Florida Breaks Daily Record Sunday With 15,300 New Cases | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Over the weekend, Florida reported more than 15,000 new cases on Sunday, the highest number on record. Also over the weekend, testing delays across the country are hobbling virus response and the WH is attempting to discredit Dr. Fauci. Aired on 7/13/2020.
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Florida Breaks Daily Record Sunday With 15,300 New Cases | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. *America: “We’re running out of hospital beds!”*

    *DeSantis: Meh🤷‍♂️ I’m gonna let Disney open anyway!*


    1. Look on the BRIGHT SIDE…the ONLY people DYING from Disney’s INFECT-ATHON will be Trump Lovers!!! Anybody with an ounce of sense will AVOID Disney like the CESSPOOL it is….

    2. @James Irving the real tragedy is that the did it only for the money! DeSantis is just an agent of the Devil that Trump serves.

  2. DeSuckAss: “Everybody in the media was saying that Florida was going to be like New York or Italy, and that has not happened.”
    Covid-19: Hold my beer…

  3. Looks like Governor DeSenseless has forgotten his bible studies from last year:

    “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”

    Proverbs 11:2

    1. Yea and they tried really hard to disgrace his opponent, now he is disgracing his self, and the state with all his shenanigans!

  4. “I have to behave like an arrogant fool because I worship an arrogant fool and people will die from my stupidity

  5. As a general rule of thumb: Don’t declare victory during an ongoing pandemic. Just don’t do it.

    1. Right. It makes you look like the stupid Trumpist that you are. Welcome to the cult of mass murderers.

    2. We were averaging 20 new cases daily..nationally and our state borders still locked down. A handful of morons decided it was OK to have big family kissy kissy catch ups. Now the highrise apartment blocks and nearby suburbs total lockdown until everyone tested, city and the whole state locked down, again within 24 hours. New cases rose to 200-300 daily. Military and police at every crossing 24/7. People are being fined $4,000 for crossing state borders, quarantine people jailed who fail to comply. That is how you jump on it. We never declared victory, because we knew we bred our own morons who would screw it up.
      Keep yourself and loved ones safe…..love Aust. xxx

  6. Let’s see. Dr.Fauci is a medical doctor and reknowned epidemiologist. Dump had someone take the SAT’s for him. Dr.Fauci is concerned with saving lives. Dump is concerned with getting re-elected.Dr. Fauci is steady and reliable. Dump is erratic and unstable. Which horse are you going to put your money on?

  7. Watch those people go out and re elect him into the governor’s office. This country is so backwards even third world countries are laughing at us.

    1. The failure is not the governor, but the people. They elected inept people into office and expect golden results. Well, voting is live or death.

    2. That’s right. Remember when America was a “shinning city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom loving people everywhere?” Well, Trump kept his promise and “Made America Great Again,” by making America a black-hole where no beacon can shine. Just think what he can accomplish for America with four more years, right?

    3. @kennyw That would be a “nightmare”. His criminal friends and himself included would continue their crime spree, there’d be no Justice system, in name only, to prevent him or keep him in check.

  8. Sez DeSantis, the guy who fired his COVID stats keeper. The guy who said he would no longer release data on nursing home deaths. So is the 4300 deaths a lie now?

  9. Isaac Asimov writes, “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

    1. The Trump cult loudly and proudly proclaims its ignorance. And they hate the elites for rejecting them. We’re all living their ignorance now. I hope we survive to reject them forever.

  10. DeSantis is actually a bigger liar than Trump. He fired the scientist who wouldn’t fudge the data so Florida could meet the CDC guidelines for reopening and then altered the calculation to lower Florida’s infection rate by 34%. DeSantis was late to close the state and rushed the reopening turning Florida into the epicenter of the virus. Now he wants to send teachers and children back to school in August. We have a moron running the state of Florida who takes his inspiration from the moron in the White House.

    1. I heard about that? But I heard he had someone that was doing, and when the police chief looked into it, is when they didn’t want him to have access of the numbers?: “HELLO”

    1. I know right, some governor letting people catch the virus more and more, so he can have his GOP convention? People better think, they still don’t know how exactly people are getting this mess, they are only guessing, but someone knows! I wouldn’t doubt it was spread on purpose to get rid of old people, over weight people, people of color, the poor, and immigrates, we will find out twenty year later who was the instigator!

    1. @Jon Antoinin Trump and China’s President spreading that mess. Trump is the only one not wearing a mask, while having his little parties, hes the silent spreader!

    2. @Harry Rodriguez Those American soldiers probably did spread it in China? Then everyone kept flying all over the world?

    3. @Stingjay 4000 – except every recent study of the new rise in Covid-19 cases are mostly younger people and I thought that Democrats were proud that most younger people tend to lean Democrat.

  11. Bla, bla, bla in the Netherlands we have a saying: “Hoogmoed komt voor den val”. Pride goeth before the fall.

  12. Ron de Santis, One term if he even finishes this one before he’s tarred and feathered and carried out of town on a rail. Still legal in Florida.

  13. Gov Ron: “Everyone is saying that Florida will be like NY or Italy.”

    *Your right, it’s not, it’s WAY WORSE*

    1. You got that right!!!! The gall of the Florida Gov. to brag about how great their town is when at every turn they contradict the medical experts….. Now the people of Florida is paying for the consequences of his inaction and misinformation!!!!

    1. BLAME IT ALL ON BLM PROTESTERS, who are totally responsible for spreading the China virus everywhere particularly Florida.

    2. @Harry Rodriguez unfortunately, he’s not up for reelection until 2022. He needs to be tried for murder at most, depraved indifference at least.

    3. @s’lian yong He could resign today and save the people of the state the agony of being lead by someone who is unqualified! He needs to resign! Vote for decency this November!

    4. @Daphne Su The people of your state should start a campaign to get him to do the right thing and resign for the good of the people of Florida! Vote for decency this November!

  14. One day DeSantis can proudly tell his grandchildren the part he took in assisting this virus to spread and causing thousands of deaths. What a legacy 🙄

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