County To County: Kent County Voters Feeling ‘Politically Homeless’ | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Kent County, Michigan is home to lifelong Republicans, but many are feeling “politically homeless” due to President Trump’s rhetoric and coronavirus response. Dasha Burns notes, “Remember, Trump won both Michigan and Kent County by a very narrow margin.” Aired on 8/6/2020.
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County To County: Kent County Voters Feeling 'Politically Homeless' | MTP Daily | MSNBC


  1. 3:08 “I’d have a very hard time… voting for Biden if he were to … ask somebody to be his running mate who is extremely divisive.” 🤦
    Divisive. Really. 🤦🤦🤦 Don’t worry Mr. Supporter-of-Trump; you don’t have to worry about Biden’s VP being “divisive” since there’s no chance he’ll pick a Republican.


  2. Trump’s pandemic response

    January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

    February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”

    February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

    February 25: “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”

    February 25: “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”

    February 26: “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”

    February 26: “We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

    February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

    February 28: “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”

    Feb 29 :” It’s a democratic hoax. ”

    March 2: “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don’t think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”

    March 2: “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.”

    March 4: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”

    March 5: “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.”

    March 5: “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!”

    March 6: “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.”

    March 6: “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”

    March 6: “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”

    March 6: “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”

    March 8: “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.”

    March 9: “This blindsided the world.”

    March 13: State of emergency

    ) The utter unpreparedness of the United States for a pandemic

    ) Disbanding the pandemic response office in 2018

    ) The loss of stockpiled respirators because the federal government let maintenance contracts lapse in 2018

    ) The failure to store sufficient protective medical gear in the national arsenal

    ) That states are bidding against each other for equipment, paying many times the retail price for things like masks and ventilators

    ) Travelers abroad being summoned home and forced to stand for hours in densely packed crowded airports alongside infected people

    ) TEN WEEKS of insistence to the entire country that the coronavirus is a harmless flu that would miraculously go away on its own

    ) The refusal of red-state governors to act promptly

    ) The failure to close Florida and Gulf Coast beaches until late March

    ) Holding daily “briefings” where he lies about the virus, boasts about how “great” he’s handled it, and baselessly attacks journalists

    ) Being incapable of valuing American lives over the revenue of his own properties or his own chances of winning reelection

    ) Pushing untested non-FDA approved drugs as potential “cures” already resulting in at least one American’s DEATH who didn’t even have COVID-19

    ) Refusing tests when they were offered to us in FEBRUARY so he could have companies he has ties to manufacture tests that he could profit off of

    ) Being incapable of accepting responsibility; showing empathy; or offering ANY condolences to those who lost loved ones

    ) Repeatedly blaming others for his own failures. Saying “impeachment distracted him” when he spent all of January, February and early March golfing and holding rallies with thousands of people in attendance (each event its own PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD).

    ) Continuing to call the virus “a Democratic hoax” until LATE FEBRUARY

    ) Showing no awareness of or regard for his responsibility as President to PROTECT AMERICAN LIVES

    ) Continuing to sell millions of tons of PPE to other countries until EARLY MARCH

    ) Putting uniquely UNQUALIFIED people in charge of our federal response to this crisis like Mike Pence and Jared Kushner—who have NO RELEVANT KNOWLEDGE, EDUCATION, OR EXPERIENCE—and can’t even grasp that the federal stockpile of medical equipment is for THE UNITED STATES

    ) Lying about “taking early action in restricting travel to and from China,” which was never done and all experts agree would have made little to no difference at that point because the virus was already present and spreading in the U.S.

    ) Repeatedly lying about the availability and frequency of testing. Saying “everyone who needs a test gets a test” while we are still short MILLIONS OF TESTS, which Pence promised would be available almost a month ago and still haven’t been produced.

    ) Telling the American people we must “reopen the economy” because “the cure can’t be worse than the disease,” which not only puts economic success above American lives, it ignores the fact that the death toll of reopening everything prematurely would be WORSE for the economy.

