My Teacher Called AI”: Artificial Intelligence in Education | TVJ News

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  1. Artificial intelligence technology has the potential to bring significant benefits to fields such as education, medical care, and climate change. However, its use can also be negative, such as the creation of false news and deep fakes. It is important to note that AI technology is not inherently good or bad; its impact is largely determined by how we choose to use it.

  2. The AI isn’t too good at solving certain math or physics problems yet. From my experience, it often gives wrong answers, like with specific gravity temperature calculations or even basic trigonometry. You can try it yourself, but know the correct answer to avoid being misled. ChatGPT will improve, but currently, it’s not ideal for students tackling advanced work. However, it’s great for assisting with writing and generating ideas. Although still in its early stages, it excels at understanding questions and engaging in conversations to guide you towards the answers you seek.

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