Coronavirus variant first spotted in Brazil found in US

CNN's Matt Rivers reports on a coronavirus variant that originated in Brazil and has caused two-thirds of their recent infections. The variant has now been identified in the US for the first time.

#CNN #News


  1. ⏩Message to the entire planet: do whatever you have to do to protect yourselves, don’t rely on your governments. They will never be there when you need them the most! 💐🙏

    1. If records speak themselves , east Asia countries have very low numbers . Swift actions and discipline populations help to prevent spreading of the virus…

    2. What’s your point? They told you that this would happen if you did not take it seriously. No health system is designed to cope with this kind of increase. Basic math.

    3. @Joseph Castillo why not. Try warm lemon. Or coconut water, warm it and put in a bit of himalayan salt and lemon. Drink and gargle while warm. Nothing to lose by trying to increase your immune system. Google. Many people are trying the alternative ways. Again: Nothing to lose.

  2. Bolsonaro’s lack of respect for evidence-based science, nor delegating a team of scientific vigor in combating this pandemic in Brazil is certainly not helping the matter for his People.

    1. @HKNY3E   I think you are the one that should prove the covid19 virus doesn’t exist, because you are the one that hasn’t go to hospital and check the suspected patient of covid 19 and proving that they just infected with flue virus. C’mon, go to a hospital, and run some blood test, not the antigen one becouse those have false positive probability, I mean a real blood test where you detect the genetic material of the virus in the blood. We’ll wait.

    2. @Rahmad Renaldi if you completely understood what I meant by them taking the word virus out of context you would understand that being virus means toxicity.. and that toxicity comes from your own IMMUNE system creating virus to neutralize levels of bacteria so your blood will not become septic is your own bodily function that creates virus particles in cell structures.. they don’t explain this because they know you are programmed in germ Theory as far as pathogens… viral particles that origin from the body’s own immune system are always going to be found because we were always detoxifying meaning the common cold.. this is why they don’t have a cure for the common cold because of the date understand it is a annual bodily immune system function… pathogens exist only in bacterial form and this is the aspect of what real inoculation is because what they are doing is not inoculation but what they created and have called vaccine given you the impression it is the same as inoculation which it is not.. if they would give me the tools to blood test a number of people for studies in a controlled experiment.. I would first see how many viral particles are identically the same in each participant to prove that is the bodily immune system function that creates septic neutralizing toxins and this is why you feel the effects from a common cold.. all the so-called symptoms you feel when your detoxifying are not actually symptoms… I can guarantee you there is no cell structure with intelligent that can survive any environment outside the vacuum of a host, so that eradicates that aspect of it being aerosol or even contact IN THE CONTEXT OF WHAT THEY SAY “VIRUS” DO..

    3. This is what happens when you have an uber-religious population and a fascist autocrat takes power. Ignorance kills.

    4. @signalfire6 this is what happens when you have ELITES that control INFORMATION and convey it to you as if it were fact, to people who are polarized by media fear-mongering the issues of this world that they created.. that’s call Blissful ignorance.. you allow.your own cognitive dissonance to thrive in your own mind… start thinking for yourself .. the people you let think for you ,don’t have your best interest at heart…

    1. Where is our $2,000
      Democrats claimed they wanted to give us!!!!😡😡😡😡

      Democrats control the White House AND
      BOTH Houses of Congress!

      The $2,000 could be approved by Congress in 1 DAY,
      If they wanted to.

      And Biden/Harris have gone before the media to show off signing
      so many Executive Orders!
      But not
      for the $2,000 they promised us!!!!😡😡😡😡

      Democrats = BS

      MSM remains SILENT = BS TOO

      Not that $2,000 will solve what all the lockdowns have done to financially ruin so many people.
      With so many permanently closed or bankrupt businesses, how will people pay back rent and penalties and keep up even after lockdowns end.

      China’s government who gave us the virus and the lockdown model, is who the World’s Governments chose as their role model.

      They didn’t think through the financial long term consequences nor are they willing to help their people that they forced into these lockdowns for almost a year now.

    2. @s Damn straight! Even though Trump helped us win this pandemic with the greatest number the world have ever seen; The democrats want to stop the greatest numbers in history! No other nation could come close with their pandemic numbers! America is number one! Thank you Trump for the best numbers! Shame on you democrats for trying to save American lives! So very un-Republic!

  3. My friend is Brazilian and he said their president, who had covid btw, said he won’t get the vaccine because he doesn’t want to turn into an alligator. Literally cannot make this up

    1. How in the world can get a moron of that kind of proportions become president! I deeply feel for them… guess they didn’t know any other place to put as lunatic like that it… PS Oh, I had not seen moron Jor Daz yet. That’s one of the type who just likes to offend and hurt others… Regrettable such folk even exists.

