How To Stay Safe As Summer Nears: A Doctor Weighs In | Morning Joe | MSNBC

As more states begin reopening portions of their economy, Dr. Zeke Emanuel discusses ways for the general public to stay healthy as we move into the summer season. Aired on 05/21/2020.
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How To Stay Safe As Summer Nears: A Doctor Weighs In | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Just a thought were in the middle of CLIMATE CHANGE I would like to see the Children play outside like we did Parents make sure to have your Children visit it.

    2. @Dave Schultz Gage me with a spoon blame why not use abortion as your tool, that’s most common are you just using evolution’s guide of change. Every living organism likes to spread funny thing is Covid-19 is INERT until it finds a host then it discriminates and say’s human….yes.

  1. All Trump supporters should hold many rallies . Mingle closely , hug and kiss and shake hands , double dip from the same punch bowl and have a great time . Enjoy !

  2. Having the worst president during the worst pandemic makes things so much worse πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

    1. When he came into office I said that it is time to pray that no major catastrophe happens in the next four years. Granted, I never expected THIS kind of catastrophe, but I expected this level of seeming incompetence which is in reality just a lack of caring about anything than your own grift.

    1. Jelly Belly haha…I had to read this twice before I realized it was not a β€œstupiod!” Great job!

    1. @Madelyn Collins – nope, the molecules are smaller than the fabric and besides a non infected person cannot get another person sick regardless. please provide the data and facts of how many lives have been saved by wearing masks…..otherwise stop providing false information and misrepresentation of the science behind masks.

    2. Wearing a Mask is PRO-LIFE! The Only Pro-FETUS people won’t wear them!! They don’t care if Adults die from Their Actions!!

  3. I love morning joe have been watching for years. I get the pounding that you are doing on trump but can we get information on other stories like what is happening with judge Walton what’s really going on with the stimulus package what’s going on with etc they need more that a quick story there are other horrible things we need to focus on
    Just saying thanksπŸ¦‹

    1. Google can be your friend. Try typing into the Youtube search box, then the algorithm will hit you with tons of relevant posts. Works for me. ;>))

    2. That’s true they’re obsessed with Trump specifically they need to broaden their horizons and talk about other things screwing up

  4. I keep wondering, where do folks go to the bathroom if they are away from home for a while? And btw, I’ve been going outside to walk 10000 steps a day through this whole crisis. Even during the peak period, I have seen and have had to avoid too many people that cluster together outside and, unless these are members of the same, huge households, they are not social distancing. I don’t know how likely members of those groups might spread the coronavirus to each other, but I don’t want anything to do with them.

    1. They take caca dumps on streets. It already started in california. Nancy Polosi spent our extra tax money on organic exotic ice cream instead of a solution.

    2. When I run errands once a week, I can only stay out until I have to use a bathroom. Before covid I avoided public bathrooms as much as possible, but now I avoid them completely. So I return home and go, but dont end up going back to finish errands! My “to do” list is growing exponentially like the viral infections. Most people in my small town dont wear masks which tells me they dont care about me. I therefore stay in and avoid the bathrooms they are using, seems like a plan!

    3. @Tech ti Nancy spent her own money on ice cream. Trump borrowed billions of dollars to pay for a pandemic that he never reacted to early enough.

    4. @Peter Hallett he did act. He acted sooner then other countries. When he did act, media and liberals were pushing a racist agenda cause he closed the boarders

  5. The US is creeping up to 100,000 deaths
    Mr T said he is celebrating the Covid-19 numbers
    He went on to say he wouldn’t do anything differently
    (New research today, had the US ACTED 1 WEEK EARLIER more than 50% of the lives would be saved.

    1. the GOP are domestic terrorists every term a republican is in office there are dark days for every American and the conservatives play the blame game when they should have OUR BACKS!

    2. @Sperup AD – maybe its for saving millions of lives, lives were going to be lost, regardless….thats life

    3. He does not realize that humans can become their worst enemies (known fact) I had medical marijuana prescribed to me, very costly for my retirement cap, plus they do not deliver from dispensary 30 miles away I would need a ride the quotes are 140 round trip plus time waiting not worth the risk(s). Would rather have death with dignity dr. assisted like they do to their dogs. I retired a cleaner and had many jobs b4 keep trying to find a peaceful one even had dogs and shared/handled one they get treated better then people in the States I leave out the word USA like the Canadian word for America “The States”. Trump is a fool he is only about money.

