Former federal prosecutor Shan Wu joins CNN's Paul Reid to discuss former President Donald Trump's ongoing legal battles. #CNN #News
Ex-prosecutor breaks down Trump’s worst case scenarios

Former federal prosecutor Shan Wu joins CNN's Paul Reid to discuss former President Donald Trump's ongoing legal battles. #CNN #News
I hope he doesn’t get arrested Tuesday. I hope it’s Monday.
@Dustin Clark lmao. Trump is going to prison.
@Bill Miller Chris Evans now can do it like you do that so you might feel like you do how much you can it like that job first thing tomorrow night with you guys we will see you soon or the next one see you can find out now day
@Harold 👈. Lmao no he isn’t. 🤡🤡
@M Hall he definitely is.
Time to walk down the altar 👰 for his actions.
LOL bringing in a character witness against any other witness at a grand jury is clownish.
I feel sorry for the corrections officer that has to cavity search his lardass
@Harold Insults never work Harold it only confirms I hit a nerve with the TRUTH something Democrats have difficulty coming to terms with..nice try
@w kahnso original my dude, you really showed them lol
I wonder if Weisselberg will also be indicted for being a part of the “scheme.” This would allow prosecutors to squeeze him for testimony or face a longer prison sentence.
After all Weisselberg’s former daughter in law testified. What would she know about these specific payments? Probably not much. So why did she testify? What did she talk about?
I hope they nail Weiselberg
exactly .
I saw her drunk on a talk show. Then she was no more! She’s a mess.
I can still remember the days when the DOJ didn’t have a two tiered system when investigating politicians.
@gacj2010 LMAO….please explain
Costello in a no win sitch. Serves him right
I like presidents who don’t get arrested.
@badlolfer You haven’t a clue!
@William Royer Keep in mind, the impeachments ended in acquittal’s, doofus!
@William Royer No thanks, we Republicans see Mitt as a worthless Democrat too!
Love to hear more from this guy
@Aion are you implying smart people look like Tonald Dromph?
you better go ask your mom.
@Stephen Morton 🤔…
@Stephen Morton Mom jokes? How old are you little boy 👦?
The issue is EVERY single crime he listed is past statute of limitations to prosecute so it is dead on arrival in Court?
I just don’t think he will walk with his hands up in the air either
I highly doubt there’s gonna be a publicized perp walk🚶♂️ but that would certainly make for breaking news next week. Most definitely!
Well at least he’s being point-blank and what he saying🤔
Why wouldn’t they give his BEST cases scenario?
“ what goes around , comes around”, we will see Donald!
He is telling the truth about the legal aspect
I’m glad he’s up for a sleazy payoff while waiting further, more serious charges down the road
Should not these be called the “Best Case Scenarios” ???
“When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head]. You can take the hand away, OK? Please don’t be too nice,” he said to the audience in Long Island, New York. 🤦
Perfect arrest
@chipmouse point of sale…?
He also said he could shoot someone on Fifth avenue and get away with it. What a piece of crap he is.
This sounds like it’s not the strongest case. Hoping that we’ll see multiple arrests over time.
The New Day is the only group I remember being able to pursue singles titles withoit somebody turning heel