1. @Алексей Румянцев Z do you know that the fsb is responsible for the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings? Do you drink alcohol as entertainment? Slava Ukrayini 🇺🇦👍

    2. Спросите у миллионов убитых вьетнамцев, они вам скажут, кто на самом деле творил зверства

    1. It’s not truth to power. It’s truth to cowards. The world has to see Russia for the weak bully that it is. AND STOP COMPROMISING WITH PUTIN!

  1. Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 💪
    Shame and disgrace to Russia 🤬
    Every Barbaric war criminal will pay for the horrific crimes being committed on the beautiful people of Ukraine!

    1. How can any DECENT HUMAN support what Putin is doing in this day and age. SHAME ON EVERYONE WHO IS SUPPORTIN OR AIDING THEM.
      Like Iran. India. Belarus. North Korea.and CHINA.

  2. Notice the difference in the tone and confidence between *NATO* versus *NON-NATO* members? This is the type of liberal democracy with US-protection that Ukraine has a desire of becoming.

    He might be too young to remember Latvia under the Soviet Union, but the Baltic States and Poland are some of the strongest supporters of Ukraine because they were in a similar situation.

    *EDIT:* Rihards Kol is one-year younger than I am and born well before Latvia gained independence from the Soviet Union.

    1. I have to imagine it must’ve been so cathartic for him (and any other Eastern European country that’s been harmed by Russia) to be able to say exactly what he thinks about them and their actions to their faces. Russia always wants to play the victim while punching someone else down at the same time, it’s ridiculous. This MP was honest and says what we’re all thinking – I’m proud to have a NATO member like him on our side! 🇱🇻 ♥️🇺🇸

    1. First, he needs to learn how to choose expressions. A completely ignorant and ill-mannered person. He look like a gopnik

  3. Good for Mr. Kols , he is not pretending the Russians did nothing . He is holding them accountable for their crimes ! 👍🏻❤

  4. Thank God he had the courage to say that. It needs to be said…DAILY in any and every diplomatic forum that Russia participates in until they pull their troops out of Ukraine.

    1. And pay through the nose to rebuild the cities and towns they destroyed with no thought other than the needs of Putin. Imo.

    2. @Martha Shandley Definitely reparations from Russia to Ukraine are in order. After World War II, Germany had to pay $23 billion in reparations. In today’s money that would be almost $400 billion. Sounds like it would be a good start to a post-war effort by Russia to make amends.

  5. A politician who has a backbone and a conscience I’d vote for him in a heartbeat. Victory to Ukraine Australia is with you 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  6. it’s a rare moment where a man who has the nerve to talk straight about facts right in the face of criminals. kudos to this brave man. this world needs more like him.

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