  6. We have a segment of population that WON’T do anything the government tells them!!! No masks and protests…MAGA supporters!!!! Hey…when they get sick and die…OH WELL!!!! I will wear a mask for now. VOTE!!!! This corrupt conman must go!!!!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

    1. ​@Joe Edwards – please go back to hiding in your mommies basement watching CNN and assume the fetal position, but not a single shred of truth in your post. Are you over 80 years old and out of shape, probably obese ? then YOU should stay inside , but dont tell the rest of normal thinking healthy people how to live or what to do.

    2. @Yeshua Messiah Sounds like to are referring to FOX and the propaganda they spew which has no reality or truth. But then I assume you prefer lies, misinformation, conspiracy, corruption, and the like.

    3. @iAbuse Artemis Your need to fart exceeds your particular need to breathe. This presents problems for those around you.

    1. Liza Belle Going outside to me means my allergies are triggered and then breathing is extremely hard to do and I do nothing but cough for days. There is no one-size advice fits all.

  7. About schools. My husband is a Special Ed teacher, Moderate to Severe, 1st thru 3rd grades. He has 11 students. Tell us HOW you can get those kids to social distance and wear a mask?

    1. Right?
      I’m a teacher for 65 intervention students in a crowded Title One school. They just don’t care if we get sick. My District is starting indoor summer school in July. They’re now saying you only need to β€œtry” to keep kids 6 feet part. No required masks either.


    1. @Tech ti Wow are you screwed up! No one praised Iran. Your Hate America Propaganda website failed you again!! There was intel? Then why didn’t trump produce it? Also…
      Or even better…
      Or the best…
      I’m sure you have your “Hate America” cult leader’s twitter, right? Maybe you sshould fact check yourself!
      You idiots are soooo desperate to stop anyone in your way of fulfilling dream of seeing this country destroyed… you’ll believe EVERYTHING you’re told to!! I just have one question… Do you idiots even know the FACT that you hate this great country and everything it stands for or are you too f***ing stupid?

    2. @Real American your wrong. Very wrong. So just cause trump didnt let the enemy know what he was doing to do? Yea let’s just call them first to let them know were coming. Have some comments sense. Always he said she said BULL***. Actions speak louder then words my friend. I’m a proud american. And proud of our president. If you dont like it. Canada is wide open for you. That is what you liberals stated back in 2016. Lmao

    3. @Tech ti Actions speak louder than words? Ok how about the 90 000+ dead Americans and the trillions more in debt, the nearly 40 000 000 unemployed? Those are the results of trump’s actions.

    4. @muuuuuud
      Don’t let it bother u man. Trolls spout nonsense. Maggahatter trolls spout orange boy’s nonsense. It’s all same-same, πŸ’©!

    5. @Allan Pattison I agree, i mostly don’t even listen to trumpists or engage them anymore, i’m just done with them, their movement, everything they stand for.

  8. If you go to parks and beaches, you can avoid restaurants, but you cannot avoid restrooms. You’re better off, walking and biking around your home, so you can return there for basic needs. Either that or install a porta-potty in your car.

    1. Yeah, I would not be using any public facility during this time unless I have disinfecting and cleaning supplies with me – and I don’t carry them, only disinfecting hand-wipes and my mask. I agree with you – exercise and being out in mild weather, especially when the sun is out but even if its not, it just helps soothe one’s soul and lifts the spirits. During the stay-at-home order in my state, I was fortunate enough to be able to spend time in my own yard puttering around cleaning up the gardens, etc. But even in the worst of winter I have to get out for at least 20-30 minutes a day, and sometimes for a couple of hours if I need to shovel the sidewalks. There is no substitute for being out in nature, we are a part of it, after all.

