1. “It’s easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled”. – Mark Twain or Samuel Clemens.

    1. Mark Twain said about Cincinnati win The world ends it would take Cincinnati two weeks to find out about it

    1. @SupportRussiaZ 🇷🇺 How would stopping Brandon Brown from improving racing motors, stop oil companies from jacking their prices?

    2. @Frank Fisher Except there was no cheating, and there were weapons stationed near by, this has been established.

  2. Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up…! 🤞🥳🤞
    And lock up his cronies too – Bannon, Barr, Boebert, Carlson, Conway, Cruz, Gaetz, Graham, Greene, Giuliani, Johnson, Ivanka, McCarthy, McEnany, Pence, Powell, Trump Jr…

    1. @Darth Marr actually he asked around first to see if he could do it and was told don’t try it by some old school republicans. So if they would have said yes🤔

    2. We may get a couple of lawyers charged and thrown in jail,but don’t hold your breath for any big fish

    3. @Deborah Whit Yeah, lol – they can’t arrest the people who organised an attempted coup… but the _can_ arrest a camera crew for being in possession of a robot dog 🤦‍♂️

    1. @Brendan Brogren Didn’t he say it in the actual debate with Biden? And a PB tweeted back Standing by sir or some such?

  3. Loyalty is a beautiful thing. His people are required to commit crimes, shelter him from blame, while he rakes in their money.

    1. @T. B. that media platform isn’t the ones telling what happened what they are broadcasting shows truth.

    2. @Bigirishchef I honestly don’t know where to begin. I will say this. I was in favor and still am for a special counsel to be appointed to investigate the election.
      Let the team of investigators do forensic work on all the ballots/ballot machines, etc.
      If people lie, forensic science doesn’t.
      If Biden did get 81 million votes or whatever the number is, the question is how exactly did he get the votes. Saying Trump is bad does not answer that question.

      Anyway, Thank You for the dialogue. I appreciated very much.

  4. It’s interesting to ponder … whether, had the mob who stormed the Capitol, assaulted law enforcement officers and threatened to murder high level government officials were called ‘ISIS’ instead of the ‘Proud Boys’ how differently the Republicans would’ve reacted to e
    this same set of circumstances. Just a question. I’m not a Republican or a Democrat or even an American- but from the outside the Republicans do seem like an ‘unusual’ personality set. Who, in their right mind, would ever believe that bizarre QANON story?! Believe that the mob, the whole world has now seen, who stormed the Capitol on the 6th January were just ‘well intentioned tourists’?? Just saying…..

  5. I love how these “Proud Boys” are all wearing masks now trying to avoid prosecution after the fact they’ve been recorded and posted on THEIR OWN social media accounts.

    1. @Eli Nope Or maybe it was just the Proudboys. But I guess something so obvious is too unrealistic for you.

    2. @Descartes walks into a bar Why not both? Is it so hard to believe that a proud boy works for one of those agencies? Once again, political theater is more complex than people like to give it credit for.

      I do agree that a far right wing element exists that has racist values. I just believe that they are primarily based in Russia.

  6. Of course it was the plan all along. These gallows could not have been designed out of the blue. How did they know enough to plan, construct and errect the whole structure?

  7. “The whole nature of how people respond to this coup would change if people, knew the full history of Reconstruction–and learned it as “white identity based mobs regularly overturned elections whenever a Black person or someone perceived as a Black ally was elected”
    ― Kaitlyn Greenidge

    1. So true that and all documented and authenticated history. Unfortunately many people can’t handle the truth.

    1. This fits the legal definition of terrorism perfectly. Using force or threats of force to change political speech, votes or opinions is one of the gravest crimes in this country.

      Disagreeing with the law isn’t a defense for ANY criminal activity. We all have laws we don’t like.

  8. There needs to be a law that no one can run for President unless they get checked by the best psychologists, not one but at least 3 to make sure they are of sound mind! They have a physician to see if they are healthy enough but they don’t have their brain checked?!

    1. No more electing them if they are older than 65, and yes a working brain better than average is a must..!!!! Also, they should be bonded and 75% of their assets frozen automatically. Once they hold the Oval office, the should never be allowed to hold any office ever again, or be allowed to give speech appearances for profit for up to 3 years, regardless of profit or not..!!!!

