1. Status quo Joe has exceeded expectations. He’ll do good for another 4. It’ll give the Democratic Party a chance to find a younger generation of liberal thinkers to lead our flawed young nation towards more progressive policies.

    1. @Phoenix Blanco yah, the anti-trade Trump economy was decent, nothing special, although wage growth was good, until COVID and the shutdowns hit.

    2. @Revenantical So you’d rather not admit the truth? I’ll send you one of the sources if you want it. When I attached it, youtube deleted. Let me know. Sounds like you’d prefer a liberal country. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. @JK So… Trump’s economy was so good that the only thing that would stop it was the opposition party shutting down our entire economy for two years?

    4. @Phoenix Blanco it wasn’t so good, we had 2% annual GDP growth under Trump on average, pre-COVID. It was decent. And as far as the rest of what you said, I think we covered that.

  2. The country has far too many loose ends and you would have thought that rules about this would have been in place already since Madoff and salesmen senators like this guy won’t help.

    1. I’m sure the younger generation can wait till 2028, it’s not like they will all grow old and die out by then, until then we will stick with President Biden for now.

    2. You know, the other way around is just as viable a suggestion. The people with long term skin in the game are worried most about their career prospects and being re-elected.
      Someone like Biden may not be at the forefront of tech etc, but he can be genuinely objective in the way a younger person maybe can’t.

  3. I love that Pamela fact checks guests in real time. Makes all the difference. Defend the truth. All reporters/interviewers should.

    1. I bet she makes a hellova O face…..telling ya.
      Thats why she on air now.

      Like IsraeI wants it.

    2. Giving corporations like himself tax breaks didn’t do anything for our great country. Our standing in the world also diminished. Stop defending a criminal, it’s hard to believe that people just don’t care about the crimes Trump committed , yet scream about what about Hunter’s laptop.
      Trump was the President of the United States, Hunter wasn’t. BTW most believe no matter who committed the crime should do the time. Including Hunter.

  4. Nominate people who can get the job done. Throw out those who cannot. Time for America to be as good as it says and believes it is.

    1. All Trump has to do to defeat Biden is turn the campaign into a debate on the welfare state and LBJ’S Great Society. That is the special way to defeat Biden and he is running again. Trump is getting his seat back

    2. @SourDoughBill Prior to Trump the Republican Party wanted to eliminate these programs completely. Trump decided to keep both programs and to improve the quality of service they provide without socialism.

    3. @Morgan Crist That’s just more nonsense. Neither program exists at the prerogative of the President, let alone the whims of the orange ball sack. (That and any improvements are made by the legislative branch, not the executive branch.)

  5. Imagine going to work everyday with thousands of people plotting your downfall. And you still made everyone’s life better even the ones who hate you.

    1. @MOS:11X You are mistaking his motivation, which is not righteousness but malignant narcissism. If you read a bit about the untreatable personality disorder you will understand that’s the ego damage of admitting loss, even trivial loss let alone being properly and legitimately trounced in an election, is more powerful a motivator than life itself for such afflicted creatures.

    2. @Ligma Johnson This clip started with a interview regarding the Crypto Industry, the vote for McCarthy as Speaker of the House, crisis at the boarder, immigration, and crime. Isn’t that CNN discussing something other than Trump?

  6. He’s completely right.💯 Also we have more than just 2 parties and options. We don’t have to blindly follow the mainstream narrative, like lemmings

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  7. They’ve both betrayed Americans in their own ways at this point, so he’s right. Neither would win against anyone but the other.

  8. Spoken like a man whose party has already lost…. “Please don’t let Biden run against our Fearless Loser…!!! 😂🤣😂💙💙🇺🇸

    1. @Andrew Page … Nice insult kiddo…now, how about a coherent argument that supports your position…..
      No…? just childish insults…??? You should run for office.

    2. @Zuzu Petals The onus is on you lmao. You’re the one saying things that aren’t rooted in reality. Left wing derangement doesn’t count as “evidence”
      Nice try though. I enjoy the comedy.

    3. @Andrew Page … You should seriously start a career in politics… I hear Kari Lake is looking for a tampon Wrangler…🤣😂🤣🇺🇸💙

    4. @Andrew Page .. and what is an ‘onus’ …learn to spell…I seriously wonder if ANY trump supporters passed 8th grade.

    5. @Zuzu Petals Id do better than any Democrat. It’s easy, don’t be a racist senile Nazi hellbent on pedophilia and control. That’s all you’re good for.

  9. Although I might disagree with many of his statements, I am glad to hear a voice of reason from the right that at least could be a good start for a discussion. I also believe Biden would be a good president for another 4 years.

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  11. Well it hasn’t happened in 132 years, but that’s what we’re going to get in 2024. A President on both sides are running for re-election. It’s safe to say each will be in the general.

  12. Well personally I don’t know if they should go that far but I never believed in it but not everybody’s going to feel the same like I do🤔

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