1. The only good thing about the Dobbs decision, if that can even be said, is that we all now see EXACTLY who our State Legislators are. And will vote accordingly. Don’t just listen to the lies on the campaign stage/ads LOOK THEM UP and see how they voted.

    1. Well, thankfully the FL legislators are life affirming to the unborn (at least 6 weeks and beyond). No one needs more than 6 weeks to learn they are pregnant – this bill is a gift.

  2. The actions of a ‘Dictator Walking’ Many times a woman won’t know she’s pregnant untill four to seven wks. . “Men should stay in their lane”

    1. Even though u are having sex with no protection????
      Wake and be accountable and responsible stop being lazy,
      This bill has all the considerations for rape and miscarriages or health, not just some lazy convinience

  3. That this drug is used for abortions should NOT be the issue, under the Texas judges reasoning: That the FDA didn’t do sufficient research and testing on the drug before approving it. But, that judge disqualified his OWN ruling, by speaking about abortion in his conclusion documents. If his ruling were in good faith, it would be about FDA testing practices. Period. As it obviously is NOT about the FDA testing practices, the ruling should be overturned. You don’t have to be a lawyer to see this.

    1. ​@Dean Finch Just say no to drugs. Just say no to sex. Always works. Just ask the DEA and Catholic church.

    1. Why? Don’t you have a monthly cycle that tells you that you haven’t started in a particular month?

    2. Even though u are having sex with no protection????
      Wake and be accountable and responsible stop being lazy,
      This bill has all the considerations for rape and miscarriages or health, not just some lazy convinience

    3. @LotsOfFun do you realize a women’s period can be off by 6 weeks or more and this could be caused by stress, new medication and various other factors. This is why men should not be writing laws about women’s bodies. Imagine someone writing a law about your body and not having. So 6 weeks is not enough time

  4. To the Republican base:
    Have you noticed how similar to the Middle East/society/legislation American conservatives have become, and yet those nations/cultures/societies are the ones your kind fear and hate the most?

    1. @Dorian Shades of gray I certainly applaud your level of concern for the lives of human babies. I assume that also means you agree we should ban the weapon of choice (AR-15) for those who are slaughtering them every day in grammar schools across America? And also that we should red flag criminals and the mentally ill to keep them from legally purchasing any firearms at all, right?

  5. How does he plan to defend this in a political debate? Anyone with high school biology could argue that a 6 week abortion ban is essentially a total abortion ban.

    1. Even though u are having sex with no protection????
      Wake and be accountable and responsible stop being lazy,
      This bill has all the considerations for rape and miscarriages or health, not just some lazy convinience

  6. Looking at the big picture I have to wonder what the plan is for 20 years from now. There’s a reason for keeping every child alive hungry and mad.

    1. @Atrail McKinley Governor Ron DeSantis announced that Florida received $85.8 million in CARES Act funding to address housing instability and homelessness across the state. The funds, which are being released in two separate disbursements ($20 million and $65 million), will be used to provide rental assistance, support emergency shelters, and conduct street outreach programs to connect unsheltered individuals experiencing homelessness with local housing and other essential services.

  7. Ladies, I would invest in chastity belts until these conservative men that want to rule your body come to their senses.

  8. I thought Republicans are against intrusive government, control over your body is as intrusive as it gets.

  9. A lot of Desantis supporting Floridians are going to be in a bind when they find out this applies to them as well. I think a lot of them will hear god tell them to go out of state for their abortion because their case is different and justified.

  10. I didn’t know I was pregnant till I was 13 weeks, most women have no idea they are pregnant at 6 weeks. Makes no damn sense.

  11. Well there had better be stiff child support enforcement to ensure the kids are able to be raised properly. Think about guys you’re gonna be on the hook. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

    1. Child support is pretty stiff already …i know fathers who are hit so hard by child support that they can’t take care of themselves, meanwhile the mother is hustling in luxury

    2. @Algorasm 🤤 Maybe you should worry about yourself, not what sexually active women decide to do with their own bodies. Or have you decided that the government has a right to tell women when they can have sex, too?

  12. This is a 2 week abortion ban. Pregnancy is calculated from last period – 2 weeks before sperm meets egg. 4 weeks before someone tests positive, giving someone 2 weeks to get an abortion… this is never explained – most men/women without kids don’t know this.

  13. This is sad!
    How can anyone tell us what to do with our body?
    I didn’t even know I was pregnant until 10 weeks!
    Do they realize the a lot of people don’t even know they are pregnant at 6 weeks.

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