22 million Americans file for unemployment benefits in just 4 weeks

Another 5.2 million workers filed for their first week of unemployment benefits last week, according to the US Department of Labor, bringing the total number of Americans who have filed initial jobless claims to around 22 million, or roughly 13.5% of the labor force, since March 14.

#CNN #News


  1. Grocery store workers, who are essential and in the front lines, would be paid vastly more a week to be laid off than keep working because of the unemployment bonus. Why don’t they get a bonus for being essential?

    1. @Randy Roggenbuck Once you get through you get backpaid for the weeks you claimed. even if you got a job since then.

  2. Good luck actually getting unemployment. The phone lines for most unemployment office just give the busy signal. The people are going to need a bailout not breadcrumbs.

    1. The people are going to need jobs not a bailout. If this continues for another month, the county collapses. Meaning starvation and death on a scale we’ve never seen before. 7 million people died of starvation during the great depression. This could dwarf that depression

    2. @First Last Everyone I know who had to go through unemployment got through, and they are all in NYC and even NJ. They all had no problem and they all got their stimulus check so idk why others are having problems

    3. @willy blanco well help me out because I live in Jersey and everyone I know including myself are having issues reaching unemployment. Plus I filed online but everytime I try to claim they tell me I need to speak with an agent. When I do try to call I get the voicemail or nothing at all

    4. @Alen Desrosiers Did you try going on the NJ unemployment website? It was very responsive. I don’t believe you need to call, all you need to do is provide all the employment information you have and whatever info they ask for. This is the website: myunemployment.nj.gov

    5. Apply for SNAP and any other program in your area that helps you financially. It’s upsetting how long the whole process takes for unemployment. I feel for everyone who has lost and are about to lose their jobs.

  3. I applied 2 months ago was approved got my card then nothing no cash can’t file a biweekly
    Claim because it says im inactive so I did the paperwork to reactivate my account twice still nothing and no one answers there phone there

  4. Hold up, so how many of them have actually been accepted for unemployment, them numbers are probably wrong because that’s only the people who apply

    1. There are millions more who don’t qualify. The actual unemployment numbers are higher than the Applied For unemployment benefits number.

    2. chew itt
      Call Nancy Pelosi along with Congress and tell them to get back to work. They are out until May 4th. She actually said call them if there is an “emergency”. So stop with the lazy finger pointing of blame towards the president because of
      your TDS.

    3. @J yeah but the main focus is the unemployment rate numbers. As of today the US has more cases than 5 other countries combined so ya people are recovering just as fast as those who are catching covid-19

    4. yeah imagine the ones who don’t know about this or how to go about filing for unemployment. your best bet is to apply for govt assistance, you get someone on the other end quicker than the unemployment line. we had to do it and just found out they are giving an extra amount this week for SNAP. If you know anyone let them know they should apply if they are struggling to get food on the table and look into other programs that assist in covering expenses in times like these.

  5. Perfect time for the rich to get richer, buy houses and properties for a low price now, and sale them in the future.

    1. Alysia Mer David-Wasser people are always looking for a place to call home. Our own people are coming up with new labels to further divide our own country that’s all. “Essential” and “nonessential”. To be fair people buy both either way in a lockdown or not 😂.

    2. @Avery Felton
      Are you a famous person? Who wonders that about you? Idk if you’re replying to me, but my comments are strictly fact-based questions. I’m asking them bc I legit don’t know of any real-estate agents who are working right now. (I’ve been told that I’m a bit child-like/autistic in my blunt speech patterns.) I hope I’m not coming off as rude bc I have frank questions.✌

    3. @Chelsky Yeah, not as much if any new construction coming to market for one thing? I think inventories are down almost everywhere, not sure how demand is, but I’m not seeing prices drop in the Northeast, not even NY where I’m trying to relocate to. Seems flat out west, at least in Oregon

    4. @Chelsky I should’ve said very soon instead of now, foreclosures of the people who are not going to be able to pay for their mortgages…..

  6. Meanwhile Congress is enjoying a staycation in their mansions and won’t come back to work “unless there is an emergency”.

    1. @TheH2the I do agree with you that China is milking the world during the CCP Virus Outbreak. They are snatching up stocks and also crude oil and anything else because they know the world is gaining momentum to turn on them. Nations should pass laws that says 90% minimum of everything their citizens buy should be made strictly in nation and that includes parts that are used to assemble products. That would end the CCP Wealth Explosion and World Domination in manufacturing.