    ) Ignoring EVERY SINGLE PAGE of the pandemic response playbook that the Obama administration left for Trump’s team, which stressed:
    —Pandemics can start ANYWHERE/don’t respect borders
    —Science MUST GUIDE decisions
    —Federal/State collaboration is KEY

    ) The playbook also stressed the CRITICAL IMPORTANCE of enacting social distancing measures AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. “When it comes to pandemics, days—and even hours—can be the difference between saving thousands of lives.” Trump did NOTHING for 75 DAYS

  3. Just 13 percent of Americans surveyed now say they are satisfied with “the way things are going in the United States.”

    A poll by Gallup released Wed shows that the percentage of Republicans who say they are “satisfied” with the direction the country is heading has fallen by 60 points since Feb, when the coronavirus began spreading rapidly across the country.

    The plunge in the U.S. mood, both in the past month and since February, is mostly occurring among Republicans.

    1. @Kathy Weis – Naw … I like caving his head in on the economy issue. This is about the 5th time. You watch, he won’t come back because if he does, he knows I have about 10 other proofs of the failure his cult hero is. Besides … every time he opens a CNN or MSNBC YT video, he puts money in their pockets. I like that part of it.

    2. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 good Americans shouldn’t base life on a good economy. Most people are just trying to make it theme right and aren’t the problem. It’s racism injustice unfair unequal treatment that’s the problem

    1. Go to and/or to confirm your voting registration data and find out about mail-in voting. There’s early voting in 40 states + DC. Check out your state:

      Dems in red/swing states, switch your party affiliation to ‘R’ for the election. You can switch back later. Lowers your chance of getting purged. Here’s how to do that:

      Voting in person and worried about being harassed? Wear a red hat. #WearRedVoteBlue

      Please copy and share if possible

  4. Trump, being the agent of chaos and destruction that he is, has never solved a problem in his life, and the reason why is because Trump IS the problem. And he’s not about to fix himself.

    Nothing good has ever resulted from anything that Trump has ever touched or been involved with. He is void of any goodwill or human decency. Trump is a purely toxic, insidious and malevolent being, who constitutes a and malignant affliction on this country.

    1. TRUMP= Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism
      biden = the complete opposite!
      Other blacks who support Trump;
      – Candace Owens
      -Leo Terrell
      – Shaquille O’Neal
      – Mike Tyson
      – Herschel Walker
      – Don King 👑
      – Kanye West
      – Dan Bongino
      -Jimmy Walker
      – Stacey Dash
      – Jimmy McMillan
      – Jim Brown
      – Omarosa Manigault
      And many more!
      There’s a little movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it.
      I can’t wait for
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020!!

    2. Go to and/or to confirm your voting registration data and find out about mail-in voting. There’s early voting in 40 states + DC. Check out your state:

      Dems in red/swing states, switch your party affiliation to ‘R’ for the election. You can switch back later. Lowers your chance of getting purged. Here’s how to do that:

      Voting in person and worried about being harassed? Wear a red hat. #WearRedVoteBlue

      Please copy and share if possible

  5. I have a crazy idea. Every person gets one vote.
    And, no hear me out because this is the crazy part….
    The candidate with the most votes wins.
    I know, sooooo radical, right?! 🙄

    1. Sure is radical. Individual votes don’t count when it come to the electoral college. Apparently they thing we are not smart enough to elect the president.

    2. @M John Yup! And, how did the EC work out in 2016? I’m sure 165,000 dead Americans would like to answer that. If they could. 🙌

    3. I JUST POSTED THAT!! Steve Kornacki CNN short video showing the EC MAP.. Why should one State matter over another?? That also causes people to not want to vote, they feel they don’t matter because it’s all about only a select few..

  6. Trump on American deaths ‘It is what it is’

    Vote 🌊across the board and in numbers never seen before, your life, America and the economy literally depends on it.

