Ex-Fox anchor Gretchen Carlson reacts to Dominion defamation settlement

Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson speaks to CNN’s Anderson Cooper and reveals why she hoped Dominion Voting Systems wouldn’t have settled with Fox News. #CNN #News


  1. The Fox hosts would have been forced to admit under oath that the network has nothing to do with hard journalism or “NEWS”, and that the hosts are promoting, first and foremost, a corporate objective.

  2. If they lie on any News Media, then there should be very serious consequences for doing so and they must be made to pay!

    1. Here in the Netherlands Fox wanted to establish Fox news, but they weren’t allowed to due to not meeting the criteria for “news” they are now called Fox Entertainment here, with exactly the same programs as Fox News.

    1. Even though Klepper uses comedy to make his audience pay attention and disarms deranged people around him with silliness, all of his guests and the shows he’s been a guest of have been somehow genuinely meaningful. He’s in a peculiar limbo between two different levels of journalism. Midbrow? Doublebrow? Unibrow? In any case, a brilliant human being 🍻

    2. @Sami Huttunen Daily show has been GREAT lately. The rotating guest-host thing has been brilliant…

  3. I love that Trump has now cost Fox $800 million plus lawsuits to come. That guy has taken so many people down with him, it’s mind blowing to me.

    1. Rick Wilson wrote the book, Everything Trump Touches Dies”. It’s an apt description for Trump’s life.

    2. Everyone that aligns themselves with Donald Trump in any way eventually will regret that complete lapse in sanity.

    1. ​@FireQueen People aren’t prosecuted from lawsuits. They just have to pay damages, or they don’t. It’s not called prosecution. That’s criminal cases.

  4. I’m happy for dominion for getting the amount of money they received, but it sure would’ve been nice to see tucker, hannity,..ect having to admit the truth.

    1. Many victims commit suicide or become homeless because their truth is never told. Some crimes will never be known.

  5. I don’t think they should have been made to apologize. I think they should have been made to retract all their lies on the air.

  6. Andrew Weissman explained, rather insightfully, that anyone’s “frustration” on not “viewing” a trial was technically our own “schadenfreude”.. the lawyers’ highest priority is to their client(s), which they ultimately achieved.. the jury would only have had an opportunity on their “juror’s slip” to indicate strictly a monetary amount in such a civil case – no apology statements option available.. they achieved the first laid brick on the road to justice in exposing Fox’s true culture..

  7. My 79 year old mother watches Fox from the time she wakes up until she goes to bed. It is amazing the change I’ve seen in her, and not for the better.

    1. I’m very sorry to hear this. Tell me she’s not picking up a copy of the National Enquirer on the way out the door at the grocery store?

    2. Mine too. She’s always telling me something she saw on Fox, I grab my phone, Google it, and 98% of the time it’s NOTHING like what she thinks it is, or as sometimes happens, it’s Fox passing off something as news that actually came from a satire website. It’s completely ridiculous the horrific crap they get away with. She knew nothing about this lawsuit, had never heard of it! I really despise Fox and Trump for the cancerous influences they are.

    3. If I may offer advice tell her it’s not “harmless fun”. I say this making an assumption that you feel, even if only remotely, that there is a chance that you may change your mother’s mind towards Faux Noise. Tell her this entity hurts people. Maybe not you, me or your mother directly that we can quantify, though others can. We all suffer to a degree when this frack station becomes a platform for riot incitement against democracy, for example.

      I am in a similar situation to yourself, except that it is a very good elderly friend of my elderly mother who is glued to the bilge pump. Fortunately mom never. Maybe suggesting something like (God forgive me) watching a recorded episode of Saturday Night Live (again my apologies) would be a healthier (???) outlet (if she’s not too conservative for that). Actually you can probably do better than that, though you get the idea. Unpretentious fiction vs. deceitful liars. I haven’t really started my campaign for mom’s friend yet. Hopefully we will both see some positive results, again if you are so inclined.

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