    2. Over here in Germany we never had a complete lockdown, and going out to enjoy fresh air was encouraged from the get go, but the government was also VERY clear that they mean “do it close your home or look for a not particularly frequented space somewhere in the woods, DON’T go to the places which are typically crowded during good weather.” They also closed parking space nearby to limit the people mulling around, and closed playgrounds. Those are open again, though.

    3. @Yeshua Messiah The toilet itself is, but the FACTS are that on most public beaches, crowds gather near the restrooms, cabanas, drinks stalls, parking lots, etc. You can’t socially distance while waiting in line behind 6 adult women and two squirming kids to use an open toilet that has water pooled on the floor. And half th etime the sinks don’t even work so no one can properly wash up after. Soooo, no, going to a beach toilet is probably not such a safe activity. The irrational need to call everyone “liberal” just because they want to be safe is a bit foolish. MOST people in America are doing the smart thing around this virus. Viruses don’t care about your party.

    4. @PS Wright – thats a very Liberal extreme view full of fear and very irrational. Beach is very very safe. and socially distant? whats the correct distance? 1 foot, 6 feet, 12 feet, 20 feet,……..who came up with 6 feet? Again, open air casual contact has yet to be documented, if you know of one then please report it !! You will be famous.

    5. @PS Wright – wonder why they are so crowded if they are so dangerous? know whats dangerous? breathing in your own carbon monoxide in a mask. You know whats dangerous, being in closed quarters and confinement. Do you know what the MOST dangerous thing of all is? Irrational fear and decisions based upon such irrational fear….that scares most normal thinking people. The same fear that Hitler used to control his minions, sounds like the same fear you have…..maybe the Jews are responsible huh? maybe we need to get rid of whoever doesn’t follow the government guidelines about Covid, …huh? people like you are scary.

  9. I still want to hear Dr. Fauci say these things that this Doctor says. Has he said these things are ok?

    1. No. Like most doctors, he is saying that is “SEEMS” like “MAYBE” being outside is “LESS” of a risk because of sunshine, distance, and circulating fresh air, BUT “IT NEEDS MORE STUDY.” These people and their damned opinions based on too little information are just getting more people killed, and causing more confusion. The plain fact is, nobody really knows for sure, yet. And it’s not a good idea to throw caution to the wind just to find out.

  10. I’m 65 and diabetic and am just resigned to the fact that I may never go out into public again without a mask, no restaurants unless it’s takeout, and no airlines, buses, etc. COVID will never be defeated 100%.

    1. If tge vaccine takes time. I’m sure that science will learn more on how to treat it.
      An anti viral.. Will be found.

    2. Ok. But it probably actually will be reduced in circulation because yeah, we probalby will have a vaccine pretty soon. There are already two very promising vaccines in second stage trials! That’s better than anything in history, really. People used to say we’d never have a vaccine for chicken pox, and not only do we have it, we have a second one for the shingles! Stay hopeful. Realistic is good, fatalistic causes depression. Hang in there, as a fellow diabetic.

    3. Chris Adkins I am 70 & I was thinking & sadly accepting the same thing, I wanted to travel by train but sounds like a thing of the past for vulnerable population πŸ€”

    1. Liberals are too afraid to go outside and vote…it wont matter, No Alzheimer groper will ever become President . ..Biden? lol…thats the best the DNC has to offer? sad….

  11. Many Americans will not use any commonsense, they will be back to over crowding places very soon….and not wearing masks.

    1. ummmmmmmmmmmm, already happening, come out of your hole. Its a beautiful day at the beach, and dining in restaurants are opened !! PRAISE GOD

  12. Why does Joe constantly interrupt with his useless commentary? Let the guests speak for god sake

    1. Joe almost sounds like he’s pushing an agenda. We all want to get out more and move around get back to “normal “. But I’m not so desperate I’m tempted to do something stupid.

    2. It’s true: Joe’s interruptions are disconcerting. Reminds me of Trump’s rudeness. πŸ•Š

  13. Airconditioning Industry should include 100%-viruskiller-filters in their AC-systems. A lot of extra work…. is good for the economy!!

  14. Tell Joe that if someone is still talking and he talks right over right over them, it is rude. Really rude, particularly when he talks for half an hour after he interrupted someone. I like Mica and like to hear the guests, but I’m about done with Joe.

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