Two missiles hit a residential building in Zaporizhzhia, southern Ukraine according to Ukrainian officials. The city's acting mayor says one person was killed and dozens including two children have been injured. CNN's Ivan Watson reports. #CNN #News
Man shares video of Russian missile strike aftermath

Putin is a dishonorable leader. This is type action by Putin that would make me agree with helping Ukraine with planes.
@SanJoBlanko 408 very poor excuse, you bot. On 1:09 everyone can clearly see it hits directly in apartment building, someone literally got his/her windows hit by missile
@Всеволод Сидоренко what’s that black smoke Comming from the back?
God Bless Russia
Must have missed the hospital and orphanage.
That’s going to aggravate Putin.
@Make Racists Afraid Again Yes bring the war escalations 😂… Between people living on the frontlines and Russia’s could not give a fk about the enemy. We get this, enjoy the madness. Those ukrainians did not leave as refugee for no reason
Pain and suffering to Putin and all his supporters around the world 100 Fold . Peace and healing strong United Ukraine 1000 Fold .
My country is neutral for the most part
God Bless Russia
I don’t agree with Peace and Ukraine.. they don’t go along even before war
God help these poor people
Unfortunately god is just watching with folded arms. Sending Ukraine military aid will make a difference
@Reality Bites or turn them into rubble with a few tactical nuka colas 😅
Captain Seadog ❤❤❤💙💛
Ukraine should send this to President Xi in china and ask if this is apart of their 12 step peace plan 😂😂🥴
One has to wonder
Is this the plan that America did not support, so there is still a war going on? 🤣😅😂
What’s wrong with 12- point piece deal? Please search online for pictures of Iraq and Afghanistan 20 years before and now, see what American has done to them.
Cars just driving by. Very hard to imagne if this happens in your own town.
@Всеволод Сидоренко Stay strong. Many support you .
Putler must be stopped and must pay for every crime
@Всеволод Сидоренко 🙏 and stay safe out there
God Bless Russia
@Snoopy on the Ground FREE Russia , from Putler
Ukraine needs to up their game anything goes.
This is madness…
@Kurosai006 Ichigo dont ask Russia, its just special operations….😳
Hopefully the repayment of that loan can be shifted to Russia as part of it reparations for the war ❤ GOD Bless Everyone
@Keith when? Over a year ago it was supposed to be within 3 days
God Bless Russia
@Sergey Bebenin”russia cant sustain this war for more than a month” when was that?
@Sergey Bebeninwhatever it takes
So much for Chinas peace plan
This indiscrimitane bombing is definitely a terrorist style of fighting which the Russians have done it in Syria as well. Why is it taking so long for the offensive to target where the Russians are striking from?Where are all those missiles that are being broadcasted online?
@S B speaking of ignorant, look in the mirror comrade
do you think usa,israel cared about the syrian ppl ,Cheney-Linked Company to Drill in Occupied Golan Heights
By Daniel J. Graeber – Feb 23, 2013, 6:00 PM CST
The Israeli government awarded a local subsidiary of U.S.-based Genie Energy the rights to explore for oil and natural gas in about 150 square miles of the southern section of the Golan Heights. the united nations says the golan is not israel territory .who invited usa and the rest?
Ага, а теперь включи мозги и посмотри плёнку на 0.25 скорости и скажи на какой секунде летит ракета?
The timing of Russia lol ,they didn’t send missiles into apartments when president of China was there 😅
Omg…i do not find words for the russians…this is beyond madness..hopefully they get the jets from Poland soon and will retaliate…my condoleanse to ukrainian people 🙁
@Tricia Leclair bot99
@Всеволод Сидоренко watch the video👀👀👀
@artdemochannel not…
Russia’s tech is terrible. They always say they don’t target civilians, but their rockets prove otherwise. So much for guided munitions…. Unless of course, this is planned to happen- shocker…
It’s either u don’t understand tech or u just commenting without any information an s300 was being used around that building simple terms Ukrainian soldiers are using civilians as human shields
Man, Russia needs to be held accountable for these war crimes. A precision strike on a purely residential building, horrific, unjustifiable, barbaric.
Trust me when I tell you they’ll get away with it.
what about the accountability of peace keeper USA
is there any footage of attacks in Crimea?
So much for Chinas peace plan very useful information
Thank you CNN for your manipulation
Long Live Ukraine. May You Win This War in Jesus Name. Amen 🙏