Hear what Louisville Mayor has to say after deadly shooting

A 25-year-old gunman shot and killed five people during a staff meeting at the Old National Bank in Louisville, Kentucky. Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg and interim Police Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel join CNN This Morning to discuss the aftermath of what happened. #CNN #News


  1. Certain so called politicians need to be told that they are not paid to pray and “send thoughts”, but to use what they have of thinking abilities to actually make productive & *_positive_* changes, find solutions, and HELP the country and its people.

    1. Not one month ago, the governor neither signed nor vetoed a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary bill that declared it would not enforce any federal gun bans. Cry me a river that he’s up there mourning a friend who died because of his inaction.

    1. Was it broken over all the other murders and shootings that have happened there, or just this one? Can you not see you are being emotionally manipulated by the media?

    1. @Evolution Is The Flying Spaghetti Monster It can help actually. As soon as people realize it lost all meaning as a perfunctory platitude, maybe Americans can actually get off their collective asses and do something concrete.

    2. @Christopher LincolnOn what basis do you know a biblically based prayer uttered from a Christian seeking to please God doesn’t work? I do know for certain that criticism of prayer is meaningless.

    3. @Chris Albert I wholly disagree with you on prayer. That withstanding, people kill. Not inanimate objects. As such, unless a policy can impact the heart it’s all perfunctory.

  2. I have no thoughts or prayers left. We live in a country with too many broken people who are armed to the teeth.

    1. @Dave Stambaugh
      “men experiencing sexual dysfunction are more likely to personally own guns than other men.” Study by University of Texas

    2. @nolan monke 21 day hold on AR15 purchases, mental health exams, mental health background checks.

  3. If Justin Pearson doesn’t get back in on Wednesday I hope yall keep that same energy because if he’s not they’re playing with yall.

  4. I continue to argue with people daily about their supposed second amendment rights and they always say guns aren’t the problem criminals are? You can’t become a criminal until you shoot somebody with a gun when were talking about mass shootings! You cannot separate the two! They both need to be held accountable!

    1. @SMS2884 listen, I’m so tired of you people trying to minimize the difference between someone purposely killing someone with an AR-15 or other high-powered high-capacity firearms what car accidents, pharmaceutical drugs, cancer from cigarettes excetera excetera. The one thing that you are not bringing into the argument is…. Intent! Big difference between a mass murderer and someone dying accidentally in a car! Big difference

    2. @James cox it’s not just that, but there is nothing acceptable about car deaths. It’s a major tragedy that people die in cars and the idea that that should be the acceptable status quo is lunacy.

  5. Seem like he was going thru some things with his employer and handled it the wrong way but everybody handles there situation different.I worked with a young man that killed himself when his employer fired him on points he already he was going thru some thing with his wife and kids and he told the employer but they wasn’t understanding sometime people need good human resource people to go to so innocent people don’t lose there live but we live in a cruel place today the worse I’ve seen in my 56 years.😘we can only prey for better

  6. My heart is broken.Thoughts and prayers to everyone being affected. Wishing the young officer a speedy recovery.

    1. 4:48 take time with love ones….” I know mayor is doing his best, but this sounds like a comment from marriage counselor.
      You are the leader, stop gun violence.
      Ban assault rifles.

  7. Unfortunately, all the prayers in the world will not bring back the victims out of a man who shot them in the bank for seemingly no reason except mental illness. These four people were at a meeting in the bank and not even opened. How did the man get into the bank, unless those at the doors did not know that he had been fired? How do police man not shot him there quite likely would’ve been more victims. Hope the skills of the surgeons at the University of Louisville hospital help those who have been severely injured. without some type of gun control, these instances will continue to happen, and what we are left with are the press conferences for the media. Press conferences do not stop gun violence. Apparently no type of control is available in Kentucky where anybody can openly carry a gun.

  8. A typical day in the United States. Where the incident happens. Then as though they’ve never seen anything like it, everyone asks why? How? Then the country moves on. Forgets. Then when it inevitably happens again, acts shocked. These are not tragedies. These are normal incidents.

  9. My condolences to everyone involved, it’s my hope that institutions can rise above these situations and can implement anger management programs to reduce the incidences.

  10. I have a question for all considerate Americans, do YOUR rights to buy a gun, have the potential to harm to your fellow Americans? If your answer is perhaps yes, then it is time to reexamine your rights, and their possible negative impact on others. Now is a good time for all considerate Americans to start to accept responsibility and show meaningful compassion for your countrymen. By treating your neighbors as you want to be treated – with respect; then doing the selfless, reasonable, respectable, honorable, logical, right thing, by being open to modifying (not eliminating) some of your gun rights, so a suicidal, vengeful, and emotionally disordered person can not again kill someone with a legally purchased rifle. Certain politicians will tell you to be fearful that all your gun rights will soon be taken away from you, do not allow them to think for you, do not be afraid, be brave, think for yourself, and help your neighbors wherever they may be. Our current demented gun laws, supported by Republicans, are obviously doing much more harm than good. The longer-term remedy to this pervasive and outrageous gun violence is obvious, if you genuinely want to curtail it, ALWAYS vote for those political leaders who promise to make rational and truly substantial gun reform laws into a reality, ALWAYS vote Democratic, even though you may not like all their policies.
    Remember, all of this gun violence is appropriate, and just fine with most Republican politicians. All these gun murders of children and adults with a legally purchased assault rifle is perfectly acceptable and reasonable with most Republican law makers; if it were not, they would actually enact substantial laws to stop it. Of course they will not be doing this, because their long-time partnership and alliance with the gun lobby gets them elected and reelected, so they can maintain and expand their power, which is their very first, and number 1 priority. Conclusion, ALWAYS vote Democratic, even though you may not like all their policies.

  11. Really good advice from the Mayor. You may think you’re ok but it’s always good to talk to someone (ANYONE) about your traumatic experience.

  12. Anybody notice anything odd about these ‘shooters’ on any CCTV footage?………They are all wearing safety glasses. An indicative tell-tale sign of a police training exercise in progress.

  13. There are literally no gun shops or dealerships in towns and cities in any other country.
    That’s not a coincidence..

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