3 Rifles & Ammunition Seized at Stadium East Field | TVJ Midday News – Jan 24 2022

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  1. Miss lady absolutely right these type of politician r no good we the people we have to blame ourself when we put them in and you see that they’re playing around very easy to remove the tumbling block

  2. They even tell you you could sleep with your door open nothing happened that way then then tell you you can eat turkey Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

  3. The prime Minister worse is like complain to him fall on deaf ears the only thing I see the prime Minister do is movies hand back and forth in Parliament I’m very disappointed in him

  4. Every road in Jamaica every corner every turn is bad I asked this question before what is the purpose of the parish council what is the purpose of the mayor’s and the CEO of each parish

  5. In the meantime while they are out there somebody from the parish council should be out there to scrape up the bush

  6. Blessed love ja. As a jamaican mi a ask mystic mountain, dolfin cove, digicel, jps unu please come together and buy the hospitals some bed nuh bounty alone buy bout 40 imagine if unu do a thing. PleaseπŸ‡―πŸ‡²πŸ‡―πŸ‡²πŸ‡―πŸ‡²πŸ‡―πŸ‡²β€

    1. A true man, very little act of corporate responsibility on the part of some these big companies. Dem just tek tek tek

  7. Just to correct the assumption that can be made based on the unfortunate situation of the young man with Nephrotic Syndrome. The disease has the kidney as the center of concern. The kidneys are an important organ for blood pressure regulation. The reporter presented the findings of high blood almost as if the doctors were incorrect with their findings. It should be known that Nephrotic Syndrome can present hypertension. The inquiry is trying to find ills that are present, that is leading to the hypertension. The inquiry sometimes more than a 1 step process, as in the case of the young man. I pray the kidney transplant endeavour is successful. πŸ™πŸΏ

  8. Dennis Jones one more time go get a life there should be no bad roads in Jamaica pnp was in power for 18 years Dennis go get a job fool

  9. I truely pray that this young man will get a kidney transplant so he may have hope for a brighter future πŸ™

  10. Come on the government need to do better get the peppermint and the eucalyptus let Steen before them come in

  11. The Gov need to go back to the days of Public Works Service run by municipal Parish Council have officials administration office for employment ,employed skill worker civil engineers ,laborers equipment operator to maintenance Roads Side Walk Bridges and Drain..Every Parish should have their owend Public Work Service, Must have a station depot where all equipment meteral are available skill worker to go out and get the jobs done no excuses ,even work during the night, when residents wake up next day ,they should see a Brand new road Street lights is a must.

  12. Finding the guns and reporting the finds is good but finding the people responsible should be the ultimate goal. transparency and accountability is vital to bring us clarity and preventing crime.
    trace the guns to the people responsible.
    we the citizens need change.

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