    1. Blue states are already killing each other. By that logic don’t even vote. I don’t anyway .

    2. @C J 💯👏Trump is Putins greatest asset in destabilising Western democracies and alliances. Good luck to you and yours and stay safe ✌️

    3. @Factsthat Hurtfeelingsgreat another Disinfectant Donnie Disciple full of alternative facts and full 💩

    1. To be honest – Trump’s presidency is opening peoples eyes up to the swamp – the swamp that Trump’s a part of – Barr/Pompeo/Graham/Moscow Mitch/freedom caucus, etc, etc. Eyes are opened alright – if you didn’t know what trump and his devil spawns are all about before – we certainly are getting to see what a corrupt family the trump actually are!!! Thank you, Mr Presdient, as you have revealed EVERYTHING!!!

    1. Don’t buy it he is voting Trump either way, just bs and so is this just this facts hurt feeling guy. He on here acting like he’s an undecided but repeating Trump’s rhetoric, shallow

    2. TRUMP= Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism
      biden = the complete opposite!
      Other blacks who support Trump;
      – Candace Owens
      -Leo Terrell
      – Shaquille O’Neal
      – Mike Tyson
      – Herschel Walker
      – Don King 👑
      – Kanye West
      – Dan Bongino
      -Jimmy Walker
      – Stacey Dash
      – Jimmy McMillan
      – Jim Brown
      – Omarosa Manigault
      And many more!
      There’s a little movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it.
      I can’t wait for
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020!!

    3. J0E says that all bIack people think the same with few exceptions?
      And remember you “ain’t” bIack if you vote your mind!
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020 because the American people DEMAND to see Joe’s cognitive abilities!!🇺🇲🇺🇲
      Where’s sleepy creepy basement J0E?
      Oh man the Debates are going to be EPIC!!🤗

    4. Biden’s VP is important because, lets be honest, Biden is 77 years old and considering his current health, he could potentially die in office.

    5. @Factsthat Hurtfeelings A week ago I listened to a zoom with Joe and Warren and Joe spoke coherently. Trump on the other hand can not even pronounce words correctly. When Trump talks he never gives any examples and talks in circles repeating the same thing over and over. When a man tells you he is a stable genius, beware.

    1. Go to and/or to confirm your voting registration data and find out about mail-in voting. There’s early voting in 40 states + DC. Check out your state:

      Dems in red/swing states, switch your party affiliation to ‘R’ for the election. You can switch back later. Lowers your chance of getting purged. Here’s how to do that:

      Voting in person and worried about being harassed? Wear a red hat. #WearRedVoteBlue

      Please copy and share if possible

  7. Please show Trump’s response from two years ago when he fired all of the Pandemic team that Obama put in place Z

  8. TRUMP INSISTS THAT THE ELECTION IS BEING RIGGED AND THAT’S NO LIE; HE’S THE ONE DOING IT! He does it in various ways: attempting to delay the election; repeatedly sowing doubt and undermining trust in the election process; falsely claiming that mail voting results in millions of fraudulent votes, except in “Red” States; undermining the USAPS and claiming that it’s unable to handle a large volume of mailed votes, etc. Trump’s efforts to sabotage the election are enabled and unconditionally supported by the Fake-GOP, the Party of Republican Turncoats. Fair and free elections are the foundation of any genuine democracy; if the American people lose trust in our election America shall be a democracy in name only! AMERICAN DEMOCRACY IS UNDER ATTACK BY TRUMP, THE FAKE-GOP, AND PUTIN!

    1. @Elliott Bethea they’re filthy. Full of fleas and dont have a problem with the negative speeches description assumptions and continuous lies .its sickening. Biden shouldn’t debate. Never give your opponent the edge by giving him what they want. Jack Johnson did this to champion to agitate bate aggravates the guy to get a shot at boxing title

    2. @Llib Nos I want to see if the GOP nominate him first – tRump’s assumes that the GOP will nominate him to run for President – if they’re too weak not to do this – then tRump will be out! Dems will win by a landslide!