      Also pass laws banning foreigners from owning land or companies or even having a stake in companies. Each nation should be rebuilding their economies to be strong because their own citizens are hard working and good investors in their own people and nation. There would be less conflict and out of control migration because most every nation would be self sufficient.

    2. @hayward022, we need them but we don’t need to bail them out. Their irresponsibility shouldn’t be rewarded. Capitalism makes sure to provide the market with what we need. These corporations keep failing and we keep bailing them out. It’s time to let them fail and let the free market work. Socialism for corporatist is destroying the remainder of our dwindling free market.

    3. @Dissident Rage
      Better than your geriatric dementia patient who’s running. Enjoy Trump for four more years. 😂😂

  7. They denied my unemployment, this is horrible bc now I don’t make any money at all since my restaurant closed down

    1. I am sorry. Please bug them over and over again!!! You need to survive!!! I am so sorry this happened to you.😣😞😢

    2. Drina He will probably survive. The restaurant was only closed down, so it might come back up in June.

    1. @Peggy Because if that good or service you’re looking to buy is a basic need, you’re fucked if you can’t afford it. Healthcare is a great example of this. Sure, no one is forcing you to buy healthcare, but you could be in a situation in which you’ll die if you don’t get it. And if you can’t afford it, too bad. Get richer or die.

      Yes, pay taxes to fund government programs that make sure everyone gets the healthcare they need. If someone hoards wealth they don’t need while others suffer, take it by force. That’s the ideal system.

    2. You do realize the Federal Reserve is a private fractional reserve centralized banking institution, right? So then you would know that they create debt and credit out of thin air – privately by the way. Do you want a bunch of psychopaths who fund both sides of the war creating currency, or should that be in the power of the citizens? Serious questions that you should think about. You’re just another American who’s ignorant to history because it’s not taught in schools.

    3. @Black Monty Burns Those banks are going to be stuck with all the loans that unprepared people are defaulting on. FWIW

    4. There should be a way that your employer submits the claim when they fire you due to something like this.

  8. It’s 5.2 million who were *able to get through* the UI system to just file a claim. I would bet hundreds of thousands more couldn’t connect via phone or online to do so, and the real job loss count is more like 6 million.

  9. It’s more than that, I can’t even get through to confirm myself with the unemployment office. This is ridiculous

    1. It’s always been a mess and a struggle to get a hold of a living person not some machine, I can only imagine it’s much much worse now that there a loads of ppl calling at once. You should apply for govt assistance since they are lagging at the unemployment office line.

    2. Sonia C that honestly seems to be my only hope. Hopefully another stimulus bill gets passed because I need money badly. Thanks for the advice though much appreciated I hope all is well with you and your family!

    3. Jalen Lowdermilk you need money because like most liberal idiots you would rather suck the government dry than get a real job…. we all know your kind… no more food stamps for you dickhead😂

    4. David berman you had something to say to that but not me blowing up your bullshit about the US healthcare system LOL. I take care of my sick mother and I had a full time job before this and I’m only 20 but ok bro 😂 been taking care of my mom since I was fucking 15 and you’re gonna try to call me lazy lmao

    5. Even here in Canada we are struggling with work… But every leader in this world is struggling.I would hate to be a leader of a country right now because the people will not be happy with whatever you choose to do. Like we say here in Quebec you don’t like the politicians run for office

  10. “We’ve destroyed the economy and thus American health and way of life, and hope to do it for longer”.
    In other news: water is wet.

    1. We didint destroy it. We were forced to close it because of the coronavirus brought to us from china. if it wasn’t for it the economy would be doing fine.

    1. @Aaron Vest If you’re curious, best way is to check the bills proposed by the Democrats and then those proposed by Republicans. One of them includes tax cuts for the ultrarich and the majority of the money going to huge corporations that already had money stockpiled. The other is primarily focused around unemployment benefits, small businesses, and individuals. Oh, and now a new bill proposing a one time $25,000 payment to all first responders and essential personnel. The fact that the *other* party doesn’t want this is the primary reason that less has been done. They are worlds apart on who deserves help- the rich, or everyone else…. and being worlds apart means the bills have trouble passing.

  11. Does anyone else remember the additional $600/week that people who were laid off b/c of coronavirus were supposed to receive? Is that just not a thing anymore?

    1. I live in Las Vegas and some of us are just now receiving the additional $600/week. Very few tho.

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