1. SOMETIMES they get away with it ? Almost always. It’s more like SOMETIMES they don’t. However sometimes is pretty far & few between .

  2. So the reasoning as to why Trump was not charged did not include any good reason why he was not charged.

    1. @gacj2010 I don’t want you to say anything else directed at me. You’re intentionally obtuse and are quite concrete; you’re not actually interested in the truth; and your facts are tainted by your loyalty to a cult. I’m not interested in pretending to exchange ideas with an imbiscile.

    2. Why don’t CNN tell their people about Biden stealing up to 1850 file boxes of classified documents the donated them to a China collage.

    3. @Gary Fox Business Maria Covered it early this morning, the the headline don’t say 1850 documents because it would be pushed back if it did but you should find it one of the first stories of the day, go look

  3. “Too politically fraught” is just another way of saying they let politics win over the law. Surprise.

    1. @Joshua P in this fantastical, fairy tale world that you live in, what was the “obvious and dangerous crime” you are referring to?

    2. Not prosecuting because of it being “uncomfortable” for the prosecutors, and because there is possible more crimes the person investigated have committed, is criminal. Who are the prosecutors that aren’t charging these obvious criminals. Anyone that has a juridical mandate to prosecute them, but doesn’t, is also a criminal. So, where’s the lawyers who could drag them all to court in at least a law suit of some sorts. And where are all the people not protesting outside the DOJ against this corruption, as they should? Aha… I see, no one really bothers that much about justice!

    3. The law isn’t worth spit. It is literally meaningless to these people because to them life is about what you can get away with before people actually risk their own safety or financial safety to stop you.

    4. Attorney General Merrick Garland said: “No person is above the law in this country. I can’t say it any more clearly than that! There is nothing in the principles of prosecution in any other factors which prevent us from investigating anyone who is criminally responsible . . .” Judging from Attorney General Garland’s actions up to this point, his words are lacking in substance.

  4. Imagine being a criminal. And having so many criminal cases against you that they decide that this isn’t important compared to all the other crimes

    1. @Sean’s Model Builds We have the Republican party of old and we have Trump supporters.
      I actually can respect a true Republican.
      We have a difference of opinion but can have debates using facts instead of just insults and fake news like Trump supporters do.

    2. @ThunderDog97 I have seen God work in my life when most of my hope was gone. Just because you believe that He is man created doesn’t make it so. If you don’t believe in God then why talk to me and get so convicted? You will find out one of these days. Don’t take the mark, coming soon.

  5. IMO that’s the stupidest reasoning not to charge him. Charge with EVERYTHING. If they all think the same, no one is going to charge him with anything. It’s like people walking by a dying man and they all think “I’ll let the others call for 911” and no one call for help so the man dies. It’s the same here. Anyone else would not be allowed to have charges/criminal activities ignored.

  6. The US has a two tier justice system. Tier one those who do not have money, Tier two whose who has enough money to wriggle them self out of almost anything

    1. @Al Jay Taylor Greene is that you? You use a lot of words. But with no idea what they mean. But still you though them out willy nilly

    2. @Afre I understand you want posts using a kindergartners vocabulary but this is big boy territory so strap on your gear.

    3. it always has… there is the dark skin color and the light skin color justice systems… nothing new… always been corrupt and anti freedom in the US

    4. @Upper 90 It’s funny to talk about a clown who spend every minute of every day showing the world just how lost republicans are. the RNC allmost got a delusional pillowsalesman to lead them. Cry some more, it’s funny
      Dance clown, dance LOL

  7. Garland’s DOJ once again empowered Donald Trump to go on his merry ways without accountability and I thought this was a new administration. Garland’s repeated “no one is above the law” rings hollow.

    1. I’m so tired of the books, social media telling us “average” Americans getting ready to pay 2022 taxes…hold on…there will be accountability. BS… folks riding the “Hold On Train”. Making money on our continuing desire for justice.

    2. Accountability of what, exactly? Paying off a hooker to go away? Really. This is now a Federal crime under what law?

    1. @Carl Beane Ideas??? The DOJ can’t keep up with the volume of crimes. They must be running out of manpower and money at this point.

