1. 50% of inflationary price increases are caused by corporate price gouging and Republicans want to give tax cuts to those corporations. Tells you all you need to know about how Republicans plan to handle inflation

    1. @kyle inflationary spending needs to stop. Don’t care who the president is. Or do you like 40 year record inflation?

  2. GOP blame Biden for inflation. Can GOP highlight what Biden had done that cause high inflation? And what GOP can reduce the inflation?

    1. @Walter Shumate  @Bonsse88  we are already producing more, if I remember correctly the US IS AND HAS been the world’s largest producer since 2018.

      And did I mention the US is currently producing more oil than ANY other year besides 2019

    2. @Walter Shumate : It’s a massive worldwide issue with a million moving parts and since I don’t know if much can be done, I don’t criticize others for political points.

  3. “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you’ll find strength.” – Marcussss

    1. OK I will just try to bend this price in front of me with my mind…..
      I doesn’t work..

    2. @Dave Savell we can try teleporting the shelved goods magically to our shopping bugs without going through the cashier..

    3. @The TacoCat That is a FAKE link you are a scam . That video is NOT about this topic. That video is titled : Message for the people making fake charities for Technoblade

  4. It isn’t really inflation. Corporations are price gouging whenever they can get away with it and saying it’s because they are paying higher wages. CROCK! Who is getting higher wages?!?!?!! If people were getting higher wages, inflation wouldn’t have the impact it is on people financially. It is nothing but greedy corporations and they need to be held accountable. Period.

    1. If I’m honest, I miss the peace and prosperity under Trump. Life was better – low gas prices, low inflation, low crime, peace in the middle east and China and Russia under control!

  5. If you’re being successful at blaming your opponents for things you made go wrong yourself, you’re doing great. That’s what’s happening right now.

    1. @Joel Rodriguez no one ever blamed him for creating COVID drone, they blamed him for his incompetence in handling the pandemic.

    2. @Tony

      Gootday to you Tony,

      He screwed up in more ways than one. A small pick:
      – not waring masks himself;
      – mocking people that did ware them;
      – suggesting to drink cleaners against Covid in front of the camera with doctors surrounding him;
      – suggesting the use of drugs, developped for other illnesses;

    1. @Belly Dancer Em stop making excuses for the clown show you got into office. All four years of the previous administration everything was more affordable

    2. JPMorgan, Citigroup and Other Big Banks See Profits Drop
      nytime › bank-earnings-markets
      Oct 14, 2022 —
      The bank’s third-quarter profit fell 25 percent from a year earlier, to $3.5 billion, which was better than the drop that analysts had predicted

  6. It is absolutely true according to the corporate filings (Like proctor and gamell just this week- they raised price by 9% and their extra cost was half that====profiteering as they post RECORD PROFITS) they fully admitted that HALF of the price increase was pure profit on top of their normal profit margin— it IS CORPORATE GREED. He is RIGHT.

    1. @Quod Erat Demonstrandum Social-security is not socialism. Paying living wages is not socialism. The only thing socialist in this country are the tax-breaks for those making profits off the people who are working. Rich-socialism. It’s disgusting. You bore me to sleep, Quo.

    2. @freedom fighter wow! I am shocked at all of the facts you use to explain your views. Is it really as simple as ” you are in power, so you are responsible”? That explains everything.

    3. At the same time they’re playing games in the stock market and your 401k is losing money. How does that make sense. Profits for the rich while you’re losing money.

    1. If you people really feel like this you should be scared to death that they’re hiring 87,000 is IRS agents. What do you think is more likely? The top 1% just isn’t paying all of the taxes that they owe or do you think they’ve paid a tax advisor so they pay as little as possible. If you think that they are paying advisors then I have one question for you: who exactly do you think they’re going to go after? The rich guy who has money to pay advisors so they can pay less and lawyers so they can fight the government or the middle and lower class citizens who can’t afford any of that?

    2. If that’s what you believe you should be voting Democrat and if that’s what you truly believe you should be telling all your friends and relatives to vote for the Democrats

    3. @Fran Battista why? The IRS is about to hire 87,000 agents. I have a few questions for those who think this isn’t a big deal: what do you think is more likely? The rich paid tax advisors to use loopholes so they could pay as little as possible or they just decided not to pay their taxes. Who do you think they’re more likely to go after? The rich guy who had a tax advisor do their taxes and has a lawyer on retainer or the average person who can’t afford either of those things? Remember that the last spending bill democrats passed didn’t have any pay-fors and is relying the IRS to collect taxes from those who haven’t paid.

    4. OK… Cut their pay by 33%, cut their staffs by 50%, enact a law that prohibits them from EVER becoming lobbyists and enact another law that requires each piece of legislation to be no more than three double-spaced typed pages (the budget would be excluded). That last idea came straight from Dwight Eisenhower, who thought that bills were too complicated and pork-laden…in the 1950s!

      And let’s have a flat tax with a realistic floor (say $28K) below which you pay nothing, uncap FICA so SS stays solvent, and tell the Joint Chiefs that they will have to make do with 30% less money (no more boondoggles like studies to weaponize frisbees).

      Now, this ain’t ever going to happen because those gazoonies on The Hill would never vote for any of it… However, if you appoint me Emperor (which is gloriousl title), I’ll do all of this, personally escort the Don to his new executive suite (with a roomate, alas…a large black fellow) in Leavenworth and then schedule an election for next month in which there will be no advertising allowed and all candidates will debate weekly. Polls will open at 6:00pm on Friday and stay open until 6:00pm on Sunday. No exit polling, and we will announce the results at 6:00pm the following Friday. My salary as Emperor will be $1, and the Secret Service will have standing orders to remove me from the Emperor’s throne as soon as the election results are announced. Oh, and we’d get GW Bush and Al Gore to oversee the elections as joint-chairs (maybe they could share one, too).

