A large group of individuals on the Mexican side of the border made a formation and approached the international boundary in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday afternoon in an attempt to make a mass entry into the US, according to US Customs and Border Protection. #CNN #News #shorts
Migrant group attempts mass entry into US at Mexico border

Damn it! This is what republicans/conservatives will point to now.
@G G I don’t remember what you said your comment isn’t showing so I don’t know
We’ve been pointing to Brandon since jan 2020. This is not new.
There’s a humanitarian crisis at the southern border but your main concern is not giving the “right wingers” any validation even if it means ignoring an obvious problem.
If I knock on someone’s door and they don’t answer, there’s no way trying to push the door in will make me more welcome.
@Claudia Stokes sorry for assuming you didn’t experience what they did. 🙏🏿
@cheeb87 thank you so much.
@Allaiya that’s right. 3 months are nothing.
I look at people like that and ask myself if they would follow the law once inside.
When the people from Afghanistan who helped us HAD to leave or die, some came here, but the majority were sent to other countries. They were grateful for any place to go. That’s real desperation.
@cheeb87 and usually that ends in the intruder getting injured or shot. People defend their property. It’s normal.
Amen too that!!!!
This needs to be stopped as soon as possible it’s our our country save first
@Pablo Because you’re able to sit comfy and write scheisse on FB. If your life was a literal nightmare, you’d be trying to escape it. Also, I read…. have you btw heard of a little show called “the news?”
@Ro Blue 😂😂😂
@Draeneira Dyoniisaya Versucci How the hell do you know what my life was or is like?? lol
@Ro Blue Which god?
How many million illegals can the US accommodate? These people need to put more effort into fixing their own countries, their own systems instead of leaving others to fix a broken country.
@Brian Holloway might affect voter numbers. Who does that favour?
@David Lannigan having a visa or being admitted to the US under a work permit does not allow you to vote. When you are admitted you literally choose immigrant vs non immigrant status and it’s not easy to switch. So no you are providing a hypothetical that just isn’t true.
@Matthew Smith they don’t want to. All
Pending legislation the house has currently pending regarding asylum applications is to add more scrutiny and lower the number of applicants. They aren’t seeking to fix the problem they are seeking to encumber it
Something needs to be done.
yeah, so we elect you to stand guard at the border. I’ll be there soon, wait for me.
@Collin Buckley you’re welcome.
Having come from an immigrant family, i can say this isn’t acceptable. If you want to come here ask for asylum, don’t go overrunning the border.
homogenized apples
@Chas D yea on a short video lol. Fox has been covering it since it started
@pat a we don’t want them
I can state that this illegal border crossing hardly happens with Mexicans anymore, Mexico isn’t the country my parents left when I was an infant. I live in Mexicali, and can say that I love it here. I use to live in Missouri undocumented, and of my own will came down here 12 years ago, to live near my dad. Best decision I made, it’s only natural for someone to be in the country that ultimately recognizes you as one of its citizens.
The U.S. can’t afford this many people. I do feel for those who only want a better life, but the U.S. can’t be the U.S. if we just let everyone in. Do it right! Please…
@VCW Loves so you decided an orphan in your own country isn’t worth helping but got one as a look how good I am I took this orphan from another country 👎👎👎
@John Brattan no they won’t their is american children who need adopted mr p
@BE A LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER I don’t qualify for an orphan in country because I work internationally. As per state law, I must utilize state resources in order to adopt from that state. Since I travel for work, I would need to utilize either government or international resources–schooling, hospitals, etc. Don’t jump to conclusions if you don’t know the full story.
We doing more for Ukraines borders than our own
Russian supporter, Ha !!
I can’t fault them. But the government has to enforce the law and reject them. As the laws reflects the position that we have limits.
Then go to where the poison meets the stream instead of trying to stop the fish from heading to safe waters. The U.S. has blood on their hands as usual. I’m patriotic, don’t get me wrong, but we need some transparency and clarity in our government. We contributed greatly to Venezuela’s issues.
@woolzem nope we did not
This is out of control! What makes them the responsibility of the U.S. . especially when our country won’t even take care of its own citizens properly. I really don’t know what to tell them, except that they need to go through the process for legal immigration, not a mass free for all brawl.
Right, everyone talks sh-t about the US yet they’re trying to come here. These people need to be in their countries fighting for their rights.
This country doesn’t need to let any and everybody over here.
@Amehka amen
@Amehka nation guard bullets n bodies n it will stop we all no most are cartel
This type of lawlessness is what needs to be blocked at the border. Once they get in, they’ll be even more lawless.
@Kurosai006 Ichigo ok then throw a doormat on the barbed wire or get wire cutters. Really not hard. U know there are plenty of tunnels under existing walls right?
@G Rich nonsense
Just remember, if they will do anything to get here, they will do anything to stay here!
@Richard Bryan So they will take your identity if they have to… Take your clothes, your money, maybe your life. Social security bye bye. Public safety nets bye bye. Lawlessness here.
@NoalFarstrider Richard, wants them to stay at his place, LOL!
Anything but speak English do a hard day’s work or pay taxes
@NoalFarstrider 💯
I agree that the US put more barriers, security, and more strict border protection. They just cannot come to the US illegally!
@Honest Reviewer Stop the cap, donate all your money to Ukraine ffs.
@Living in the Forest creates a physical barrier so there’s no question where bad ideas end and good ones begin. Then enforce our immigration laws. At least we’re not as strict on immigration as places like Mexico right?
@Living in the Forest the wall is not going to do much when they dig tunnels underground. Trust but what the US needs to do is actually strengthen the laws to persecute serial offenders bc until they do it will continue to be a cat and mouse or catch and release game.
We have people here that need help and homeless that we need to help first….our own citizens!!
@yuriination we cannot let in all these farm animals
You do realize that our government doesn’t give 2 fooks right
Yeah i bet they are homeless because they can’t find a job after they try uber hard to get one.
Are you quoting Jesus Christ?
YES THANK YOU!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
It’s not okay for any group of humans to just bombard the borders of another country and stampede over our patrol service men & woman like this!…. Absolute chaos and mayhem!….
They learned it from watching Jan 6th.
We need to shut this border down NOW..
@Trial by Wombat – the video here was from a border crossing. you don’t think they have walls and security at border crossings? how many people who live near a border have you talked to about this to confirm your assumptions?
@Mike S that it was and it clearly needed better walls and more security without a doubt hence the barbed wire.
Many and have family that live there. It’s wide open in many places and that clearly is an issue.
The border crisis and humanitarian crisis created by this administration isn’t fully explained in this one video.
@Pablo Escobar wtf? Lol
💯 Exactly
Starting on October 12th 1492
@Cemanahuac-NicanTlaca Technically the natives were also immigrant Invaders who fought amongst themselves for the land far before that date… And they lost… So maybe we can learn from their mistakes and not let an invasion force gain strength…
We the citizens NEED HELP FIRST!!!!
Please note: Venezuelans…not Mexicans.
i understand they are coming for a better life but it cant happen like this the whole border needs reform or to be shut down completely
You have to secure it 1st.