Ocasio-Cortez accuses some Senate Democrats of blocking legislation

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) criticized the Senate Democrats pushing for bipartisan compromise saying they are helping block key legislation in the Democrat's agenda.

#CNN #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #StateoftheUnion


    1. @Joe DeBaun I know. It is very difficult for some to follow any politician with half a brain after listening to trump for 4 yrs.

  1. “We need to ask democratic senators where to come up with 60 votes” YES.

    Or get rid of the filibuster!!

    1. AOC is an embarrassment to bartenders everywhere. 4 years of “saving the world from cow farts” and STILL hasn’t delivered any drinks to the table. #saveAbuela

    2. Why would democrats or anyone for that matter want to end corporate domination?
      Hilary Clinton, rich man Obama or President Biden recieved an enormous amount of these corporations. Michelle Obama chaired the board of several of these corporations. The Clitons or Obamas were paid millions to give speeches at wall street or charities or fund raisers. All politicians are corrupt and they would never want to end corporate domination.

    3. @Rufus D S You only feel this way because dems don’t have full control. You’re argument that bills would be impossible to pass doesn’t make sense, because THAT FORCES COMPROMISE. Taking that away just makes us a single party country, depending on who wins the presidency. Otherwise the party president would just veto EVERY SINGLE BILL the opposite majority pushes. You don’t think things through, you just want to get your own way, like a small child.

  2. Manchin is a disgrace. He is obviously in the pocket of some wealthy republicans. He is singlehandedly weakening a party that has a clear mandate by there power in all branches now. Yet republicans have not yet done the same for democrats and he knows it.

    1. @Sara Mill I’ve seen your user name on a few videos. Based upon your replies, I’m getting the impression that you are getting paid per # of words and responses you receive. I think the rest of us should make a mental note of your name and stop replying, maybe even blocking you from our future threads.

    2. @Erik Dayne I truly think she has some type of financial incentive tied to the number of replies she receives. This isn’t the first video I’ve seen her goading people with ridiculous responses that lack substance. We should stop giving her any attention.

    3. Why would democrats or anyone for that matter want to end corporate domination?
      Hilary Clinton, rich man Obama or President Biden recieved an enormous amount from these corporations. Michelle Obama chaired the board of several of these corporations. The Clitons or Obamas were paid millions to give speeches at wall street or charities or fund raisers. All politicians are corrupt and they would never want to end corporate domination.

    4. @B Bodziak he was asked and he wrote in an Op-Ed that he will not vote for the bill because it’s not bipartisan. He also said our democracy is not strong enough to have this bill pass which is evident because of what happened on 01/06. Manchin is basically saying it’s okay for the Republican party to have complete control over our democracy while a Republican president is in office but not while there is a Democrat president. None of his excuses make any sense. He wants us to pass the John Lewis voting rights bill because it has bipartisan support. He doesn’t want the filibuster removed because it will give one party all the power. So in essence he’s saying he wants bipartisanship, because that’s how a democracy is supposed to function, while at the same time he’s giving all the power to the opposing party. It’s ludicrous.

  3. Hang on, is she saying politicians are more interested in their hugely wealthy donors than the good of everyday working people and America itself?

    1. @Barry L. Spencer Good point. Trump didn’t start it but he sure sped up the process. Like throwing gasoline on a fire. Gasoline will make it spread faster but the fire was still there even before.

    2. @Gregory Belaieff Amen, bro. Beautiful and intelligent complete with courage and the strength of her convictions.

    3. actually I take my hat off to AOCs aunt in Puerto Rico.. Even she backs Trump and told AOC to shut the F up and quit politicizing grandma😂 look it up! #saveAbuela

  4. I watched a clip of Manchin on Fox a while back and he effectively said he was going to obstruct. Why wouldn’t he? He needs that dark money to keep coming in and he shares donors with Republicans.

