A little less than a year since Moscow began its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has lost “strategically, operationally, and tactically,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley said from Brussels. Milley and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin are in Brussels for the ninth meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, to discuss ongoing support for Ukraine as it fights against Russia. #CNN #News
Russia has lost ‘strategically, operationally and tactically,’ top US general says

If you think the US will give up on supporting Ukraine because it costs too much, you haven’t seen our defense budget.
@Mark Valentine Why thank you. I am delightful, but why do I have to be a bag? Oh
@Jaime Moreno I’m sure you’ve been really searching for people who agree too! When you listen to your friend’s opinions, all you’re getting is a reflection of your own beliefs (that’s how people become friends, they have similar likes and dislikes) So you don’t like CNN polls. Fine.
“Majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and independents want to help Ukraine in both ways, although to varying degrees.
About 8 in 10 Democrats back continuing financial (79%) and weapon support (79%). Fewer Republicans and independents feel that way, as just over half favor sending additional funding (51% and 55% respectively) and weapons (55% and 56%).”
– FOX NEWS POLL Feb 2, 2023
And listen, I don’t want you to keep looking stupid,
your – means “it belongs to you, something that is “yours” as in “your pickup truck” (because I know you’ve got one)
you’re – means “you are” it’s a contraction, as in “you’re gonna look pretty stupid if you keep using “your” when you mean “you’re”
You’re welcome. Also, it’s just “Ukraine”, not “The Ukraine”.
@Larry O wrong sir…do some research…first off it wasn’t Nixon but president Ford who pulled out of nam due to Congress not funding it ..combat operations ended in 1973 as the south vietnamese army took over until 1975 when they were finally chased off after killing two million vietnamese and fifty thousand of its own..facts hurt but they remain facts…p.s. I’m also a former army member..
@Kat Gold yes, if you look through tankie safe spaces you’ll find a ton of Z supporters as they hope to bring back the USSR!
@Mark Valentine go over to your local home depot…they even mix the right colors for you…
#proud to be a citizen of one of the 54 countries that supports Ukraine in their fight for freedom against the deceitful and oppressive putin regime.
Canada is sending one tank I hope our fascist Finance Minister Freeland is sent over to operate it. Freeland protests in Canada wearing Nazi symbols and she comes complete with Nazi chants, so she fits in with the Nazis in Ukraine
@Uranus Is mighty big You are so naïve and cute. Open both eyes and ears to see and you know the reason why they support and it is not free for sure.
Shame and evil attention !!!
@Stanislas De Nijslooking forward to see who will take their retirement during this war
@Uranus Is mighty big buddy, first of its no Leningrad its Saint Petersburg second, I’m israeli. Third, if you’re so Pro-Ukraine get yourself “buy” an one way ticket to Ukraine and join the 16 years old forcefully ukranians that soon would be mobilized. By the way Olekssi Resnikov approves you’re message🤡🤡🤡
Woow, the brain washing is strong in you.
That Russia is attempting this kind of a push under unfavorable weather conditions (i.e. you have to stay on the roads because the ground hasn’t frozen in this mild winter) is not a sign of strength. It is a sign of desperation. Russia is afraid of the new weapons in the Ukrainian pipeline. Thus are we treated to the macabre spectacle of Russian tanks and BMPs just driving over landmines like there’s no tomorrow.
Too bad those weapons weren’t delivered sooner. But Abrams coming in 2024. Kind of an IOU at this point.
It is pretty madcap for sure. Clearing minefields by just driving over them. Staying on the roads already targeted by artillery.
Most likely they are obeying Putins new orders but for the mean time they are just pushing to keep Ukraine from having rest and to burn up their ammunition before the supposed offensive.
Millions of Americans are literally starving to death because of Biden’s inflation but money for war, they have that! At this point the Biden administration should be classified a domestic terrorist organization!
I’m Canadian, I want to say thank you for everything AMERICA is doing to help the UKRAINIAN HEROES and also to keep Canadians and NATO Countries safe!! Thank you!
@Purushotham Yadav I am saying that BOTH countries are lucky to have each other; we have a mutually beneficial relationship.
Yes, if you compare what each gains from having the other as a neighbor, Canada gets more from the partnership relative to what the US gets.
But still………we could do much worse than having Canada as a neighbor and ally and most Americans know this and are happier for it.
Бог ты ж мой! Канаде уже Россия угрожает? Бгг. У страха глаза велики 😂
América is not doing anything.
USoA is doing It.
WE are against the things USoA do, did, and will do.
@Nicolas Garcia Who is “WE”? Who do you represent? Have you been elected to speak for an entire country/continent?
@Quasi Motto “We” are every single American i know.
And yes, i speak after all of them, because they share my point of view.
You have a problem with that?
Were you specting another idiotic “slava ukraine”?
I am so impressed with all the Countries that have rallied to help the Ukrainians, they really deserve their Independence and freedom, if anyone ever wavers from this just read the Budapest Memorandum 1994, it explains everything really. Well, not everything but you will get it. Slava Ukraine.
