Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg weigh in on race during debate

2020 candidates Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg discussed race and democratic leadership during the fifth Democratic presidential debate in Atlanta. #CNN #News


    1. @CRIMNALSNEAK Without socialist policies and the ideology of socialism, there would be no public fire service, no police service, no public schools, no medicare or medicaid, and no social security. These are all fundamentally socialist systems. Socialism has worked. Universal healthcare is working very well in countries like Canada, and lots of Europe. And the fact we have public schools, police, fire, etc. means it’s already worked for us.

      Last I checked, nothing about Bernie is interfering with the constitution and all of our freedoms. All other countries don’t have our constitution. USSR, Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, all these places have had a single person with no checks or balances placed on them. We have checks and balances. Please go troll elsewhere. It is subpar.

    2. No matter HOW MUCH YOU TRY TO not cover Bernie Sanders; A) He has the most (total number of individual donations) and B) Even on Instagram he has at least twice as many followers as any of these candidates…. Try all you want with your fake smile, but you know deep inside Bernie is the most popular…

    3. #BernieSanders2020
      Best candidate by far, with the best policies and the best ideas! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. @Fake News 2020 #CrookedTrump.. You got Caught!!. It seems like you are too busy reading the Fake messages in his Book.. The Heart of the Deal.. This information could Mentally affect your state of mind.. Helping you. Stop.. Stop. 🇺🇲🇺🇲

    1. +Orella Minx
      I don’t enjoy listening to her at all either, but we should be careful not to judge her motives. Jesus said, ‘do not judge, so that you will not be judged.’ She was not born with the best vocal equipment; her tone is nasal and hard. It is one thing to be a prosecutor, another to be a presidential candidate. She could have used some speech training as an actress would.

      But you are right in that personality traits cannot be hidden. ‘Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.’

      She had an opportunity to set Mayor Pete straight (pun accidental) on his comparison of the struggles of LGBT folks with those of African-Americans for civil rights. Though Pete didn’t exactly fall into the trap of equating the two, to mention the two in the same breath is hardly appropriate!! After all, the ‘lifestyle’ is IN PART a matter of choice whereas one’s genealogy is NOT.

      But Kamala Harris ducked the issue with a weak response. Probably her political nose told her, ‘watch out that you don’t come off sounding homophobic’. So Mayor Pete escaped.

    2. @John Dough am i speaking a diffremt language?? Why is everyone online so confrontational? My comments were not to discredit someone else.. that is my point that their are no poor politicians, first we have to define what poor means, but politicans get paid around 175k a year and in DC thats not that good.. rent is 2500+/month.. pelosi is worth MILLIONS!!! No politician should be a millionaire because their salary dosent allow them to, unless they wrote a book or something legit.. but they all get paid by companies and other ways that are not moral

    3. Kyle finally standing for the truth donald trump dont need bribes! He is trying to do good for american people .politicians dont allow him.great example obama did nothing for black people nor for the rest of the country!!!!

    4. Kamala reminds me of barack obama!!! He did nothing for black people !!! Nothing for americans. Worst president ever!!!

    1. @Barry Sutton because you weren’t paying attention to the FACTS that was obviously Presented.. Stop being so naive. #CrookedTrump.. you got Caught..

    2. Because you liked his answer? Pete is stand-in for the big donor class, for the billionaire interests. Public contracts to black Americans living in his city barely reached 3%. This says everything about his “commitment” giving opportunity.

    3. of course you’d recognize the guy who knew the least about the subject lol “he’s trying hard?” yeah very knowledgeable

  1. Completely forgot it was on. Kind of like the ‘Impeachment Inquiry’, (just another exercise in futility).

    1. +William DeCoster
      If you want to be ruthless in your analysis, you must admit that all human culture and achievement is futile in the long run. The works of Right as well as Left will perish. Only those which were wrought in Christ will shine throughout eternity.

      (Ecclesiastes 1:2) ‘ “Vanity of vanities”, says the Preacher, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.” ‘

  2. I don’t understand how people still want Biden. He’s demonstrated time and time again than he is just OLD in a bad way.

    Record players, punching while talking about domestic violence, come on…

    1. This is why people love Biden he’s not racist he is real on message straight forward and is with this real love democrats will win but as for me kamala Harris for the people

  3. When will each of these airheads begin their employment at CNN. They all qualify … unattractive …. lack of intelligence … willing to say anything at all regardless…

    1. I feel like it’s more like someone who has gone to Harvard without going to a state school. She genuinely thinks that’s what diversity is

  4. We are living in a wonderful time, when presidential candidates need to fight for the African-American vote. We’ve come a long way baby!

    1. Anyone can, as long as you have enough money to do it which excludes almost everyone except for the wealthy and those with rich friends.

  5. I love how these guys keep ignoring Bernie and his high popularity with African-American voters, second only to Joe Biden, but first among young Black and Hispanic voters

  6. This is only puzzling because we cannot talk about the fairly widespread homophobia that exists in the black community.

    1. Yes, it’s not politically correct to talk about the homophobia in the black community and the role that it is clearly playing in Buttigieg’s poll numbers ….if you mention this at all you are deemed a racist

  7. once aoc chose, its done

    ‘Dnc wins when young people show up’

    Said Bernie in 2015. As usual, on this and everything else, right before his time

  8. Baldwin wrote in his essay “Journey to Atlanta” rings true:
    Of all Americans, Negroes distrust politicians most, or, more accurately, they have been best trained to expect nothing from them; more than other Americans, they are always aware of the enormous gap between election promises and their daily lives.This is what I see: He is not “traditional” In the Black churches eyes and him being Gay will be seen as weak. I don’t share these views but a lot of Blacks do! He will not win the black vote, Some People seem to have made being gay the new Black and the two could not be further from the truth. most blacks in the civil rights era didn’t fight for gay rights they fought/died, for us to live free from JIM CROW laws and to be seen as HUMAN.

  9. you dont “forget” to talk a bernie, a candidate with the most contributions and largest support from voters under 45. you simply dont talk about him. let’s stop the dishonesty.

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