    3. @newbeginningslook at how they compete in supposedly fair and untainted election but u know who has started doubt rumors pertaining to integrity of election. Instead hey the pronle

    4. If Donald Trump was really an authoritarian dictator. And he had control over the Justice Department, the Post Office, and the America One network, as well as a Congress who lets him get away with anything that he wants to. Other than putting federal troops on the ground to “guard the elections” what else would he need to do to take over the election? Oh every one would have to ignore it, or say “There is no way it could happen in the United States.” We need to speak up now

    5. @Chris D’Angelo redumblicans and racist have allowed this .the dems did the constitutional duty and impeached him but not them redumblicans


  9. IF Trump had the ‘brains’ to take this seriously, and early, Americans would NOT be going thru this pandemic!! Over 150,000 people may still be alive!!

    1. TRUMP= Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism
      biden = the complete opposite!
      Other blacks who support Trump;
      – Candace Owens
      -Leo Terrell
      – Shaquille O’Neal
      – Mike Tyson
      – Herschel Walker
      – Don King 👑
      – Kanye West
      – Dan Bongino
      -Jimmy Walker
      – Stacey Dash
      – Jimmy McMillan
      – Jim Brown
      – Omarosa Manigault
      And many more!
      There’s a little movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it.
      I can’t wait for
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020!!

    2. J0E says that all bIack people think the same with few exceptions?
      And remember you “ain’t” bIack if you vote your mind!
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020 because the American people DEMAND to see Joe’s cognitive abilities!!🇺🇲🇺🇲
      Where’s sleepy creepy basement J0E?
      Oh man the Debates are going to be EPIC!!🤗

    3. BIacks who Support Usually its Losers like Trump who are trying to up the ante on the debates. As for his interviews on Fox and Axios, he looked truly unhinged. And it was painful to see him struggle thru the interviews. I actually felt embarrassed for him!! So if you’re expecting some kind of decent performance in the debating arena on his part, I wouldn’t be holding my breath!!

    4. BIacks who Support TRUMP I will not comment on black Americans and their opinions because I am not a black American. However I believe Trump has made numerous racist statements that Americans have accepted it as the norm because he IS a racist. But God, forbid, when Biden makes a statement that doesn’t resonate with some black Americans, Trump supporters jump on him!! and label him racist. However the black American leaders and a majority of their communities have endorsed Biden and are supporting him. And that says a lot!! I believe black Americans are loyalist to their common cause and although they may have differing ideologists they are a strong race when it comes to their convictions. I have s great respect for their peoples.

    5. BIacks who Support TRUMP
      Tax cuts – it’s only the rich that get rewarded with Trump tax cuts Protected Borders are in place from colored immigrants. In my books Candace Owens doesn’t count. She may be black in colour, but white in her convictions!

    1. Go to and/or to confirm your voting registration data and find out about mail-in voting. There’s early voting in 40 states + DC. Check out your state:

      Dems in red/swing states, switch your party affiliation to ‘R’ for the election. You can switch back later. Lowers your chance of getting purged. Here’s how to do that:

      Voting in person and worried about being harassed? Wear a red hat. #WearRedVoteBlue

      Please copy and share if possible

  10. All Trump knows how to do is lie, cheat & steal, then have an army of lawyers defend him in court!

    1. Try coming up with something both sides don’t do. . You will get that regardless of which way a person votes.

    2. @Factsthat Hurtfeelings nope. America has only 4% of the worlds population but has 25% of the covid19 deaths. That is by definition an abject failure of government. My dog could do a better job, and I dont even have a dog.

  11. Remember, Trump called a worldwide pandemic a “Democratic hoax” and not only did nothing to stop it’s spread, but dismantled systems that were already in place to deal with it

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