1. CNN say we have too many white people and when they are being murdered everyone suddenly pretend to be upset. I don’t get it.

    1. Repent. Believe in Jesus Christ. John 3:16 KJV For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      John 3:3 KJV – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

    1. He’s writing his doctoral thesis, he doesn’t have the PhD yet. And, since he was questioning criminals on the emotions they felt, as they were committing a violent crime, and how it affected behavior, we don’t know for certain he wasn’t called by one of his subjects, to the scene. All they say they have on him, is his car at the scene.

  1. I hope it’s the right person and they have the evidence to get a solid conviction and get this monster off the streets!

    1. He is the right guy . I took 4 criminology courses in college so I can understand why arrest often take weeks or months to happen . I can write the many reason for this but I would end up writing pages and pages . People without any knowledge often think an arrest needs to be made 10 seconds after a crime has taken place .

    2. @Mario Martinez: I guess we don’t need a trial now, lol. I mean with just a few courses in criminology you’ve revamped the entire American justice system! Well done, Mario!!

    3. @Ray Ray I sure am no expert but I sure know a whole lot more than many people here voicing their opinions without any knowledge.

  2. Sure glad they caught him. Kudos to all LE on this one. This could not have been an easy case. What could possibly be wrong with this monster?

    1. @fight evil- the murderer is obviously not suffering a psychotic break if he had he would not have been as organized or calculated .

    2. @Madison Gittens so you sent me a private reply where you spewed some gibberish that was completely indecipherable. About the FBI and other weird conspiracy 🤔 ideas. Just so you know I have zero idea what you are trying to relay here. Idk…. get off the computer or your phone maybe 👀 weird. Just too weird.

    1. @Ed: And who’s to say this was not solved in the first 48 hours? It seems this guy was top of the list almost immediately and was under surveillance for some time while awaiting an arrest warrant. You can’t make the arrest without the warrant and you can’t get the warrant without some pretty convincing evidence of a crime. Seems to me the police moved very efficiently in this case.

    2. @Sand Hanitizer yeah,,, I’m sure if your kid was murdered your face would be under the voice of reason in the dictionary. Gtfoh. I get what you are saying about internet sluths and armchair detectives but to then lump in the parents who just lost their children something you would have to experience to understand is super low brow.

      Edit: not to mention that you say especially the parents. As if the idiots on the internet were somehow more reasonable in their terrible actions and the parents are out of line. 😆 🤣 😂 really smooth 👌

    3. I was tired of the news agencies interviewing “experts” with their opinions and theories. Most bashed the police and their investigation. It’s amazing how some people believe they are entitled to know what law enforcement knows concerning an investigation.

  3. I hope they have the right perpetrator and not an innocent person just bc the pressure from the public and media was too high. I wish all the families get justice. every murder is senseless but this case is on another level. it’s just so sad that these young people can’t live their life anymore. we only have one life and their life was way too short. they did nothing wrong and they still were murdered bc a person with no guilt and empathy thought he has the right to do it. insane to think about that hours before they all were partying and had no clue. I live far away in europe but this case is constantly on my mind since day one. I can’t imagine how their loved one’s must feel. so so sad 💔

    1. You say that because of how he looks and you know it. These are the types of people who do these crimes. Did you not see his Reddit post? No one just does that, that in depth. The media has your mind.

    2. I agree. I really hope it’s the right person and not someone innocent. Social media and the public have been talking about this for weeks. We all know that there are innocent people in prison.

    3. @Pace Yourself I don’t care how he looks. omg what a stupid argument 🤦‍♀️ I don’t say he is innocent, but I also don’t say he is guilty. we don’t know any evidence they have yet. so that was the only reason for me to say that. I hope he is the right person and the families and the poor victims finally get justice.

  4. You cannot murder 4 people in a home and not leave DNA.
    I am so glad this case was solved before the year ended.

    1. @The Ranchero probably got his id from his car plates, found out where he was living, got forensics in there to get samples which matched from the crime scene. or they found his car, got the sample from the car.

    2. @The Defamation League we can assume a jury of her peers found her innocent based on the evidence at trial, but those with a brain can understand that the evidence doesn’t always meet the shadow of doubt without leaving their brain behind and understand that the state didn’t have a good enough case to convict even tho it’s obvious 😉

  5. 7 weeks – not bad. Police silence was logical. People’s anxiety was understandable. Don’t mess with FBI..Time to deliver justice and closure to the aggrieved families.. RIP.

  6. What a crazy coincidence that the celebration of life is being held the day they finally made an arrest. I hope they have the right person so these families can finally start the healing process

    1. They said students from his college attended the same parties and bars. He’s a psycho who was likely shunned by a couple of those girls at the same party.

    1. @Miguel Kamala will bail him out. They need this kind of people to participate in Color Revolution events like January 6.

  7. They seem pretty sure of themselves that they have got their man. Can’t they just say, ‘We have a suspect?’ If it’s not him, his reputation will be irreparable.

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