(Part 1) The Trek: A Migrant Trail to America | The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper

CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh, travels with a group of migrants as they make the arduous trek on foot through Central and South America.
The journey through the Darien Gap is a perilous jungle crossing between Colombia and Panama that many migrants must face as they head north to seek asylum in the United States. Over five harrowing days, Paton Walsh hikes the full 66-mile roadless route, documenting the heroism of everyday people, milked for cash by drug cartels and unwanted by any country, as they battle the dense rainforest in search of a better life. Watch 'The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper' Sundays at 8PM ET on CNN.
Watch all parts of the documentary here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

#NickPatonWalsh #TheWholeStory #andersoncooper


  1. This is such reminiscent of the hmong people trek from the highland of mountainous laos to the refugee camps in Thailand many decades ago

  2. I didn’t know they speak French in South America. It’s so multi cultural down there. It’s either that, or people from around the world are coming into our country illegally through the open southern border. Nobody sees a huge problem with this?

  3. Wow unreal!!! But How Can US help these people if we can’t even Fix our land!!!! I send prayers and compassion to them all Mindblowing!!!! 🌬️

    1. I just watched this whole story on CNN. It’s insane as they pass from Colombia to Panama. You have to wonder what they went through in their home countries to take this path, leave their country, leave everything behind & travel thousands of miles through uncertain & dangerous territory to get to the USA. These people are tough!! America like you said, cannot even fix our land, they cannot even solve simple problems. The rich people who run this country live the easy life of lavishness, have much money, beautiful houses to go home to every night, more food than they can possibly eat, safe neighborhoods in gated communities & everything else – yet they cannot solve simple problems, much less travel 4000 miles through jungles. America is so disorganized that they have no idea, no plan what to do with these people when they arrive at the U.S. – Mexico border. It’s pathetic – a country this rich, so much money for so long should have all it’s affairs in order!!

    2. They run from countries that they have land, good to produce, their government yes sucks but come to the USA when theirs issues here. They pay no rent their, here a 1 bedroom is 1500 but they come and 10 live in a one bedroom. But the average American will have to struggle and pay with our taxes for those responsibilities. USA needs to take away taxation and will see how things will change

  4. The world needs about 5 new countries with focus on displacement. If life is messed up in your country, you can easily just leave it and move there. No hassle with immigration. If you move to one of these countries and cause trouble, you are simply deported back to where you came from.

  5. Heartbreaking! This is so hard to watch, but I will continue. If these brave people can endure this, I think I can witness all of it from the comfort of my couch.
    How disgusting it is that all of these poor souls feel it’s better to put their lives on the line, as well as their children’s, than to stay where they were.
    Here, if you don’t like your neighbor or your HOA rules, you move. Simple. There, it’s a matter of survival.
    I don’t know, but are we trying to help the countries where they are running from? Wouldn’t that help? Wouldn’t that get MTG to shut her big fat ignorant uncompassionate and blackhearted mouth?
    Little miss priss, with her millions, looking down her nose at those at the border. Not a clue as to what brought them here or the strength required to bring them here!
    Those at the border have more strength and integrity than MTG will ever know! They say don’t wish bad things upon others, but too bad. I wish that woman nothing but what she deserves. Everything she’s thrown out there…. I wish she receives tenfold. And I hope the whole world gets to see it.

    1. @Phil Kosick here we go…bla bla..
      Thank god u not in that situation..they deserve a chance at a better life..karma is real my friend.

  6. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (1 Timothy 6:10)

    What do I mean with these biblical verses? I don’t mean that the migrants are going through that grief for the love of money in America or the US. What I mean by 1 Timothy 6:10, is that the people in power from where these migrants come from and the cartel taking advantage of them is what the apostle Paul is describing by what he said in those verses. That’s why most emigrants flee from their countries because of their situation in their counties. I should know I am an emigrant myself that was brought into the US from Mexico because of our almost extreme poverty that we used to live under. Most of the injustices in the world are made because of the love of money, just like the cartel does all the way to the Mexican American border.
    What can we do about it? Should we just throw money at the problem, or try to help those people in their country before they become another statistic in the way to the border, and help politicians create a crisis at the southern border? What should we do?

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