5 Jamaican Families Living in Squalor | TVJ News – April 11 2022

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  1. God help those help them self
    Because u can’t s farm so long an nah give bk to urself so sometimes people worthless to Dem self but give God thks to help out

    1. God or sky daddy not going to help anyone, he’s too busy watching peoples playing with themselves! It’s our responsibility to help each other!!

  2. Man what about stop leak, hammer and nail….nice place to fo a lot of farming too….you people seems to be lazy in your mind. Plant crops and survive for God will only help those who he sees always trying to help themselves….for when a lazy person eats the provider of his meal sinneth against the Creator of all things

    1. I was thinking the same thing, these people look young and hearty construction work a dash way in Jamaica buy (one) one block or board and do something, do some farming and sell something, but some people don’t have the hustling mentality, no Government can build house for everybody because America suppose to be a rich country and people living in the street much less small Jamaica.

  3. OMG, with all the cash and properties that the government going to seize from the scammers. They can use it for something good. Put in a trough, use it to pay JCF, JDF and build some houses for the poor.

    1. Government????the only time they care is when its close to election,I dnt even know how pple vote

  4. One thing the 🇺🇸 help them people here jamaica rich people don’t help them people so many people in jamaica need help come on rich people help out

  5. I quest the government should feed and clothes and shelter everyone so that they can stay at home, sleep eat and keep having kids like it’s going out of style.

  6. No-one should be living in this condition I’m 2022 in my opinion!
    Tourism is supposed to give back to enhance communities.

  7. You have to really wonder what these MPs and councilors doing in there constituencies… Look at these conditions in 1 community

  8. Why does Stacy Ann HAVE more than (1). UTUB has SUDDENLY become the LIFE LINE FOR JAMAICAN POVERTY.

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