Full: Donald Trump Speech 10/13/16: West Palm Beach, Florida

Full: Donald Trump Speech 10/13/16: West Palm Beach, Florida

Full Speech – Donald Trump Rally – West Palm Beach, FL – October 13, 2016



    1. Roll a little Speedstick under those armpits, Jess. That’ll mask the smelly
      problem for a while until you can properly wash. Oh, I adore the
      Hillary-ites! Taking you on is shooting the proverbial fish in the
      proverbial barrel. Please respond with your best riposte, by all means. I’m
      bracing myself for a clever “You blankety-blank, blank” kind of response.
      [break] Go Jonathan, you are right, but it’s the Daybreak poll that really

  1. oven dodgers btfoed they better start moving back to Israel before Trump
    gets in or else is the goolags for them

  2. If He fails it’s Over, we will lose our Nation, we will be Uganda: a Third
    World Hellhole. Republicans will never win a presidential election again,
    we will become a one party state, and a part of the Third World through our
    open borders.

  3. Wow. This IS how Hitler became the leader of his country. Take one
    charismatic, angry man, add a little racism and a large dose of fear and
    there you have it – A LOT of people willing to overlook anything, even
    their own sense of right and wrong, to follow blindly. VERY VERY scary.

    1. America has been overlooking everything they have done since they won
      independence. Shall I try you on how much you are willing to not overlook?
      Name your country and we shall have a go.

  4. Wow. This IS how Hitler became the leader of his country. Take one
    charismatic, angry man, add a little racism and a large dose of fear and
    there you have it – A LOT of people willing to overlook anything, even
    their own sense of right and wrong, to follow blindly. VERY VERY scary.

  5. He’s really not biting his tounge at this point. He’s been dropping hints
    here and there but as of recent he’s dropping the red pill heavy. It’s
    really time we wake up and realize how much is at stake this November. Look
    at how much they’re doing to bash his name. The establishment is in full

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