SOE for St. Catherine | Gov’t Failing on Crime – PNP | Cabbie Win! GOJ to pay him Millions

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  1. I pray to Almighty God would speak to the 2 political party to join hands in solving the things that are happening in OUR COUNTRY and stop talking about failers. We are all failers in this country mi really tired of the blame game. Jesus Christ man unuh wake up nuh God smh

    1. So true, instead of playing blame game, cut it out and join hands together to see how best they can help make Jamaica a safe place .

    2. @Lorraine Graham many of us go ball, when God stretch out his hands to help Jamaica. And he will surely do root up and flush out and replenish the land of Jamaica. What are the laws of the land made for. Which sets of people should come together and make the Laws of the land. If we have outdated laws that don’t fit the punishment of our lawless individual, why the set’s of people what they call government can’t do what is required of them. Tired of the blame game. Opposition you can fool some of the people but not all the people. Instead of blaming the ruling party, tell us why you are not interested in amending the laws of Jamaica that govern the lawless people of jamaica land we love. Laws where meant to govern the lawless people. And this generation of vipers outdated laws cannot dither them. Stop look political mileage. In some cases opposition and ruling parties have to work for the betterment of the people. Everyone benefits when the punishment fits the crime. Amend the Laws. Think positive and talk positive. Stop keep the illiterate people in the dark, we can do better

  2. This commissioner Anderson needs to goooo.. and let someone else do the job . He’s not fit for purpose.. If he was in any foreign country he would have to resign immediately ..he’s not telling us or have any plan strategics and solutions of how to curb the current violence .. All he’s banging on about is your job that you’re being paid for.. Who the hell is interested in hearing your BS.

  3. Mr Samuda, remember you are part of the future for the generations to come , so I hope you are telling the truth.

  4. The Criminal what they do is to lay low ,or moving into unknow territory, peoples STOP affiliation criminals you have a duty as law abiding citizens to do your part The Gov’t need to take control of the youth every unemployed man and woman have to register with a special agencey and despatch Agricultural work farms, also skill training and physical therapy and evaluations no exception ,This is a pnp or a jlp thing is the people demanding put criminals minded to work

  5. No matter how much Jamaicans die sue to high crime rates in our country. Their lives will always be political. How much more people has to bleed? How many more families has to be dismantle ? These leaders of on both side needs to put the people first and not their own political gain. We need tangible and physical change.

  6. it is not that both governments cant reduce crime, it’s that they are UNWILLING to reduce crime. maybe no one should vote until people can get a written document stating the strategy to reduce crime by 50% and increase the healthcare delivery system by 50% with a timeline and ALL people hold them accountable to that timeline. where you should see some TANGIBLE improvements in both areas. imagine a jamaica with crime reduced by 50% and healthcare improved by 50%

    1. Agreed lady. Jamaicans deserve a safer and better country. Shame that the country is in such a sad state.

    2. @Maité Aguilera Ramírez either way, voting and not voting, doesn’t work. But what else is there to do?

  7. These political parties have put Jamaica in the dunghill. Commissioner is talking n doing pure rubbish. They need 2 change their strategy. They all should b ashamed how they fail the Jamaican public with their bs strategies.

  8. I am not sure why Mark Golding would give the JLP a failing grade. He can’t do any better either. They are both the same.

  9. this man just do not have a crime plan….I remember when he was an opposition he same one saying he can let us sleep with our door open and him have the crime plans ..

  10. Best believe that people gonna vote back in Andrew 😕😢. We need to vote in a non traditional party.

  11. U all citizens dont want whats best for jamaica. Even with the best strategy at hand jamaicans are hoarding gunmen who they well know of in the communities. When the police and soldiers come for them citizens stone or try block the cops. Even when the faces of the wanted were posted by JCF citizens hiding the wanted men. The govt alone cannot fight crime. A crime is not something to b issued publicly either. The gangs and gunmen watch news and know the laws too. So uno stop asking bout crime plan.

  12. Crime can be fixed,its just that these clowns don’t want to make the other party look better,essentially playing politics with the citizen’s lives.

  13. Opposition saying Government failing on crime, but the same opposition can’t suggest a crime plan. Also playing politics regarding the bail act. My 78 Year old aunt was killed a few years back and the person who committed that act was on two different bails so I personally support the no bail for certain crime.

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