1. The pilot is basically saying, please blow me out of the sky as I have figured out I have nothing left to live for.

  2. Its been in the air for about 4 hours, and still in the air, you can track it on Flightaware, the tail number is N342ER Right now its just west of Jumpertown

    1. @🌸Elizabeth Afton🌸 it’s funny how do many people tracked it but so many variations emerged about where or how he landed and some say he lived and some say not lol it makes me wander what everyone’s tracking if not the same thing.

    2. Jumpertown? Is that a fair dinkum US place name? Is that where deranged pilots jump out of their planes, to avoid hitting an evacuated Walmart’s?

    1. Thats really sad… Hopefully he changes his mind, doesnt hurt anybody or himself. Though, knowing this, I kinda doubt hes going to hurt anyone, besides himself. The call was probably a call for help, or an attempt to get authorities to kill him

  3. Remember the last guy to do this? I think it was Seattle. At least that guy didn’t want to take anyone with him, did a few loops and went down somewhere no one lived.

    1. “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17

      “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:38-39|°

    1. When the Columbia accident happened, Miles O’Brian already explained on air and in detail why the shuttle desintigrated, he said what the accident investigation board would say 2 years later.

      Varsity journalist.

  4. I don’t know what reason that pilot would have for doing this, but he better be prepared for the consequences. If he doesn’t back down, innocent people could die. The only scenarios I currently see possible are that he’s either shot out the sky, or the plane runs out of fuel and he either crashes or makes an emergency landing and will be arrested.

  5. After seeing this, I called my brother who lives in Saltillo, just north of the Tupelo border, and he said the guy apologized and said he didn’t mean to scare everyone! I’ve been to that Walmart, on Main Street!

    1. @HermitCard Nja sounds more like a MAGA supporter who’s disappointed after the unsuccessful riot at the Capitol.

  6. It happened before, in Seattle Washington, the airline worker stole a twin turbo prop, and did a quite impressive air show and finished it with a nose dive into an island, it was a suicide mission, really sad poor guy, he didn’t want to hurt anybody, they tried to talk him down but he didn’t want to come home. There’s many videos of the whole thing with audio between him and air traffic controllers, but its really sad to listen to. 😪 and the owner of the land he crashed on did a interview on the news, the only concern she talked about was the damage to the trees, complaining about its going to take years for her private forest to heal, and who’s going to pay for it, nothing about the poor guy that died on 10/10/2018 on Ketron Island.

    1. “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17

      “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:38-39|°

  7. Got a notification from my police scanner app right as I was watching this- Guy crashed into a field, he’s alive and in custody.

    1. So now he gets three hots and a cot…. Maybe that’s all he needed after all. So many out there desperate and ashamed for the failure they feel living in cars or parent’s basements with seemingly no hopes for a future.

  8. Why would someone, who actually would commit such an act of violence, call 911 to warn them of his intentions? This person was begging to be stopped!

    1. wants to make a statement but doesn`t want to hurt anyone i can understand it, i don`t agree with it but i can understand it.

  9. It is because he is tired of checking out his groceries when there are dozens of Walmart associates just standing around.

    1. Yeah, similar problems here in Australia. Just yesterday, in Bunnings, I saw half a dozen middle aged female employees just standing around yakking during work time. I hinted I needed service, by asking the price of an item that had no price tag on it. They looked annoyed to have their gossip session rudely interrupted by a customer, but reluctantly told me the price. I decided to buy it and went to the cash register some distance away from where the female employees were yakking, enjoying the outdoors spring sunshine and patiently stood waiting for one from their section to come and take my money, for about 5minutes. When they did not move, I walked back a considerable distance, despite my sore leg,with an obvious limp. I politely requested service. They told me the obvious: that nobody was serving in that section, a specialised area. I then tried my luck at another totally unrelated area, expecting to be told that they would not serve me for such items as I had, which were from a different section. There was lengthy queue there, waiting to be served. I was in a hurry,as my sore leg was aching, standing, waiting to be served, with no courtesy seating provided, despite rip off prices, bad, rude service, especially by older females there and delays being served and general customer inconveniencing. As I waited, I read signs and awards they boasted about, re “service to the community”. It made me wonder who that invisible community might be. It certainly did not include polite customers like me,simply wishing to honestly buy and pay for something. I finally got sick of waiting and decided I didn’t really need or want the item, after all and I would get more satisfaction if I either saved my money or spent it elsewhere, where they do actually serve you, promptly, politely, honestly etc. As I left, they had the temerity to insist on invading my personal female privacy, by demanding to check my bags, which they are entitled to, by law. So I showed my bags, as required. Obviously, I had purchased nothing there. But I deliberately carry some pretty offensive stuff in my bags (not dangerous weapons etc, just disgusting). For such occasions. They didn’t like it and pulled disgusted faces as they “checked”. ,. ,Bb. Hmj mk.z

    1. ….”most” of us Apologize! Many of us are Really trying harder. Please…hang in there, with those of us, who Love Democracy and Freedom and the way things “used to be” …B.M……before Magats. 😃

  10. It’s a good thing police evacuated the store. Knowing Walmart, they’d probably tell tell their employees to keep working or be fired.

    1. Yeah, mate, you got it. That’s what you’re paid for! Stay focussed on your job. Chop, chop, back to work. Still got a few more hours before knock off time.

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