1. @Chris Albert Ahh but he is though, look at how many people have given up their families, their freedom, and even in some cases their very life simply by him opening his mouth? BUT in then end, he WILL pay, the only question is; how much COLLATERAL DAMAGE will he leave in his wake? (Pun intended)

      High Treason = Death Penalty.

      One can dare to dream.

  1. Bannon saying FBI trying to desecrate Mara-largo, priceless. Bannon angling for a new book deal, and a way to make money off of Trumps downfall. Why is Bannon not in jail already?

    1. @G Griffin
      You failed to list the crime you’re accusing him of. Could you elaborate on that and your facts to support your accusations?
      Thank you.

  2. I wish, personally, that CNN wouldn’t broadcast Bannon’s reaction to this. They know all it’s going to do is jack up these kooks. It’s not news.

  3. This is actually a war on being wrong or not.. admitting fault or not.. accepting responsibility for trying to raise a dictator or not..

  4. “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
    ― Carl Sagan

    1. @carlmm May God forgive us both for having this exquisite yet sinful fantasy, even if it was but a fleeting one . . . LOL

  5. The man has rightly mentioned, To those people who loves their country so dearly they realise that America right now is fighting good over evil, just like Ukraine fighting with all their might to win against the evil. I strongly believe that in the end good will always prevail though at a high cost.

    1. @Firestarter I can’t believe you’re saying this. What’s evil here is subjective. Both sides are guilty.

  6. *This is what actually happened. This video is not for kids, it’s shocking* ALLTIME.LIVE
    Mr. Dunn – respect to you.

  7. It’s getting easier to tell by the look on their faces that they don’t believe what they are saying.

  8. I do hope that some people in the US with some common sense know how dangerous the situation is they’re in!!

    1. sure, tell that to the people who are already in jail because of trumps words. im not worried. PEOPLE ARE FINALLY SEEING THE TRUTH. even Laura Ingrahm, on FOX , SAID TRUMP TO TURN THE PAGE, LEAVE AND LET SOMEONE ELSE TAKE OVER !!!!

    2. Hey Agent Cooper, I’m pretty sure you know this already but here it is; Shamefully, “Common Sense” is no longer “Common”

  9. Steve Bannon I’ll guarantee you’re going to comply especially when you’re in prison you will mind somebody

    1. Get off the couch and throw your remote away …TV addicted. Hook, line and sinker. Boomers are gonna send this country to hell. Wake up Dusty.

  10. I really appreciate your news channel. but listen to this guy is too painful for me and I am very sorry to spend on a few seconds to make my comments. Thank you.

  11. You don’t need to amplify anything Steve Bannon says. CNN is broadcasting his message. CNN could be offering news stories that don’t nursemaid the hysterical and scandalous.

    1. @Daniel Schaeffer this “enemy” is already known. Knowing your enemy doesn’t include spreading your enemy’s message and contributing to your enemy’s legend. The misinformation effect and the mere exposure effect are dangers…

  12. Let’s hear it for Bannon, pardons becomes a wholly of a man, praying for a dime light that will pay off. God loves this poor soul. Material things is his love

  13. SUPER REPORT …I feel like I was in church with my fellow followers
    stoking the fires of knowledge against those that would deliver U.S.A. to CHINA for their labor camps

  14. it still amazes me that in a country where even the most charming of cussing is beeped away to not shock sensitive souls, all of this public deceit, dangerous rethoric and violence promotion is tolerated, put on display and broadcasted enthusiastically.

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