Jamaicans Desperate for a Better Way of Life with Dr. Henley Morgan #TVJSmileJamaica

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  1. If I had my way I would have NEVER left Jamacia. I pray for better conditions so that those who want to return home can go back 🇯🇲♥️♥️♥️

    1. That’s the dream because i live in the UK but i would love to come home but Jamaica crime is to much. I don’t want to get caught up in no drive by

    2. GOD didn’t do this to us; he created the world for us to live as one; but mankind becomes man evil

    3. Same here and no amount of crime or bad economy can stop me from going back home when I am ready because my bones na bury ina other people country!!!

    4. @Yahd E Deyah Agree with you,as difficult as the conditions are here in Jamaica, at least you are not being racially profiled as in foreign countries . All we need are leaders who are genuinely interested in developing our country growing our economy and getting rid of these criminals.

  2. Colossians 3:2- Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

    Galatians 6:8- For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

    Romans 8:5- For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

    Romans 8:6- For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace,

    Romans 8:7- because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so,

  3. We had a beautiful and better life and this set of Jamaican mashed it up. Can’t run again the world is closed to us

  4. I disagree with such comments , Jamaican needs to get together and get rid of the bad government that has been plaguing Jamaica for the longest time, there can be a better Jamaica, only if the government do what’s needed to be done.
    But they can’t because they need their seat back in parliament.

    1. In every country in the world POWER is what the politicians are seeking so we will never find peace in this world but Jesus Christ said my peace I leave with you so 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏we will find peace with Jesus but not in this world.

    2. Do you have suggestions for gvt replacement. Can you find 53 honest caring decent Jamaicans for the job. Persons who can bring stability to this nation.
      My advice is Trust in the Lord

  5. I Love my Country Jamaica 💯🙏🏼⚖️. I believe crime is every where, . No where no Better than Yaad

    1. @KP no dear, I feel their pain, but as I mentioned before that ” the System make it that way, they have their Motives.

    2. I don’t think it’s crime that causes people to leave.Jamaica lacks opportunities. Imagine working in jamaica and you aren’t able to work more than one job. Annu the 80s this lol

    3. @KP Nothing is wrong with going overseas to work, but we must understand that challenges are every where. When we Put Almighty God First, perseverance, honest work and dedication, we can achieve greatness wherever we are. Our Mind is very powerful, greatness is in all of us. We must also make good use of the opportunities that are overseas, so many times person go there and only waste it. Going overseas must be for growth and empowerment to elevate our selves and family out of Poverty. Blessed Love 💯❤️🌟🌻💕

  6. The conditions that the children are left in is even worse. I would take my chances and carry my children.

    1. @shay mene England is a very good place compared to the other’s countries you can go to the bus stop and greet the next person you don’t have any fear or even say someone are going to shoot you ,i know that i spend time in London my dad and sister’s live there for 62 year’s never have a problem thank God.

    2. @Terryann Douglas I agree but 🇺🇸 is a very big place compared to Jamaica the crime that happens in Jamaica for a day nowadays in my childhood the 60s and 70s that would be a crime for 10 years if it was going on like that in my childhood we would run out of people we may would have a few hundred because they kill more than what are born.

    3. @Anthony Darby does this look like complaining to you? I am living here because of purpose. God is leading my life, and the fact still remains..America is no safer.

    4. @A1 Cenimatic American is safer and a way better life,if it wasn’t everyone who migrated would go back home

  7. What will turn Jamaica around is if you have tougher laws , and politicians and police be held accountable, if a country doesn’t have accountability you don’t have nothing. I read the paper that they named a building after Desmond Mckenzie , what have he really done to deserve that, taxpayers dollars are going to persons like him and many others, build back factory , cut down on borrowing so much money, being deth is not growth, it’s bring down the country more n more

  8. I love my island but there are a lot of problems. The wealth inequities, the fractured social composition of the society, the lack of educational achievements. The only jobs are in education, to become a police or join the JCF. The opportunities are limited.
    The politicians don’t even think outside the box but then again with neocolonialism. There is not much one can do.

    1. Brother…….all hope is not loss. The cockroaches that we continue to elect as leaders……. have continued to fail. We have control over a lot of the social ill’s that continue to plague us. We continue to allow ourselves to make the same mistakes. We can do better.

