Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) refused to answer reporters when asked about a tweet he posted saying Alvin Bragg, Manhattan DA investigating former President Trump, "should be put in jail." #CNN #News
Reporters repeatedly ask Rand Paul about his Trump investigation tweet. See his response

So let me get this straight. Jail people who are following the law, keep people who are breaking the law out of jail. Is this opposite day?
Bizarro World
In the mind of a far reich viewer who’s been lied to all their little minded lives lol
Think autocracy.
@Bobby B900 keep dreaming.
When the dust settles they’ll just kick it up again.
Maybe Rand Paul is having tweeter’s regret?
These politicians are supposed to work for us and if they are asked a question they’re supposed to answer it. I wish I could run away when my boss asked me to do something.
He’ll ya
Damn straight.
The fact a sitting politician calls to jail anyone that dares hold Trump accountable, and then calls THAT an abuse of power is laughable. The irony is lost on their MAGA supporters.
@The Great Gazoo when they wrote that it was a country with slavery, times have changed and now we have more poc in power than ever.
He ran from those reporters like they were his neighbor 😅
@Max Niven but it wasnt political violence. It was violence used against a terrible human being who happened to be his neighbor 😅
@Billy Kay where’d you go little billy🤷 out getting getting your own family another dose of poison 🤭😂
@Karen Whinesmore thats not why people support it.
@Max NivenIf Trump doesn’t end up doing some jail time, you can’t make me care about anything else that’s criminal in the lower rungs of society. That’s the country you want I guess. Ok then.
I love that reporters can freely follow legislators and ask them questions!
@Gavin McAnus no I think just the people that incited an insurrection are called that
The very fact that we have a norm about not prosecuting sitting politicians is truly disturbing.
Karen Agnifilo ❤😍
Yes very disturbing
I wish journalists would follow rand Paul around like they followed Santos around. In swarms. Every day.
Ask him this every day. Don’t let it slide
I’m offended by your gendered language
I’m loving these reporters chasing these people down trying to get answers
@Corbs Corbs fun fact in the 53 years prior to the PAB there wee 28 republican administrations and 25 democrat administrations there were 3 democrats indicted for corruption 1 was convicted and served jail time there were 120 republicans indicted for corruption 89 were convicted and 34 served jail time
Run away! Run away! Python was taking about Republicans.
@Corbs Corbs Unbiased isn’t a thing anymore I guess.
CNN. Always truthful and factual unbiased journalistic integrity
Rand Paul looks like he can run almost as fast as Josh Hawley 🏃♂🏃♂
This is getting old higher ups don’t go to jail, we do. This will continue to happen until we all do something about it
Then vote for the right president next time!!
The law & order party, Ladies and Gentlemen 🥳🤦😂
This makes me so glad we have judges instead of senators that have the exclusive mandate to jail people.
It’s easy to understand why Sen. Paul’s neighbor assaulted him.
@Keion Chase Who called for violence on Jan 6th?
@jmgmarcus Imagine how violent they would be if they weren’t so ‘tolerant’
@jmgmarcus apparently somebody said something that incited a riot about a lie
When did the bar for holding public office sink so low?
about 91′ I think
@j Reimer And again in 2000 …
Utterly shocking that Rand Paul was unable to provide an articulate response to any of those reporters. (⊙_⊙)
We need to get Paul’s neighbor to ask him what he meant about the tweet 😅