      Just send me the Sceptre; “I wait for delivery each day until 3:00…” as Janis said!

    1. @A V FFS the spending didn’t cause inflation. Interest rates were too low for too long. Powell has been the Fed chair under both admins and screwed up How do you explain the global inflation? You have no idea what you’re talking about. However, if they increase rates again we will definitely go into a steep recession.

    2. @Ashen Walker this is the very problem we have, a bunch of people who vote, who don’t have a clue about economics, or economics thoughout history. Go study Reagonomics, the results of Reagonomics, which led to inflation and recession I might add. The GOP just duplicated the policy under Trump and got the exact same results. Wish the GOP could have stayed in long enough to have explained all of this, but I assure you, they are thrilled to have lost and pass the results of their policies to the Dems. Once again money is being sucked out of the middle class and corps have mass amounts of cash to purchase stock buybacks and get the bonuses based on stock price and EPS. People will never learn because it’s just too hard to read.

    3. @tobeboom too lazy to read , or watch boring CSPAN . The place where our politician’s actually debate their policies and votes for or against are shown .

  7. Well, he didn’t mention anything about the monetary supply which the Fed is basically ignoring. Of course, if the government had the stones to raise taxes on Americas wealthy (the people who own the place) they could start to borrow appropriately from the Fed and control inflation in a much less painful way.

    1. The top 1% pays well over 80% of federal taxes collected. How much would you like them to pay. The IRS is about to hire 87,000 agents. I have a few questions for those who think this isn’t a big deal: what do you think is more likely? The rich paid tax advisors to use loopholes so they could pay as little as possible or they just decided not to pay their taxes. Who do you think they’re more likely to go after? The rich guy who had a tax advisor do their taxes and has a lawyer on retainer or the average person who can’t afford either of those things? Remember that the last spending bill democrats passed didn’t have any pay-fors and is relying the IRS to collect taxes from those who haven’t paid.

    1. @Thomas Lium Nothing could go wrong, everything would go right. You seem to be forgetting about the vice president and how Bernie would only pick someone who thinks exactly like him💯

  8. Would have loved seeing a Sander’s presidency……as far as the GOP is concerned…when you have no policies….you’re left with a ridiculous blame game.

  9. The not raising the minimum wage thing really blows my mind. The worst employers hang around *creating poverty that taxpayers then pick up the bill for.*

    It literally becomes more profitable to not work then to work hard. You don’t have to take my word for it either, people post videos all the time explaining their real options.

    This is something that would benefit *everyone.* Both sides of the isle and everything in between. Even teenagers are looking at $7.25/Hour and saying *Nope!*

    1. New Moon wrote what I have thought for ages: the government subsidies the low-wage paying companies – allowing them to make huge profits – while we pay higher and higher taxes to help their employees with subsistence living. Now the problem is that if/when their wages increase the government won’t lower taxes. Just like big companies didn’t lower prices when the gas prices came down.

  10. Thank goodness for Bernie Sanders! He uses the phrase “working class” often and says it with pride. I have noticed that media appear to studiously avoid that phrase.

  11. I’m so disappointed in our current “inflation,” and by that, I mean Sanders’ discussion of corporate greed is true, real and present.

  12. What is disgusting is the fact that Social Security is Ours that the government holds onto until you reach a certain age. You Have to pay into that system. Then say anything happens, I mean anything. Then you have to Fight them tooth and nail to get what we were forced to pay into.

    1. And, if Congress payed back the money they stole from SS TWICE to pay for wars (occupations), and if they lifted the cap of wages that pay into SS, right now it’s $110,000, then it would be more than solvent.

    2. Think of all the people who paid in but never reached retirement age. My parents were supposed to get $3200 a month from social security and they didn’t make it to retirement.

  13. Bernie Sanders is the smartest and most energetic politician I can think of. He is absolutely the exception to my want for babyboomers to pass the baton. ❤️ U Bern!

  14. Congress needs to call these companies out, oil companies, airlines, all record profits. You know why, because we let them get away with it!!!!

  15. I can’t believe how conservatives literally vote against themselves on almost every single issue. Keep voting for businesses while shooting your self in the foot for personal matters. “We the corporations” is the new motto for conservatives. Boycotting stores that unionize is like saying you want corporate profits under slave labor conditions. Vote for PEOPLE, NOT CORPORATIONS!

    1. Then you don’t know how unions work. I’m sure if you were part of a union that donated to Trump you would be pretty upset.


    1. Think about this – let’s say since the 1950’s that everybody in the USA worked hard & for the welfare, success, happiness & prosperity of the entire nation instead of their personal success, net worth, power & ego. Just think how great America could be!!! Instead, America in reality has a lot of BIG problems (too many to list). Also, we have a brainwashed population of people claiming America is the greatest country in the world at everything because if you say anything else it is considered “taboo” or forbidden to say anything like America is not the greatest at everything. Yet our very leaders are saying things like “Make America Great Again” & “we are going to be laser focused on bringing back the middle class”. These sayings imply that America is not that great & the middle class is disappearing and basically your hard work gets chewed up by greed & massive inflation. With so much industry, inventions, technology, machinery, hours worked & money that has flowed through America since the 1950’s, how in the world could this nation be $30 trillion in debt (National Debt)????? It’s shocking!!! Something has gone terribly wrong in America when you have so much prosperity that has basically disappeared.

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