An unidentified object was shot down 10 miles off the frozen coast of Alaska on Friday afternoon, US officials announced, but details about the object are scarce. #CNN #News
Hear what pilots said about mysterious object shot down near Alaska

An unidentified object was shot down 10 miles off the frozen coast of Alaska on Friday afternoon, US officials announced, but details about the object are scarce. #CNN #News
The flight speed of the object would be useful in understanding the situation.
The fbi? Now that is a hoot.
It was drifting with the wind current and Trudeau wanted it shot down because it posed a threat to airlines
Mach 6 or airspeed of the windspeed
Knowing its origin and purpose would clear things up
Are you saying unless its supersonic it is not threat? bio weapon?
Being raised in the military, I do not believe the pilots would even speak out on this classified mission.
Is’nt that rational 🇨🇦🤝
I have seen these craft myself and they are not human
@Thuggee Gaming They told ‘everyone’ but they still told everyone ‘nothing’. 💯
No one has said how fast it was moving. One of the most important detail.
@MidNiteR32 The Aliens probed Uranus
@Joe Sanchez Not many things on earth going mach 6
They literally said it was just floating with no propulsion
@Joe Sanchez Warp speed.
Just look through the records of wind speeds at that altitude and location and date from one of the many atmospheric organizations around the world. That’s how fast it was traveling!
Is there a reason they aren’t releasing any footage or photos of these objects? They were quick to release photos and videos of the balloon, but for these two ufos, they seem to not want to share any specifics or photos. They said they tracked it for 24 hours so we must have a massive collection of pictures and videos. Where are they? Why won’t they share them?
@Sandy Allen omg lmfaooo! I needed to laugh today…thank you
Check your local alien news stations
Classified sheeple
Of course there is a reason they aren’t releasing any video, but they aren’t releasing the reason either.
The weirdest thing is that they said there was no clear propulsion system yet also said it wasn’t a ballon.
They’re simply setting you up for what’s to come next. All a bunch of planned bullshit with a big agenda to follow.
They did the same thing in Roswell New Mexico 1947, they said it was a weather balloon, the story broke and they said flying object, then later changed the story.
@Tevan Asaturi all fear the balloon Armada, then, I guess 😂
After all their peaceful attempts to contact humans and show us that they mean us no harm by floating unarmed balloons through the air have been shot down, who could really blame the aliens when their next balloon is armed with a death ray?!
It’s probably just a smaller ridgid lighter than air. A mini zeplin with the components on the inside.
It’s an art to be able to say so little in the interview indeed! Nothing about the way it looked like nor about the speed and other characteristics. And, even more surprising, the host didn’t bother ask these questions either. Why???
You’ll need to have a top secret security clearance for your request ……
Mach 6. Jimmy accosta must have missed that one
The msm hosts never push back or ask hard questions. Ever. That’s no longer their job. Their job is to tell us whatever the leading three letter bureaucratic government entity tells them to say. Right now, they’re trying to figure out the narrative that will serve their warmongering and will work to condition the US citizens to hate whomever the military industrial complex wants to go to war with.
Last fight
CNN never bothers to ask,they simply report exactly what they are told without question.
conflicting reports means that a commanding officer got to one of them before the interview
Klingon star cruiser?
I love how they spoke about what the pilots said but don’t quote them nor share the recordings.
Last fight
So you want leakers to get in trouble?
Benefits of fake news
Beacuse its CNN, they literally just spit out what the Defense Department gives them. No real thoroug, investigate journalism happens here, they’re just a propaganda arm of the U.S.
The military did not give out the names of the pilots to CNN, or give them permission to speak. This is a lie.
Two people always see the same thing differently. That is why eye witnesses always have varying opinions.
Finally It Is Here The Clip You All Wanted:-
Rashomon effect
And also the least dependable
I thought that the experience was different as in impact on instrumental systems in the cockpit of the fighter. The visuals were the same. Metallic-greyish cylindrical shaped object with no obvious signs of propulsion. Like the tic tac objects the Navy encountered back in 2004.
Why doesn’t anyone ask how fast the object was moving?
Reported to be traveling at a speed of 30 or 40mph.
Finally It Is Here The Clip You All Wanted:-
It doesn’t matter let’s find out where it came from and send a serious message. Let’s not show weakness
All the fake posts are asking that question to deflect away from the real issues
origin and motive
You just did.
This feels like an invasion of our airspace – whoever it is needs to face retribution. What would happen if this brought a domestic plane down?so reckless
What if it was friendly alien species that didnt understand our communications? Remember the Twilight Zone episode where they killed the stranger because he was different and he had the cure for cancer written down in the book the townsfolk burned? Hmm
We better stop fighting amongst ourselves and pay attention to what matters
Grow up
People will choose up sides and most will try to ally with them against others
This is real life not a Wil smith movie
@Supremely Educated Like that was a loss?
They burned people at the stake and ate them
Here you are deriding whites while using and enjoying everything we built
Apparently, no one heard what you said.
I did, though. And I agree.
your a little too late…they keep it hush hush because there is no way to defend against technologies lets be nice at least 1000 years ahead of us.When they are ready to take this rock , nothing we can do about it…we had our chances and pissed them away fighting amongst ourselves for 1000s of years.
Reagan tried warning us years ago
The pilot stated he saw a bright red dome glistening in the moonlight, on close inspection it was Brian Stelter in a hand glider.
Rip, Doc and Marty 😭
KKKKKKKK I got that reference! could be…
Rick and Morty would own the air force.
Im having a hard time believing theyve actually gotten first hand accounts of what the object was yet as that absolutely is top secret clearance and it would be very easy to track down where that kind of leak came from.
Is it possible that it is a device from another galaxy and there is no one who dares to mention that option?
I am wondering here, when a pilot aproaches the object they are supposed to shoot down can they take a good high resolution photograph while is hoovering in the air? At least this could clarify some of the conflicting reports from pilots. A military jet can have a high resolution camera in the cockpit as it flies towards the object, then later on shoot it down.
That’s interesting 🤔
I think I saw one a few years ago in Mo. And it really did look like something out of the X Files. It never made a sound.
A slow moving, floating cylindrical object… I think I saw one in my toilet yesterday.