1. I’ll rather watch North Korea’s propaganda news or watch corny Hispanic Novelas or watch 24 hours of car commercials 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤯🥳

    2. @Jeremy Backup The lie everyone is talking about was said on an entertainment show! Fox does have some straight news programs, but Tucker Carlson Tonight isn’t one of them. It’s a talk show.

  1. The best thing that can happen to our nation is Fox ” News ” goes under.

    Let Dominion have controlling interest in the company at this point.

  2. You can’t have it both ways, Rupert.

    Rupert is trying to say Fox had little control over the hosts who disseminated false information, so it is especially interesting that Fox now has enough control over its hosts to prevent them from covering the Dominion suit on air.

    1. @Cathi Christian The defense to actions for defamation.
      1. Consent
      2. Absolute privileges
      3. Conditional or qualified privilege
      4. Special types of privilege
      5. Emotional distress or bodily harm
      6. Mitigation
      7. Right of reply

    2. @Muddy Water Yes. They do have the right to be wrong. However, if they come out and make specific allegations of malfeasance against specific people and/or organizations then they open themselves up to liability.

  3. Wherever Donald Trump goes disaster follows. Anyone who aligns themselves with Donald Trump always ends up in far worse condition than when they started. Every time.

  4. Basically to Fox this is the cost of doing business. We just need to see if the government has the balls to do what it takes!

    1. @Chris Lambert You and David Cottrell
      Needs to to feeds Dante his chickens!!!!! 5 pounds of fried chickens! Not 4! At least 5 pounds

    2. @Chris Lambert You and David Cottrell
      Needs to to feeds Dante his chickens!!!!! 5 pounds of fried chickens! Not 4! At least 5 pounds

    1. @Michael Blumenreich You believe that people should be “punished” for their free speech if it is “harmful”. So who defines what speech is harmful? Is it harmful to hurt someone’s feelings with your free speech? Is it harmful to disagree with CDC recommendations and tell people? I am curious, you brought up “harmful” but didn’t consider who defines it.
      I never thought Trump would win in 2016.

    1. @An Acc

      Russia did interfere. That’s a proven, documented fact. And none of this had anything to do with what Giuliani and Sidney Powell did.

  5. If Tucker, Sean, Laura and others privately admitted to each other that they UNDERSTOOD the truth, then this made them highly paid “actors” whenever they went on the air. THIS point should be stressed to all their diehard viewers every day until the message sinks in.

    1. Tuckers lawyer already told the public tucker is simply entertainment with no viable information.

    1. It does not matter if such a large % of people won’t see it/ care to see it and they can block so much of the government. I’m really unsure if anything going to happen to the people at the top and i fully expect them to do it again.

    1. ​@gunner678 Cannot agree more. Is the current GA a mate of the former guy? Makes everyone wonder.

  6. Kevin McCarthy is a good example of a Republican self destructing before our eyes. The irony of it all is that he is doing it at the behest of MTG. Keep up the great work

  7. Fox has gotten themselves to the point where they do not dare let Donald Trump appear on any Fox show whether full video or just audio. They will be better off ignoring him than contradicting him. They are in a damned if we do/ damned if we don’t position.

  8. When he passed away in 2009 the most trusted figure in American broadcasting, Walter Cronkite, was praised by the Seattle Times for “loyalty, not to an ideology or party, but to the truth, told completely, and without fear or favor.“ You could count on him to tell it like it was. In fact, his distinctive sign-off was, “And that’s the way it is…”. Hard to imagine those words on the lips of a prime-time Fox host.

  9. I want to know how McCarthy had the sole authority to give these tapes to anyone!! It doesn’t make sense!

    1. He doesn’t. The recordings contain classified information and as such only people who have clearance can watch those portions.

    2. ​@Jill Featherman so it would have been ok to give the to tapper? No, I thought not. The issue is why tuck tuck and no-one else (well not until the outcry) ?

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