    1. @Vital Signs The virus started in China then spread first to other countries in the east. Masks were mandated, social distancing and frequent handwashing, and lockdowns. People followed the advise of govt. The numbers here in the east are way lower than those in the west. You will see the dashboard of WHO. The graphs and incidents are there by country and region

      US and Brazil, for instance, failed to act quickly and the presidents downplayed the situation. The numbers and trends still show the situation is not under control. It took them long to mandate the use of masks. They even said it will not help so much. The official numbers however shows it does help slow down the spread drastically. Practices in Vietnam, New Zealand has been succesful that is why the cases and deaths are very very low

  4. Eu fico muito triste pelos profissionais de saúde, eles fazem o impossível para salvar as pessoas, mas a maioria morre por falta de recursos. Oxigênio, leito, respirador… Sinceramente eu não consigo ver uma luz no fim do túnel, até lá muitos brasileiros como nós morrerão.

    1. Where is our $2,000
      Democrats claimed they wanted to give us!!!!😡😡😡😡

      Democrats control the White House AND
      BOTH Houses of Congress!

      The $2,000 could be approved by Congress in 1 DAY,
      If they wanted to.

      And Biden/Harris have gone before the media to show off signing
      so many Executive Orders!
      But not
      for the $2,000 they promised us!!!!😡😡😡😡

      Democrats = BS

      MSM remains SILENT = BS TOO

      Not that $2,000 will solve what all the lockdowns have done to financially ruin so many people.
      With so many permanently closed or bankrupt businesses, how will people pay back rent and penalties and keep up even after lockdowns end.

      China’s government who gave us the virus and the lockdown model, is who the World’s Governments chose as their role model.

      They didn’t think through the economy and financial long term consequences nor are they willing to help their people that they forced into these lockdowns for almost a year now.

    1. Hi I am Brazilian. Bolsonaro is only wearing masks at that time because the local government of the federal district has implemented a law imposing a fine for people who are caught without masks. He does not wear a mask, he actively talks about medicines that have no effect on covid, he makes agglomerations, he ignores vaccines, etc. I can continue this list for a long time. The policy to combat the pandemic here exists only because of state governments, the federal government is a real problem.

    1. @blake jones When doctors get paid money to list deaths as covid, you know it’s a hoax and political.

  5. Remember when Obama send help to africa to battle a large Ebola outbreak?
    This is basicly the reason why. So it will not spread to america.
    Would T * * * * have instead of blamed china and tried to safe his relection or shuting down at the start of his term the pandemic response team, helped and tried to get rid of the virus at its root. We all be in different place right now i would imagine.

    1. @Black Thorn Romeo It is not that i couldn’t, i just wont give him more publicity by mentioning him more often on the internet than necessary. If you don’t care, why engage?

    2. @DICE’N DICE’N If you want a better open door policy with China, do you really think getting into a tradewar is the way to go?
      I can’t really speak for china, but i would hope that if they are offered help without strings attached, they would take it for their peoples sake. Now national pride can be a stubborn thing to overcome, but it also has to do with the tone you aproach someone and americas exceptionalism is not the tone which makes friends it is the tone which dictates terms.

    1. Yep hollywood has been telling us for the longest time whats gonna happen with virus and zombies movies.

    2. Freedom is over sad A pandemic is literally a disease that has become endemic (circulating locally/local transmission) in multiple countries/continents (“pan”). So it quite literally is a pandemic.

      Also, do you realize the absolutely catastrophic 1918 pandemic had “only” a 2-2.5% percent mortality rate? Y’all don’t truly understand two things: BIG numbers (I.e. 1% of 300,000,000 – and the everyday implications of their deaths), and exponential growth. Oh, and also a third thing – the importance of community health.

      If you wanna be an island, go live on one.

    3. Where is our $2,000
      Democrats claimed they wanted to give us!!!!😡😡😡😡

      Democrats control the White House AND
      BOTH Houses of Congress!

      The $2,000 could be approved by Congress in 1 DAY,
      If they wanted to.

      And Biden/Harris have gone before the media to show off signing
      so many Executive Orders!
      But not
      for the $2,000 they promised us!!!!😡😡😡😡

      Democrats = BS

      MSM remains SILENT = BS TOO

      Not that $2,000 will solve what all the lockdowns have done to financially ruin so many people.
      With so many permanently closed or bankrupt businesses, how will people pay back rent and penalties and keep up even after lockdowns end.

      China’s government who gave us the virus and the lockdown model, is who the World’s Governments chose as their role model.