  9. People will always looking for a better way out but in this time & age ur running from one place to another & still end up in the same situations it’s the truth u leave the children and say u want to make a better life but at the same the kids end up being in the same situation ur running from it’s either save urself leave the kids to fend for them self or everyone stick together and fight & protect for each other

  10. I Love going to Jamaica, it’s my second home, I wouldn’t go anywhere else!! I talk and I Love the Jamaicans!!! They all have been good to my daughter and I. I have always treated them with respect…we will always go back to Jamaica, it’s our second home…

    1. True I will never give up on Jamaica 🇯🇲 many of the people their need to change their minds set and start building there Country.

    2. The mind set really needs to be change, it is the major culprit of the problems we face here. I’m going to make a change, go once in my life, it gonna be real good, gonna make a difference, gonna make it right right ….

  11. Pandemic affect us here in America as well. Rent has gone up 30 percent and one can guess that the same is true for next year because everything continue to go up. There are poor Ameicans who are hopeless and facing homelessness the next time they have to renew their lease. I understand that everything is relative and the grass looks greener based on where thay are, but it can be just a perspective

    1. Well if it wasn’t a better situation you ppl would have come back home so as rough as it might get there it’s still better than Jamaica hence the reason why none of u leave Jamaica to America and come back before setting up a foundation out of what u accumulate there

    2. Same here just way worst everything go up by 300 percent and the pay went up by 4 percent and we already making too little everyone is leaving

    3. @NEX-GEN MUZIC everyone is leaving ..immigrants like yourselves always do this ..many immigrants before they left jamaica couldnt own a car or a house and they go away and own these things and then they complain…humans are so ungrateful…instead of giving God thanks for blessing they are complaining that they are better off amazing….

  12. We Love to laugh and sing and get a message, my daughter had her hair done in Jamaica once only, the cost is to high for her. I walked through her college getting a college degree, in letting them work on me. With my clothing on… It was a experience for me, her teacher, taught me a lot. But I got my degree that day. When really, I made it to 10th grade only! I wasn’t for any bad reason. It was taking care of brothers and sisters and working, believe me I wished I could have got it. I tried one more time after that, but I had problems with my husband at that time. It never went any further, do I regret it yes, I wish I had better answers, but I had my own children and I too was stuck in situation’s. So I finished raising my children, after that I became a certified nursing assistant, then took on handicap people. I am long done now. I think the lifting them didn’t help me. But I believe that we all can keep trying!!! Am I right Jamaicans???? I come there to learn and talk and laugh, to meet more Jamaicans, We Love all of you, and you all are in our hearts. Thank you…..

  13. I pray that Jamaican would receive the gift of vision and gratefulness. I pray they would understand what they have been given and learn how to work together to create mastery than to give their talent away to every other nation who appreciate it by giving them money only and not a stable life. Jamaicans wake up break the curse off the mindset. Every one with money is coming for what you have and you’ll end up serving them instead. Your fathers fought for freedom. Fight to retain it. Men stand up and be a man and not an abuser of your power, your rank, love your woman with honor. Women treasure yourself and only submit to men with honor whom you can respect. Women teach the younger women the virtues and not the vile. Youths support the structire given with your strength and build up your community. My gosh get rid of Covetousness one relationship at a time Malice and envy. Purposely spread love from the little you have and start with praying for yourself and others to Repent. Peace, Love and Jubilation. Emancipate yourself from Mental Slavery- irie!

  14. This is what happen when the economy has failed nd it seems there is no hope no other way out than to migrate , leaving our kids behind has been one of the greatest decisions you ever made but like the gentleman said Jamaicans are very ambitious and though the struggle gets real in other foreign countries it is even more dreaded than in our own country but we can achieve some goals in a shorter time span we strive to win step by step we push on in no other name but to make it better for our families and to think of our own country getting worse by the day nd the leaders sit bck nd relax nd have a good time while ppl suffer gravely even with the highest honors grads right now struggle to survive no one to say it’s time for a change nd that change doesn’t mean change of government it means we need ppl with visions ,selflessness nd INTEGRITY…….

  15. As long as the Remittance scheme propagated and nurtured by the government remains successful and prosperous in providing foreign reserves to the Jamaican government and filling the social welfare gaps in the country, it is hard to convince poor and lower middle class Jamaicans that “nowhere nuh betta dan yaad.” A good percentage of remittances come from illegal and unducumented overseas Jamaicans. Imo the succesive governments of Jamaica love it when Jamaicans migrate legally or by any means necessary. They budget for it. That’s why they treat the ones whose migration attempts fail, (deportees) so shabbily. They are unprofitable.

  16. I have lived in the US for 56 years. I love Jamaica. There are problems in Jamaica that the leadership is not willing to address. Jamaica has so much promise. I thank God for keeping me safe both in America and Jamaica

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