    2. @Ian Willmott And yet the only evidence of a crime is MAGA’s obsession with looking at pics of Hunter’s penis. They can’t get enough of it! 😅

    3. @Ian Willmott You’re watching CNN. Pot meet kettle. The only thing CNN stated was a quote from AG Bill Barr from September 2020. “The contents of the Biden laptop appears to be planted Russian propaganda.”
      But for some reason, you love Hunters penis?”

  8. There’s no law saying a sitting president cannot be indicted, it is just a department guideline but nothing in the constitution prevents it.

    1. Protect the rich and white. College students learn this ideology early on, so when it comes time to hold the rich white male accountable they have a thousand excuses. Meanwhile a black or poor person would be arrested and charged within minutes.

    2. @Lord Jude You cannot. The DOJ has complete discretion to prosecute. It’s all set up to protect the rich.

    3. The President runs the Department of Justice and can overrule and decision it makes. They are his employees. And if they indict him, he can fire them all. The alternative is that the unelected Deep State runs the Presidency.

    1. @Jao Bidan Where is “honest journalism” OANN now? Oops! Now I remember. They sued Maddow for $10M and she WON $250,000! No mention of “she is an entertainer” in the Judges ruling. OANN shut down a month later. LOL!!!

    2. @Maxmartin You did not, in any of my words, find me saying they were. I’m not going to explain myself to a jackass that intentionally misconstrued my words for the sake of contention.

  9. Moral of the SDNY story then seems to be, “If you’re going to do crime, you might as well do a LOT of crimes.” The DOJ will be too confused to figure out what to indict you on.

    1. @Andrew Mitchell No one is above the laws of physics. Ask Marie Antoinette.
      When the guillotine blade comes down, a body in motion will continue until acted upon by an outside force and two bodies cannot occupy the same space. Either the blade stops, or it passes all the way through.

  10. Politically fraught either way means you should charge the perp and let the chips fall where they may. This would have been a relatively easy case with a cooperating witness and all the paper trail. If you don’t, you should be charged as an accessory after the fact. Public prosecutors need to grow a set and a conscience and actually do their damned jobs without fear or favor.

    1. Grow a pair? Every prosecutor dreams of being a politician. They do not want to prosecute rich white men because they need rich white men to help them into politics.

  11. If anything, anyone in office that the people put their trust in gets caught making criminal acts should not only get charged and punished for their crimes, there should be a clause that adds on punishments for having broken that trust. This is how you clean the swamp!

  12. How about writing a new memo stating that sitting presidents CAN be indicted if they are found guilty of a crime committed while they are in office OR while running to get elected to that office?

    1. @mvvpro8688 ahh, you have to be indicted (ie charged) first and the trial is where the guilt/innocent is then determined based upon evidence. You got that backwards, but it should apply to campaigning, sitting or former presidents. No “getting out of jail” card unless another president issues one, preferrably after a trial.

  13. We all know now that DOJ, IRS ao agencies did everything they could to protect T while he was in office. Since he is not in office anymore its time to pres those charges vigorously !

    1. You don’t think they would have already by now? The Dems controlled everything the past two years. The fact they did not just shows they have nothing. Like always. Your take is he keeps getting away with it, my take is they’ve been lying and it’s not really there.

    2. Which is so funny because his supporters will swear up and down that their poor dear leader was being persecuted all 4 years and even now. 🤦🏽‍♀️

  14. It’s good to know that politics and appearances drive the DOJ and not something silly like justice or law and order.

    1. man and girlfriend got 7 years in prison for running just a slightly shady scam on go fund me, around 40k… which, is really no one’s business… but trump and associates have time and time again been caught in massive fraud cases from charities, fund raising, fake businesses and even a fake university…. we’re talking tens of millions of dollars and juries delivering guilty verdicts on fraud over the years…. not one day in jail

  15. If your crime sheet is so long that nobody remembers what matters most, with a policy of the DOJ – we need to stop this insanity. Nobody shall be above the law.

  16. Charging Cohen and not Trump is like charging the passenger in a taxi for a driving offence and not charging the driver.

    1. 7years of investigating Trump nothing was found to be true.
      CNN is failing because of their lies.
      Hold my beer as we investigate Hunter Biden and joe.
      Show ya how it’s done.

  17. Elie’s point about why he wasn’t charged absolutely proves that the law isn’t applied equally to everyone (which we all knew already).

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