      They didn’t think through the financial long term consequences nor are they willing to help their people that they forced into these lockdowns for almost a year now.

    1. For covid19 it mostly spreads in closed spaces when the ventilation systems make the droplets go 16 feet. Even with the new variants being cautious even probably outside it does need to be taken seriously but if your not near no one it’s still probably safe. It’s definitely hard to tell about what can covid19 do and how some people are selfish when they don’t wear a simple mask to protect their love ones. For me I take this virus seriously by social distancing, wash hands and wear a face mask because i have future goals already planned but i ain’t letting a virus stopping me.

    2. @Joseph G What I do is that I wear a mask indoors at a restaurant or when I’m grocery shopping, but I take it off as soon as I walk out. Cause I’m under the impression that you can’t get it in the open air, cause even if someone that’s far away that’s infected coughs, the wind blows it away and it eventually dissipates.

    3. @Gabriel Arredondo i see your pov but i wear a face mask outside just to be safe. I will say if being near no one and social distance outside it’s still safe to not wear a mask. I don’t wear a face mask inside my home because it works in grocery stores, restaurants and other public places. But people who don’t want to wear one in the store think it’s not in our constitution of our rights & they don’t to learn the new normal. It doesn’t matter if it’s not in our constitution, it is only to keep life ones safe & place in standards. If those people don’t want to wear a face mask in public, than they could order groceries online & exercise safely outside. So all I’m saying i agree with you POV but explaining my pov to show that i ain’t making your decisions but giving others advice

    4. @Joseph G You’re absolutely right. Luckily, my Texas town that I live in has a complete mask mandate. If you don’t wear a mask, you get fined. The problem is that the Mayor and the local government don’t close down bars, cause we have a technicality that bars can be open if they also serve food. And that the people choose to actively go to the bars. Look up Laredo, TX’s Covid cases. We’re among the worst in Texas. We have close to 40,000 cases and 610 deaths already.

    5. @Gabriel Arredondo I also see that pov of your state but I just look up the numbers of Texas and maybe your numbers are either in rural numbers because i just looked on Google that Texas has over 2 million confirmed cases & over 36k deaths. My state colorado has only about 392,00p confirmed cases but only over 5,000 deaths. Mostly Texas, California, Florida, New York and other states like those are probably concerned as covid19 hotspots that are still increasing. So let’s still hope for the future because for our new Administration they will issue a mask mandate on every state to slow the spread

  6. The worse is yet to come. If we thought one strain did enough damage imagine now 3 to 5 different ones. The world is in my prayers.

  7. It is a hard life when you lose someone you love or someone you care about it is truly a helpless feeling but as human beings all we can do is just ask the good Lord save us all🤔🙏🙏🙏

  8. I can’t stop heart broke as I watched that man being wheeled into the hospital..his cries..omg..I have been praying for him..I hope to God he makes it..God please help us all..

    1. Y believe in the unproven existence of the alleged sars cov 2 virus and its alleged variants and covid disease and pandemic ?
      1. alleged virus never purified 2. alleged virus allegedly sequenced by way of arbitrary, biased bioinformatic algorithms 3.alleged-virus alleged pathogenicity never ascertained 4. alleged disease features no symptoms of its own 5. all tests in use amount to fraud, in that unreliable and unspecific

      1. the virus was never isolated (=purified). That means, freed from all surrounding tissue:
      2. in order to have a new virus, you need to sequence it, that is discover and describe its genomic structure, that is the sequence of bases in its RNA as viruses are made of RNA : this has been claimed on the basis of technologies yet experimental with error rates as high as 30 % : again no proof of existence there. To give you an example for comparison, with an error rate of 3% your DNA would identify you as a chimp.
      3. pathogenicity means the causal relationship between a virus and a disease it causes : it takes at least a year to ascertain this, that a given virus actually cause a given disease, because u have to crosscheck your results by wave upon wave of experiments on animals, cell cultures etc. : it has never been done for the alleged sars cov 2.
      4. when an alleged disease such as the alleged covid features no original symptoms whatsoever, but instead identical symptoms with known diseases, it is NOT a new disease and it doesn´t exist ;
      5. the covid test most commonly used is called PCR or molecular test : swab sample viral RNA gets amplified, that is copied, billions of times to make it detectable if it is there : but all PCR devices in use run the test at well over 35 cycles, that is runs of amplification or copying : experts agree 100% that such tests at over 35 cycles do NOT repeat NOT, NEVER detect a quantity of viral matter large enough to cause disease. It´s a total scam : these “covid” tests ARE DESIGNED TO GENERATE FALSE POSITIVES.

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