. It was already decided, Kim swooped in when she found out the paperwork was going to be signed by a governor. Let’s be real, she passed the first year law exam after 3 tries. She only passed the 3rd time because they lowered expectations because of covid. If she was in a real law school, she would have been kicked out after the first failing of text. Kim will talk a good game, but she will never complete her education. Question, would you want her representing you if there was a chance for you to spend 20 years in jail. A judge want care who she is are about her Twitter or Instagram followers nor impressed that Kim calls the first year bar exam the baby bar. 😅😅😅😅

  4. Kim talking about how wonderful Trump is, while Trump is out there saying how much he wants the death penalty, with expedited trials, for first time drug offenders.

    1. …but it’s her thoughts on the ideological similarities of communism, fascism and naziism, and which one Wakanda would align itself with as an exclusionary ethnostate?

    2. He said death penalty for child sex offenders not first time drug offenders. Personally I prefer they get dealt to by the inmates

  5. The fact that someone is saying Kim Kardashian cares or the plight of the average person is both hilarious and delusional

    1. @Dee Bee. You said it perfectly. I was rolling my eyes while I was watching this interview. Could Poppy have kissed more butt (I think not)?

    2. I don’t think much of Kim (literally, I don’t think about her about at all, generally speaking), but why is it a bad thing to acknowledge that she cares about social issues if that is indeed what she has been involved in ? Why disregard that instead of appreciating it?

  6. “It’s very important as you have heard from so many incredible leaders. For us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist in our present. And to be able to contextualize it. To understand where we exist. In the history, and in the moment as it not only relates to the past, but to the future.”

  7. She has been riding on the Alice story for a long time now. Don’t tell us that you did it for anybody but yourself.

  8. Shes not selling herself short. She understands that she has extraordinary power and influence through her wealth, and as she sated, simply made a few phone calls. Im glad she was able to get innocent people out via her celebrity, but lets not confuse this with young people activity on the ground rolling up their sleeves who are approaching this issue from the root causes and working to change legislation.

  9. 4:36 “And I think almost 30,000 people have been let out because of the storytelling of one woman that changed his mind.” Too modest, isn’t she?

  10. Really didnt know what she has done. This really changed my mind about her. I really like what she’s doing.

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