CNN showed ex-FBI agent online threats of civil war. Hear his response

Experts say online threats of civil war have spiked since the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago. CNN's Donie O'Sullivan compiled these disturbing posts and showed them to former FBI special agent Greg Ehrie to get his analysis. Then, CNN's Anderson Cooper talks with New York Times op-ed columnist Ross Douthat about how belief in a stolen election amongst Trump supporters helps fuel potential unrest. #CNN #News


  1. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again, but could you guys imagine the outrage from the GOP and Trump supporters if Barack Obama had only did a 10th of what Donald Trump has done criminally as a president

    1. @Epsteinwasmurdrd yt “record breaking economy”…except that last year of his term, but who’s counting that? 🙄🤡

    2. @Mathew really? Every turn?
      Take 3 minutes to look up:
      Umberto Eco’s 14 points of fascism (1995)
      And Lawrence Britt’s 14 points of fascism. (2003)
      Which US political party checks ALL 28 points?

    1. @Ulfarinn They were literally held for over a year without trial in many cases. That alone is a violation of their Rights.

    1. @Mii Toob Check out Tom MacDonald “Brainwashed” and also “In God We Trust” It’s about (being fooled) how to divide for control.

  2. It is our fault because we have the guy who committed all kind of crimes who still go around and threatens us .he should already be in jail like anybody else who committed the crimes

  3. The people who do this should be CONFRONTED by the authorities. Their words are grounds for “probable cause” — search warrants must be issued and they should be RENDERED NEUTRAL.

  4. I am always surprised that these people accuse their opponents of the things they are advocating for themselves, making enemies out of fellow citizens.
    It is a sign of not seeing the others as fellow human beings.
    It is a dehumanizing effort.

  5. You start holding EVERYONE accountable then eventually things will subside.. If someone’s rhetoric leads to someone getting injured or possible death then you hold that person with that rhetoric accountable.. Rhetoric that gets somebody hurt is not freedom of speech, it is assault.. This started from one person so until you hold that person accountable legally then it’s gonna continue. Until you hold POLITICIANS ACCOUNTABLE legally then this is gonna continue..

  6. Online threats and calls for violence should not be protected speech, any more so than the freaks calling in bomb threats to hospitals 🤬

    1. they never were protected speech. Online posts have to be enforced by the platform they’re on. If that platform chooses to look the other way or just doesn’t enforce enough, that’s on the platform, it’s not the government’s responsibility

  7. I’m an American by birth and politically independent. Although most of my beliefs are center right, I do have some left leaning beliefs as well. Many of my ancestors and family members answered the call to duty and served with honor. As for myself, I have dedicated my life to protecting and serving others. Both in private security, public safety, contract federal Police dispatching/alarm monitoring and State Corrections. One of my posts was Death Row for over one year. The United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights mean something very important. I took an Oath prior to serving in Corrections. As a private citizen now, I will say that millions of American men and women have died for our country, rights and way of life. Still millions more will lay down their lives for this beloved country of ours. One groups Constitutional rights do not trump another groups Constitutional rights. Our rights are not negotiable.

  8. The problem is and has always been that we have put trust in our presidents over the years. Trump ruined that trust we once had IMO

    1. @Jill Featherman There has never been a truly trustworthy POTUS. Ever. I think the point is that the Pres is supposed to abide by the democratic process. Baselessly calling that into question is extremely dangerous and just flat out reckless. You’re right to always question, always look for motivation behind a POTUS’ agenda.

  9. The biggest mistake would be to underestimate how willing these individuals and groups are to take action on their beliefs.

    1. @Let’s Go Racing Another fact is that most abortions are done for convenience and post facto birth control instead of “necessary medical life saving procedures”.

    2. @Apog’s Malcontents LOL – you are far more likely to form a mob and throw bricks through his window than he will be yours.

  10. They should start with the loudest most pervasive voice and take immediate legal action, whatever is most severe within their rights being upheld. People with poor impulse control cannot stop themselves, they must have consequences that deter their behavior. Everyone who makes threats against the government or it’s officials should be addressed with the appropriate level of justice, whether it be official letters giving warnings about where their actions could lead or prosecution.

    1. @Chris Beard Thank you for the update. To clarify, I am referring to people who deliberately lie and make terrorist threats. The freedom that comes with free speech should not be counter productive to balance and sanity.

    2. @Linda Dbse Our founding fathers were considered terrorists by England and were facing execution for expressing their desire for freedom.

  11. I had an interaction a while back with a fellow that made a reply to one of my comments on a video that was speaking to another civil war. He was talking about states that were spread out across the country needing to secede. When I explained my view of the logistics of that then asked him if he had a plan to overcome those issues his reply was along the lines of ‘hell no, don’t need a plan, just war”. Which, it seems to me, is pretty typical of those pushing for one. They want but they don’t plan for what happens after. Sad state of affairs for them really.

    1. @Bob Habib “MANY people more than willing to support the Constitution against ”

      How do you know that? Faith?

      Peace! 🕊

  12. These people know they weren’t any good in school, but now they convince themselves they understand everything they couldn’t get a passing grade in when in HS class.

    1. Well, Desmond, you were evidently sleeping when your English class discussed punctuation and sentence structure.

    2. I don’t think a comment like that helps. I think these people have been really duped and taken advantage of by a complete jerk ConMan and as Americans we should have sympathy for both sides and try to understand what’s going wrong here.

  13. History teaches us that a small number of committed and prepared people can overcome a much larger number of complacent and unprepared people. We ignore these threats at our peril.

    1. yeah, what in history teaches that? if your’re talking revolutionary war, maybe.. but i’m sure the logistics of an oversea war when the trip took months, against an entrenched, well led military had something to do with it. if the ‘complacent and unprepared’ are union soldiers you’re referring to, it still doesn’t make sense.
      maybe you’re talking about the vietcong..

  14. There is absolutely nothing you could do to ever convince these people that they lost. It’s like trying to reason with toddlers throwing temper tantrums.

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