    1. AOC is an embarrassment to bartenders everywhere. 4 years of “saving the world from cow farts” and STILL hasn’t delivered any drinks to the table. #saveAbuela

    2. Why would democrats or anyone for that matter want to end corporate domination?
      Hilary Clinton, rich man Obama or President Biden recieved an enormous amount from these corporations. Michelle Obama chaired the board of several of these corporations. The Clitons or Obamas were paid millions to give speeches at wall street or charities or fund raisers. All politicians are corrupt and they would never want to end corporate domination.

    3. @Harshit Jain yet this democrat is calling them out, almost like she wants something done about it.

  5. Manchin is already bought and paid for. Him supporting election reform is like people going up to a dead skunk and taking a deep breath of country air. And Manchin has the same stench on him. Manchin needs to be investigated on how much and where he’s getting money and what he’s doing with it.

    1. Why would democrats or anyone for that matter want to end corporate domination?
      Hilary Clinton, rich man Obama or President Biden recieved an enormous amount from these corporations. Michelle Obama chaired the board of several of these corporations. The Clitons or Obamas were paid millions to give speeches at wall street or charities or fund raisers. All politicians are corrupt and they would never want to end corporate domination.

    1. Several years ago Brazil raised the price of buses like a nickel or a dime and they were riots and protests in the streets. Meanwhile we could be bent over and have a corporate America rapist but nobody cares. It’s a one day story that billionaires are paying 2% while the rest of us middle class and poor people are literally killing ourselves trying to make ends meet and dutifully paying our taxes are we go to jail. Hopefully one day Americans wake up and realize they are being lied to the way you understand

    2. Why would democrats or anyone for that matter want to end corporate domination?
      Hilary Clinton, rich man Obama or President Biden recieved an enormous amount of these corporations. Michelle Obama chaired the board of several of these corporations. The Clitons or Obamas were paid millions to give speeches at wall street or charities or fund raisers. All politicians are corrupt and they would never want to end corporate domination.

    3. @Haunted By The Truth I know actual people who have worked here in New York City at CNN headquarters. We all know here in New York is that Democrat and Republican votes don’t actually count. There’s only one political party that decides the vote in America not Democrats not Republican they are both in on this scam it’s called the billionaire party

  6. She actually answers the questions instead of deflecting. That’s almost unheard of in politics.

    1. AOC is an embarrassment to bartenders everywhere. 4 years of “saving the world from cow farts” and STILL hasn’t delivered any drinks to the table. #saveAbuela

    2. @Flusha Art Is that best you come up with? At least she isn’t corrupt to the core. Taking massive amounts of money from the wealthy to pass the wealthy’s agenda.
      Your a slave to corporate money.

    3. @Me Off actually I take my hat off to AOCs aunt in Puerto Rico.. Even she backs Trump and told AOC to shut the F up and quit politicizing grandma😂 look it up! #saveAbuela

  7. It must be so frustrating to actually have brains,common sense, and morals in Congress. Aoc is speaking truth. Why do you think the other side has been trying to discredit her?

    1. Amazing how the “Squad” is denigrated as Radical… ( as was MLKjr) when all they support is EQUALITY and not a PLUTOCRACY ( which we have now).. guess to racists that feels “radical”


  8. Truth to Power. She’s messing with politicians’ money and they will band together to silence the truth.


  9. She’s spot on about Joe Manchin and wanting to continue the donations of money coming in spot-on!

    1. Meanwhile Kirsten Sinema is dying for attention. She is a traitor to the people of Arizona who campaigned and voted for her.

  10. Why is the “journalist” asking the politician to explain corruption and money in politics to her? Such a disheartening state of affairs.

    1. I don’t really understand your question. The analyst/journalist can’t very well say these things without backing up each statement. What problem do you have with how this interview was conducted?

  11. She is absolutely correct AOC is just what we need in office and we need to vote more people like her into office

  12. I like how uncomfortable the news lady looks when AOC uno reverses her attempts to trap AOC into saying something to praise national Dems, or smear progressive ones.

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