    2. @Robert Pickett All assets frozen. Ageism is at play here and that is not acceptable. Young people can have worse afflictions or same. 🧐

    3. @Sacre’ Bleu I think I said, if you read it at all, the brain competency matters, and I am sure you agree that health afflictions of the President in the white house, is a risk too and tend to be involving older presidents. So the age question or security of the nation expectations are valid concerns,……..But, we the good ole USA 🇺🇸 has had this leadershi for awhile now..

  9. We the People in the USA deserve a much better GOP than the one we have Representing the USA. The GOP we have now become a PROUD SEDITION PARTY. All Americans should be in agreement that no one who support over throwing the USA Government should never ever be allow to service in any public office and the USA Military . All Americans should be voting to replace all politicians who support over throwing the USA Government. We the People have the power to determine this year and beyond will the USA continue to be a DEMOCRACY OR BECOME AN AUTOCRACY GOVERNMENT.

  10. I don’t even want to think what those crazy rioters would have done if they had found someone 😤 mob mentality would have made them very, very dangerous. I agree, not just the his ‘little boys’ many of the rioters not just them.
    I can’t imagine as adults who would want their ‘group’ to be called ‘boys’ I suppose they do behave like children, extremely dangerous ones!

  11. I live in Europe and had set myself up with multiple screens. 1. The offical Capitol feed, 2. the feed from the rotunda rally and then several live feeds from the people themselves and watched from beginning to the end. It wasn’t exactly rocket science to figure out what was going to happen. A rally with inciting language within walking distance of Congress, planned to end just before Pence was to announce the results was enough for me.

  12. A question I would ask Mr. Quested is, “While filming this documentary, did he ever overhear any of the ‘Proud Boys’ talking about trump? If so, what did they say?” I would guess that, like so many of those who have used trump to achieve their own ends, trump himself is not respected or admired. Will have to watch the upcoming documentary, I suppose, which I would very much like to do.

    1. Feels like he’s holding back. I’d like to know how he gained their trust. No doubt he is saving stuff for the documentary.

    2. @Eclectic Muse I’m sure he’s getting threats on his life about what he’s already revealed not to mention if he releases the documentary. Although these guys are so egocentric they probly revel in the notoriety.

  13. The fact that the proud boys were activated separately from the crowd is significant and not emphasized enough.

    To me it is tactically significant.

    The militants were the storm troopers to ensure the building would be breeched.
    The crowd were cover to add to the confusion.
    This was very intentional.

    1. First wave PB and others breach outer perimeter assisted by sheer numbers of persons attending a religious rally (I forget the name) adjacent to the Capitol. Second wave having been riled up at the Ellipse march to Capitol, being hyped up along the way. Initiate lemmings mode and cross already knocked down police line.

  14. All of them should be arrested and charged with treason . Especially their leader that incited this act of insurrection .

  15. It’s amazing there’s ppl excusing and placating these groups when the acts of all of those insurrectionist and attendees were incomprehensible and disgusting. So let’s talk about Biden’s approval ratings as if that has anything to do with the behaviors of those that day which came from what supposed to be American born citizens because they didn’t like the results of election and felt those acts was the way to go. What you believe and what are facts are completely two different things.

    1. Yet due process doesn’t exist in that comment. Charge him if there is all this evidence…this is all about a few reckless a holes. You honestly believe Trump was behind Jan. 6th?!? Hahaha!

    2. @Chad LGB I most certainly do because my eyes and ears are in working order and I maintain rational thinking and functioning so yes, yes he encourage, incited and influenced that mob of domestic terrorists. They even cited his tweets as they terrorized the grounds which some of us hold sacred and respects. To imply why not incarcerate djt I wonder the same, so I leave that unknowing to the belief that I’m sure his day is coming if not a bigger fish (reason) to fry. It’s how I can keep my sanity and continue on. No one person is impenetrable to punishment. We ALL will face it one way or another when we live to dabble or swim in the swamp of wrongdoings. So yes…drain that swamp!

  16. Corruption on every level at play here. From the bottomless pits to those believing they are the elite untouchables. From carpark secret meetings to hotel rendezvous and missing hours, they all need to be held accountable.

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