‘Every word of it is true’: Heard speaks on op-ed after break in defamation trial

Amber Heard spoke about her 2018 op-ed following a week-long break in proceedings of the defamation trial with ex-husband Johnny Depp. She claims that every word of the op-ed is true. CNN's Chloe Melas reports. #CNN #News


  1. It sounds like a he said, and he had witnesses, and other evidence, and I was waiting for any addition for what she said.

  2. Its amazing on how as she is being cross examined doesn’t remember anything but during her testimony she remembered everything. Also as she was so emotional during her testimony she should also make the same emotional look during her cross examination instead of a smug look of over confidence. I’m sure both were nasty to each other and Amber should have let things be after her divorce instead of publishing the article.

  3. Almost like a Amber Heard‘s attempt to paint her self as a victim when she was the abuser has cast doubt On real victims

  4. You could tell she’s been on social media for this past week (at least) cause she spent 1/2 of her time trying to solidify the claims ppl were calling her out for on social media

  5. This is what bothers me………a woman can make claims like these……and the world expects you to BELIEVE her……..a man makes the same claims and gets told that men can’t get abused by woman.

    I was in an abusive relationship…….she destroyed mentally and she even got physical when she did not get her way. I got my nose broken………lip split……kicked in the groin……..black eyes……struck with fists…….bitten……..my personal belongings destroyed……and once even some of my farhers ashes flushed down the toilet……..by a violent woman that got angry when I did not agree with her……when she did not get her way.

    ……..and everytime I told her I want to leave I was told I do not have a choice and if I leave her she will call the cops and tell them I physically assaulted her…….that I molest my daughter and then she will proceed in slamming her head into the wall until she bleeds.

    Who do you think the cops would of believed?

    Amber disgust me……she reminds me of how a woman used her gender and played the game of threatening and victim play to control and manipulate you………..she is the very example of what an abuser actually looks like.

    Taking the system and using it to get what she wants……….and people fall for this. ……….she’s a narcissist in its truest form………people like that is the closest to evil you can get in a human being……

    Me and.my daughter escaped the grasp of such a person……..and there’s not a day that goes.by where I look back and is thankful for that……..because the destruction it left in my life is still rippling through my daily actions and thoughts every single day.

    1. Your story is harrowing and tragic. I’m glad you escaped and rescued your daughter. Peace be with you, friend.

    2. I feel you bro, so true. Glad you got your daughter and yourself out that situation.

  6. if she recorded him secretly so much, surely she should have multiple examples of direct violence against her?

    1. The one thing that’s consistent about her recordings is Depp always trying to descalate or distance himself from her.

  7. I remember watching,I believe it was an award show when they were still married, it was a good few years ago. This was way before the divorce and the story broke about Johnny alleged abuse. Why I am bringing this up, is Johnny seemed scared of her or rather didn’t want to upset her, he seemed uncomfortable being near her, she knew this, she was happy about it. I got the impression for personally for myself,he almost seem like an abused victim and she seems to enjoy it. So when the story broke about what he did to her it wasn’t ringing true for me with how I saw Johnny react to her.

    1. Same here! It was clear that she was the aggressor.
      When they were close she was taller them him so their eyes were not parallel. She was looking down on him. I remember once thinking wasn’t that a look of “Don’t you dare step out of line.”
      I’ve gone back and rewatched that. But now I can’t remember which red carpet event it was. I’m hoping one of these channels will bring it back up.

  8. Nobody wants to call her a liar in this segment so I’m Glad so many ppl have already come to that conclusion on their own

    1. @Keith E Jr. He sure is but he was off topic .And wonder why a black man would become rasists. I have a black wife I felt and Hurd it from white black and Asian.

    2. Well it’s to try and stay as neutral as you can given the topic. Also should I point out that there is someone talking to themselves in the comments. Or are we just gonna ignore that? It’s kinda interesting in the real world we’d just pass that person by (thought to some extinct we’ve all talked to ourselves in public) but here it’s like they get to give life to those segments of their own personality. Fascinating.

  9. There are too many holes and inconsistencies with her story it’s hard to believe her. Not to mention all of the audio/video recordings/pics she took. It sure seems like she has been setting this up for malicious purposes. Don’t forget about all of the evidence Depp presented of physical harm she caused him. The posing for cameras while she was fake crying, the photoshopped pics they presented. I’m inclined to believe Depp in this case.

    1. @Drakamon one instance. Her PR team was running offense with that mr ripley BS. The rest of her direct testimony was very Hollywood, directly mirroring movie lines and famous newspaper stories.

  10. This case is teaching me to not automatically believe the women when they accuse a man of an assault, which was my inclination. But clearly there are messed up women willing to lie about serious stuff like this. By manufacturing the abuse case Amber not only almost destroyed a good man but also showed disrespect for the actual victims of domestic violence. #teamDepp

  11. It’s mind boggling to hear Heard stone-faced claiming that ‘to pledge’ and ‘to donate’ are synonymous to each other!
    You can’t simply adjust words in the English language to make them fit into your own story!!

    Also: she made photos by the dozen of all sorts of things, yet can’t produce ANY photo evidence of ANY of the alleged injuries from the alleged attacks!
    That not only doesn’t make sense, it actually makes her testimony about these alleged attacks less credible!

    1. She stated she was going to donated the entire seven million to these two charities “..over and above any funds I have given away in the past or will continue to give away in the future..”
      So she shouldn’t deduct the measly two hundred thousand Musk donated in her name or any other donations made by Musk in her “honor” from the pledged entire seven million divorce settlement

  12. I’m having difficulty with Heard’s testimony. She appears to be acting most of the time

  13. I’ve been reading comments on this trial on YouTube channels for NBC, CNN and Fox, and it’s such a strange thing to see how nearly everyone in agreement that Amber is a liar!

    1. Amber will never win an Oscar for her acting skills, but she might win a Nobel for uniting the world… against her!

  14. We can argue about politics until the cows come home and bicker about inflation, but one thing we can all come together and agree upon is the fact that Amber Heard is a liar and a crummy actress.

  15. She was exposed as a liar repeatedly during cross over and over again. The evidence is speaking louder than her lies ever could! Shame on her for claiming to be a dv/sa victim. There are real victims out there who struggle to be believed.

  16. I’ve been following closely. Proven lies about her claims and tearless sobs are all I’ve seen for the past week

  17. the way this started i really thought they would try to defend herd, but it seems when they talked there was just no way to, yet they have to appear impartial

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