Nikki Haley: Biden ‘likely’ won’t make it to end of second term

President Joe Biden responded to concerns over his age and polling that shows Americans and Democrats disapprove of his decision to run for president in 2024. GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) also took issue. CNN's John King has more. #CNN #News


    1. @Alpha Omega RFK is at 19% now and Williamson at 8%. I truly think RFK can pull it off. I just can’t vote for Biden. He’s just not mentally there. so………..

  1. Thatโ€™s a dumb thing to say. She doesnโ€™t know if sheโ€™ll make it until tomorrow or for the next 4 years. Nothing is promised to her either.

    1. @jeb1273 I’m an Independent. I swing both ways. I also like DeSantis. But HELL NO to Biden or Trump. I don’t trust either of them as WW3 looms closer. Both are TOO OLD!

    2. @kay armstrong And as far as WW3, I’d stop worrying if I were you. If it’s coming, no one can stop it. It’ll be quick.

    1. Prince: Darling Nikki;
      Last I remember God allowed Sarah at 90 yrs old having a Baby from 100 yr Old Abraham.
      I knew a girl named Nikki, I guess you could say she was an Age fiend, I met her in a hotel lobby,

      Mastering with a magazine. She said how’d you like to waste some time?
      And I could not resist when I saw little Nikki grind (Fair Use) Law.

    2. I think they will: I imagine that Biden might borrow a play from Ronald Reaganโ€™s playbook. During a debate with Walter Mondale, Reagan said, jokingly, “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperienceโ€ฆ”

      Reagan was 73. And he won.

    1. meanwhile senators in congress still serving at 95 years old and refuse to retire from their cushy job of doing nothing.

    2. Nikki Haley would certainly be the prettiest President we have ever had. In order to win, she will have to prove that she is more than just pretty.

  2. They need to use Nikki Haley’s own words on her the same way they used Don Lemon’s words on him about Nikki Haley. I was always taught to respect our elders, Nikki.

    1. @Damani A. A. Lawsonโ€ฆ and Don only said what he did because she spoke on Bidenโ€™s age. Iโ€™m like she can be ageist to a man but a man canโ€™t walk through the door SHE opened and be just as critical about her age?
      ๐Ÿ™„Gimme a fkn break!

    2. @Trial by Wombat do you have examples of what Biden said to Nikki Haley that was as disrespectful as saying that he won’t make it to age 86?

    3. @ScootMagoot46 Lol!!! yeah but Trump is 4 years younger and look how he is acting. HaHaHa. Look at Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley is freaking 89 years old. I thing Strum Thurmond kept his seat in congress until age 99 or something.

    1. @kay armstrong A trimester could be as short as 9 weeks if a woman gets pregnant 3 weeks after her last menstrual cycle. I would *_not_* call that being pro choice.

      Gender identity is not taught in school. A child develops that awareness as they grow. Children have a sense of gender identity by the time they enter kindergarten.

      The vast majority of Liberals do not want to take away 2A. We don’t think the the average US citizen should be able to be armed to the equivalency of most police officers and in some cases better armed than small town cops or to be armed enough to be comfortable roaming from building to building in Iraq in 2003. I’m a gun owner myself, two long guns and a 9mm.

      Stringent requirements must be met to qualify for SNAP. I have a low income friend who has an autistic son. Is his son one of those cradle to grave entitlement seekers?

      Liberals like a strong police force too but we want them to be held accountable every time they infringe on US citizen’s civil rights and liberties. However, some progressives have asked for defunding the police. I’m not with them on that.

      If the west loses one nation that has a democratic form of government due to a land grabbing dictator, that’s one step closer to that dictatorship and similar governments to eliminating the free world.

      Biden was following through with trump’s botched withdrawal plan. trump made a deal with the Taliban to withdraw our troops including releasing thousands of Taliban prisoners so that the Afghan government would fall. That botched plan also caused issues with our withdrawal. trump should have left the planning of the withdrawal to the incoming administration.

      We *_are_* years away from clean renewable energy from being more dominant. Let’s try to cut that time in half.

  3. His mother lived to be about 93 and his father 87, so the odds are good that he will make it past 86.

    1. He will probably live quite a few more years, but be essentially bed ridden and completely incognitive.

    2. average lifespan U.S. 77.28 yrs,
      N Z. was at app’ 83yrs .. that’s besides the point, we can live to 100/20yrs quite easily ..
      Just takes a few adjustments to our life styles …
      we know alot now …

  4. Great response Reagan had when confronted old age questions: ” I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience”

    1. @Rohieram ???? John John is dead. I don’t know who he would pick as a vice. But I don’t think it would be another Kennedy. I am reading about him and like what I read.

    2. @A Well, I’m an Independent who just wants what is best for America. I wanted DeSantis but I’m not sure he’ll make it since he signed that 6-week abortion ban. So, why not RFK??? (Not FDR) I simply won’t vote for Biden or Trump! So that is where I stand.

    1. Didnโ€™t hear about that oneโ€ฆbut testing mightโ€™ve saved us from the embarrassment of Dr. President Trump suggesting we either drink or inject bleach, or expose our open veins to sunshine to battle Covid!

  5. God hears you girl. Plenty of people live 86 and longer lives. You better hope you make it to his age yourself

    1. Im a healthy old Curmudgeonly fart, 90. A #NavyVeteranKorea. I’ll outlive All of ya,lol. Im stubborn. ๐Ÿ˜…

    2. With age, political experience over decades, successes, and the wherewithal and ability to keep going forward , I say he is well earning his rightful effort to a second term!

  6. OMG Haley, it’s not like you’re in your “prime” either๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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