WHO: Covid death toll nearly 3 times higher than officially reported

About 14.9 million people around the world died as a direct or indirect result of Covid-19 in the period between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2021, according to new estimates from the World Health Organization. CNN's Jacqueline Howard breaks down the numbers. #CNN #News


  1. How many died because they didn’t have access to treatment for conditions other than Covid, how many died because they couldn’t access cancer treatments, etc?

    1. @emort6 over 75% had at least 4 or more comorbities, so you can only imagine how many people died from covid and covid ALONE .. gotta be less than 5% of what they said

  2. Dont forget the deaths due to pre-existing conditions which were made worse by contracting covid.

    1. Or those who were shut in and not able to SEE their own physician to treat chronic health issues that existed pre-covid and worsened after

  3. Isn’t rhere another debate going on that preventative actions could alter the numbers?

  4. I argue it didn’t “reveal” anything that wasn’t already known. It’s more like it forced us not to ignore it anymore, or that it shouldn’t be ignored anymore because we’ve had ongoing problems that needed fixing

    1. You are free to wear your mask in fear, just keep your mask off of my face and we’re cool.

    1. Of course, food prices, shortages of food and gas prices have nothing to do with it…..

  5. Damn it, YouTube, get rid of the “Fuk” auto-troll bot that is infesting the replies to every comment!

    1. I usually only see those on news channels now that you mention it. Probably hired him to pad their low numbers.

  6. WHO: World seasonal flu deaths nearly 3X lower than projected estimates…. hmm, might there be a link?

    1. They’re saying the Earth is round. Hmmm… is there a link? Do you need to be spoonfed for everything? We have this little thing called Google, you know?

    2. @Nash We regret to inform you that your comment was rejected by our Automated Minimal Intelligence Screening System (AMISS) for lacking even basic logic level. Please pick up some gummy bears and a Participation Trophy on your way out.

  7. Illinois DOH: *”Even if you died of a CLEAR ALTERNATE CAUSE, it’s still listed as a COVID death”* – (Video: “Dr. Ngozi Ezike | How COVID Deaths are Classified”)

    1. My friend went to the hospital they gave her two c tests, both negative. She caught the doc writing down positive..she asked why said it wasn’t true…he laughed and said oh everyone has it. Crazy.

  8. Wow those numbers are staggering and really eye- opening it’s a wake-up call to everyone across this planet that still alive to appreciate life so much more🤔

  9. We’ll never really know because politicians have been “adjusting” the figures for their states for a LONG TIME. The solution to this nonsense is to realize any monitoring on a national basis needs to be a national program, hopefully run my medical experts who understand the problem rather than politicians who only think of their next election.

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