The German government is facing calls to do more to combat the threat of far-right extremism after a gunman opened fire at two shisha bars, killing nine people. CNN's Melissa Bell has the details. #CNN #News
German government is criticized after ‘deeply racist’ shooting attack

The murderer was a trumpsupporter of course.
Unacceptable anywhere, against anyone!
@david nichols
Yes, the white man is the enemy of the United States.
Wow never heard that one before
*audience cheering*
@ARJUN BROOKLYN Why would the White man be the enemy of a country he started??
@52 80 “Feral” may give them too much credit.
Not the German government is criticized, the German Alt-Right Party called AfD ( Alternative für Deutschland ) is. The AfD party was heavily spreading anti-immigrant bias on German websites and message boards for years. The gunman got radicalised by the AfD on those platforms and killed 11 young adults.
Most of this is getting pushed hard by Russia on social media. Just waiting for the West and NATO to respond.
@spaceace5621 WRONG assbag. All mass shooters have been right-wing.
What self-respecting lefty would even want to own guns? Lol. 🤣🤣🤣🖕
@Aldrich Uyliong looks like you need to do ALOT of research “assbag”. most mass shooters are not long or even short term gun owners. Most either buy the firearm right before the act or obtain the firearm from someone else. Newtown shooter stole his from a family member, Vegas shooter bought about a week before, same for batman shooter, Orlando shooter, I could go on. Thanks for showing your ignorance
that’s where trump is from i told ya’ll trump is a neo nazi trump advocates racism on live tv.
@spaceace5621 Thank you for your ignorance too. So how does that little tidbit implicate leftists of mass shootings? Only the right loves or wants to purchase guns.
Mass shooters are all incels and right-wingers just like you. 🤣🤣🤣🖕
@Aldrich Uyliong I’m Gen-X, We’re the kids from your parents first marriages, dumb Millennial…
Far right, is far wrong.
@About Me What’s Right is it’s WHITE workers (the way Europe is supposed to be).
@Jed Eckart You’ve never heard “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”? Extremism is often a GREAT thing.
@El Jay If Whites are replaced, who’s going to be your new masters?
@subtlesigns 😂😂😂🤣🤣 at 24 weeks it’s a baby, but yet in my state of Massachusetts its legal to abort. Now when you say abortion at 4-12 perfectly fine. I have a question for you, when I go to all the white areas in Boston there are many infertility clinics. Tell me why there’s nothing but abortion clinics in my neighborhood? Riddle me that batman?
@Stephen RunsHisMouth
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left Right left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
No paychecks for any Authority ever they are the criminals
He killed his mum.
Short for “MOther”
RIP to his Mum.
Don’t mind the American trying to impose his ‘English’ on you.
He was a right wing incel ! Their are many of those on the right.
@Sid Maximus
@ARJUN BROOKLYN All the major crimes of the KKK were committed when the Democrats still supported them & whe the Klan were still Alt/Left wing all the way to where the Democrats & the KKK supposedly “parted ways”. An the Klan Member from Nazifa Klantifa shoot out in Dayton Ohio, Portland, & in Tacoma Washington. But U wouldn’t know that that, bc’s U watch Fake News cnn.
@E.V. Gaming
The KKK currently supports the racist, impeached, drug addicted, constantly butthurting Twitterer-in-chief.
*”Fox’n Friends”* is not a reliable new site.
Mtlab sharre terrorism, terrorism e sharre wad ham asth????
Did your commentator just describe Muslim immigration as and I quote “Muslim Onslaught” Gee I wonder why people are acting out.
Frank–“Muslim invasion” would work too.
I saw this post before finishing the video, so watched carefully for the referenced quote. In context, it seems pretty clear that she’s intending it as a reference to how members of the far-right group she cites view (and refer to) current cultural demographic shifts. That said, it certainly would have been ideal if she made that a wee bit clearer.
The bigotry of low expectations is on display by Frank Delgrosso
@Sage Bias far right are bigots plain and simple
RIP 😥😥
first normal reaction, thanks
@Ottts22 ✌✌
Albert Müller
Rest in pepperonis
@Michael 🖕🖕
can you shout out holtville Alabama on your next show
USA 2.0. It’s everywhere it seems.
Just at a far lower rate in Germany. It’s horrible either way.
I agree Islam is everywhere because of our Globalist politicians.
@Leftist Cuck So what if Islam is everywhere? The shooter was a right wing racist terrorist.
Try finding a decent apartment here in DE without a German sounding last name to get you in the door, then white once they see you. This is not a new problem and has always been here. The more south you go, the worse it gets till you hit Bavaria, where this mind set is the standard. Heart, prayers, thoughts are with the victims. 🙁
White–Why would they even let anyone into the country with an enemy-sounding name?!
1:15 is just factually wrong. The right-wing AfD is not the second largest party in the german Bundestag. They are the thrid largest with only 12,6 % of the vote. (And are thus comparable in size with the other three smaller parties in parliament.)
Imagine prep coolidge ( in coolidge arizona )
Imagine prep coolidge ( in coolidge arizona )
Imagine prep coolidge ( in coolidge arizona )