President Trump's reaction to an intelligence briefing has set off a new firestorm over how the President will handle Russia's efforts to meddle in the 2020 presidential election — and if he will take steps to curb US efforts to stop Russia in 2020.#CNN #News #politics
Keilar: It’s 2016 all over again

Hindsight is 2020 😭😭
Nhat Nguyen : hahahahahahaha ! … very clever …
Can’t wait for the bloated orange moron to die, already…lol….😉😉😉
I will have to check with my Russian handlers so I can post a meme that may change a voters mind.
If a Trump supporter sees your meme and your meme is a lie you can be sure they will believe it.
@Hartcore11 ^^^The left can’t meme.
@C-Bomb 👏🏾😃😅😁🤪😆😂 LMFAO!!! ☺ U Funny 4Real But Great Point Tho! 😀😄😁😜🤣🥇👍🏾
That will be FSB Col DJ Trump then.
@Hartcore11 go pay more taxes moron
Where were those bad boy Russians in 2018?
uhhh, they were busy with stuff
After seeing the last democratic debate. I’d say the same thing. 🤷🏻♂️
Lmao CNN afraid
I love how much of a joke our country is now lol. Love watching the dumpster fire that is our “government”. Popcorn please.
keep laughing 👎😂you aint gonna have a Country left to laugh at
@autumn rain thats what im hoping for!! 🤣
@Angel Adriel she said booming 🤣🤣🤣🤣
sorry but America is for Americans youre un-American.. gtfo freeloader 😂👌
the dumpster fire was the dnc debate
saw what you did there.
Groundhog day. Remember, it all repeats. The media tried this narrative before and Trump became the president. Trump 2020
shulmanator this.. is perfect 😂 so yeah.. this how trump think everyone.. welcome to the stupid
@shulmanator Trump said Nazis are fine people? When?
@A Person who’s Facebook you steal that picture from?
@A Person The idiot can’t comprehend Trump said the people who attended Charlottesville were mostly fine people even though there were some white nationalists that got in. If these idiots imply that every Trump supporter is a nahtzee, then every Hillary supporter is a marxist commie. except in their case, it’s mostly true.
@Steve The Dragon I know Trump’s words exactly from that speech. I just know the majority of the people who quote it have never actually saw the full clip. It’s just funny how much they call people ignorant, yet a clip has been online for years that shows his exact words.
He said White supremacists, and neo nazis are to be condemned totally. Most people just repeat what they have heard with no regard for context, or even the actual quote.
Hello Russia, I see u up 2 know qud aqain
Trump: “I believe Vladimir Putin to our own intelligence agencies.”
@Orlando Lopez we are more divided than ever. That is Russia goal. How is it winning when your opponent’s plan works?
Orlando Lopez
Hey Lando, if by “lol” you actually mean “Laugh Out Loud”, then I totally agree with you. The premise of your entire comment is LAUGHABLE! 🤣
The very thought that donny and his big
uh-brain as “a very stable genius” is fricken’ H I L A R I O U S ! ! !
Orlando Lopez
And Lando, you are lazy and you do not work hard. Your comrades laugh at you and your Mother Russia is embarrassed to call you her citizen.
07/2019-02/2020. Moscow Mitch mass-shooting McConnell and Republicans in the Senate hate USA so much. Blocking the advancement of bills aimed at strengthening election security shows their real intentions, voter suppression. A bill that requires the use of paper ballots and includes funding for the Election Assistance Commission. Also for his efforts in blocking any type of gun control legislation in the US senate.
@get lost it’s “low I/Q” not “lowIQ” moron. You missed a space.
Your FAKE NEWS Buddy…It Is The Democrats That Are Blocking Everything And Trying To Take Away The Peoples Right…You Make Me Sick.
@William Talbot Well said. Trump 2020
@William Talbot Well said. Trump 2020
Donull T. Rump: “I believe Putin over Americas Military and Intelligence Community any day.”
Mike Zimmer yep he said it
are we living in some alternate reality?
Yea the truth is scary..lets keep are heads in the sand and keep listening to cnn…
It didn’t stop. It’s been going on since 2016.
Guess PUTIN took a halftime break at the midterms when the dems took the house….
These stories that classified briefings were leaked is more of the same dishonestly by CNN and the Dems.
😂 Russia, Russia, Russia