1. We should give each candidate a certain amount of TV, Radio, and Print ads as Public Service Announcements, and make this the only advertising they are allowed. Make political donations available to ONLY individual persons (no PAC, business, or any organization) and any political donation to any candidate by any person over $20 illegal.
    Problem solved.

    1. That would be great! Also except for the presidential election, politicians can only get donations from people in their state. Best wishes

    2. It sounds like you are angry because we are the ones with jobs . LOL . And NO taxes should ever be spent of political campaigns . That’s actually a crime .


    1. @Gisele P He’s an arrogant, ignorant, corrupt corporate Rich Freeloader. He represents everything that went wrong with America after Wall Street took over.

    2. @Trumptard Cuckservative are you sick ? Trump has opened up the VA center inside the White House for Veterans to call – Trump has given us VA Choice…also Trump has put liaisons inside the VA for Veterans to accompany them into court for any convictions. You better run while you still have legs buddy !

    3. @Trumptard Cuckservative thats what I have already benefited from. People like you are just pushing us closer to social credit. You should start learning Mandarin! If you cant deal with reality, then you’ll be punished. Personally people like you should be locked up , while awaiting a death sentence. You are a planetary cancer!

    1. @98LowDown We ALL lose when corrupt corporate Rich Freeloaders take over the government and appoint a Swamp Monster like Crooked Donald to “help” us.

    2. Stop meddling in the election CNN and it will not be ugly. Especially since your candidate fell on her face last time.

    3. @Robert Clawson I say that about the tRump University Administration, the Department of Justice, RepubliCON governors throughout the land and tRump’s Russian operatives.

  3. Commercials manipulate peoples emotions. Nobody makes informed decisions based on commercials. Nobody. Ban those things, making big money required to run for office.

    1. banning political ads almost certainly ensures a trump 2020 victory. dude could literally tweet “poo” and every news station would cover it. trumps ads are free and they run 24/7

    2. That’s right. I can tweet Caca.Β And the fake media will make whole stories about it for weeks!Β UntilΒ the next one.

    3. @Jeiku Anime Review Not silencing. Limiting loudness based on wealth. Unfortunately most people make emotionally based decisions. How about a questionnaire in the voting booth where people have to show that they know what they’re voting for? πŸ˜›

    1. banning ads only hurts the dems. its actually great for trump. all he has to do is tweet anything and it goes viral and every news station reports on it. he gets his ads for free.

    2. @fred head..Shhh. We don’t want the Dems and media to realize Trump’s playing chess while they’re playing checkers.

  4. He said follow the money. Yes I agree, wherever Soros has donated to, stay far away! These are evil people with an evil agenda. Dont take my word for it, go search for yourself

    1. Ah yes, what would you paranoid, dumb fucking right wing conspiracy theorists and simpletons with totally lame troll names do without that one to keep on bashing ad nauseum. If it ain’t Soros, it’s the “deep state”, the “globalists”, the “Illuminati”…
      …and “we all know the Earth is flat”, the moon landings never happened and of course, as demonstrated in the countless “democrats are paedophiles” comments, you delusional fucks and loser trolls have all the answers.
      How fucking pathetic does your life have to be to constantly repeat the same crap and never get anywhere?

  5. All this money spent a whole YEAR before the next election – you guys could have really spent that on more urgent causes.

    1. Communist News Network YAA i skipp all them ads from CNN too..
      πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘ŠTRUMP 2020πŸ‘ŠπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

    2. We see actions and what’s important to the people and maybe not shows but paying attention to what they say and can handle stress if can’t handle stress what make them think they can handle a country without stress with all kinds of problems duh.πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  6. Will the democrats demand a recount if they lose again like every other election i’ve been alive for? Or will this be the first one they can participate in like respectable adults?

    1. Rodney Williams Marvin dude, the Republican governor in Kentucky just lost and refuses to concede. What world do you live in?

    2. @Zachary Fluke Would you mind directing me to the correlation that has to demanding recounts after a presidential election loss?

    3. Rodney Williams Marvin It doesn’t. Bevin was one of the most unliked governors in the country because he took on the teachers inflated pension. There republicans still won 5 out of 6 races in that state

    4. @Zachary Fluke notice hiw trash cnn avoids reporting Kentucky electing it’s first black Attorney General a Republican. If he was a demonratt however cnn would be all over it. That’s why cnn is the laughingstock of journalism around the world & you shouldn’t watch this garbage network. Project Veritous only broke the biggest story in the WORLD but cnn refuses to report it again

  7. This has literally been every experience I’ve had talking to a liberal about Donald Trump:

    Liberal: “Trump is such a fascist liar.”

    Me: “What has he done that makes him a fascist/liar?”

    Liberal: *Rolls their eyes and acts like it’s a ridiculous question* “Wow you must really be drinking the cool aid.”

    Me: “No I’m just genuinely curious what Trump has done for you to consider him a liar and a fascist.”

    Liberal: “It’s all over google, you can search for it yourself.”

    Me: “Oh.”

    Every. Damn. Time.

    1. @Low IQ Leftist the moment you present your opinion as a fact! It becomes a lie. I can find myself to be the strongest man alive(in my opinion) but if i tell everbody its a fact that i am the strongest alive, if there is no solid base for my claim then my friend my opinion stated as fact become a lie. First lesson free your welcome!

    2. @I-C Group
      The only problem is the presentation is not from the president it’s from the mainstream media…
      Trump doesn’t edit the video..
      Trump doesn’t hire commentators and analysts to tell you what to think about what he said, the media does that.

      And your analogy was not a great one at all. Because your first sentence was an opinion but your second was stated as fact, but in no way does that change the fact that mainstream media presents Trump’s opinions as lies.

    3. @Low IQ Leftist You KNOW Trump lies, you’ve HEARD him lie unedited! However, Trump convinces you that his lies aren’t lies – that the “real lie” is other convincing you he lied. Not only that, he convinces you his wrongdoings aren’t even wrong! He can be accused of banging a porn star while married AND paying her off for example – and his supporters are OUTRAGED that anyone would accuse him of something like that! THEN, when it’s proven he did it AND lied, his supporters don’t blame him, they blame media for making such a big deal out of it. To believe such BS you have to be of low IQ, which is most likely the reason why you created your screen name to deflect (a trick Trump taught you).

    4. @Low IQ Leftist no more free lessons. End of the trial! Ps you can add the “mainstream media” to the equation, but he lies on social media how is that edited or presented by anyone else but him? Also his former (ask Michael Cohen he is my..) subscribe now and for a monthly 299.99 USD you can attend a weekly video conference by the most stable of geniuses on how to use your grey mass. A brain is a terrible thing to waste!

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