This kind of speech by this general begins to demonstrate the despair of imminent defeat. If you can’t beat Russia, you need to discredit your victory
Give them everything and let’s blast that putin creep back to the KGB
Mo 💰 mo 💰 mo 💰
For da Z man
@green beanz Sump pump Trump’s inflation. He’s the one who asked OPEC to cut production and that raised the price of oil and that raised the prices of everything and that caused inflation all over the world. Not to mention tariffs on Canadian and Mexican steel that raised prices of everything made with steel. What a buffoon, but the bigger buffoons are the ones passing the buck for him
@Christopher Moltisanti don’t forget Putin 🇺🇦
I just get this strange and wonderful feeling whenever I hear an American 4 Star General talk about military matters.
@Astro Gremlin Oh no! Is 110 billion dollars worth of US taxpayer money and weapons – more than the Marshall Plan when adjusted for inflation – not enough for duh poow wittle Wukrainiwans?
Yes, they are an Officer and Gentleman. They are as real as they come unlike FAKE “Billionaire” some “peoples” here hold to high regards!!!!
Trillion dollars in pockets of corrupt politicians and MIC. While homeless die on streets.
@Astro Gremlin Bradleys are in Ukraine now.
CNN IS Fake news
Thanks for this update. Ukraine needs all the help that we can give it.
@Bruce Watson as reported by who? The Kiev independent or something? Ukrainian MoD? if Putin is such an evil dictator, then why is the majority of human population on the planet not choosing to sanction Russia? tell me, why did the leaders of Latin America clearly say that they will neither supply Ukraine with weapons nor sanction the Russian Federation? are they all dictators too? India? China? How about all of the African nations that LOUDLY support Russia? I guess every nation except NATO countries are led by dictators… get real lol
@skulking skunk You are spouting nonsense bud,what the hell the majority of the world is helping The Ukraine. So you’re telling me outside of NATO the rest of the countries are with Russia? Lol have you seen any other country there fighting alongside Russia,absolutely not. Besides N.Korea trying to send shitey parts along with China selling them old tries that where junk. And if you are defending PussTin then maybe you should join up with your comrades.
@DMV 420 USA should give Ukraine nukes. Russia USA and the UK agreed to recognize and defend Ukraine.. Of course Russia broke the agreement. No honor never to be trusted losers.
How about helping Americans…
We spend almost a trillion dollars every year on defense, what we send to Ukraine barely registers on the radar. All we’re doing is sending them our older gear so we can buy ourselves newer gear, thereby modernizing our capabilities, meanwhile Russia is already struggling with its resources stretched thin and has a decent chance to experience an outright economic collapse if this war lasts much longer.
Millions of Americans are literally starving to death because of Biden’s inflation but money for war, they have that! At this point the Biden administration should be classified a domestic terrorist organization!
@Astro Gremlin Imagine if the HIMARS systems were upgraded to Windows 98? This war would be over by now! 😄
@Tom Nguyen Exactly, they might even be saving money in the long run. Sending older stockpiles instead of having them disposed of once their shelf life runs out. That could mean just using it up in excercises for “fun” or have it destroyed with all the cost for safety, polution prevention and administrative cost of tracking all the materials and parts. That probably costs many times more then sending it to Ukraine and replenish your stock.
Many people think weapons have no shelf life, but everything degrades over time and becomes useles, needs expensive maintenance, specific storage needs at huge energy cost or needs to be dismantled.
That does not mean what we sent is old and perhaps faulty, no it just means that in a few years it had to be replaced anyway, war or no war, because it would not meet minimum standards anymore.
Exactly wars are won with gold. & like most wars are played out victory goes to the wealthy and worthy leaders of the people.
Russia is not rich. Neither is Ukraine but it has the 100% support of the whole world regardless.
So Putler can’t win a raffle or an engagement with Ukrainian resolve & resistance from Cossacks. He must be drain bramaged or punch drunk picking a fight with those guys .lol stupidity personified by Putler. i thought he had integrity & values but Putler doesn’t stand for nothing but his own gains. I tested him in Syria & he only moved for his gains when it suited him.
@Аndrew B I know right now that seems possible due to our current “leaders” lackluster efforts. Were you worried about this 3 years ago? “Think of it” . The preference for weakness brought this about. It’s the cause of it all really. The inflation that should not be etc. Again weakness. And they want to come for our guns which will benefit both criminals and communist. It’s a win win. …weak. Seeing beyond your own nose is something you should do before you vote.
Well said. Nicely put 🇺🇸
Here is the recommended clip that say it :
CNN IS Fake news
Inspiring man. Thanks USA and allies for all support.
wouldn’t it be nicer if they send troops to Ukraine…
Probably the best speech I’ve heard so far in relation to this War. This guy is sincere.
@mr derp regarding the circumstances and the facts the trumpletrampel administration set, + the fast collapsing Aghan army (also a consequence of Trump and pompeo) the withdrawl was super duper smooth and successful!
Some things like informing the allies, …. should have been done different! But, over all, a big success, reg the gen circumstances!
@christoph paessler
“Nothing I saw indicated a collapse of this government in 11 days”
– General Mark “read White Rage” Milley
Nation of Ukraine is held hostage by the CIA to do their dirty work fighting Russia. Ukrainians are paying with their lives and at the same time have all their country destroyed. He knows Ukraine will never be able to win. 200thousand Ukrainian deaths and soon Ukraine will run out fighting men.
@Waheed Khawaja little troll?
Trillion dollars in pockets of corrupt politicians and MIC. While homeless die on streets.
I love how almost all our generals look and sound exactly like Hollywood has told us generals should be. (On the British side as well, particularly Sir Richard Shirreff)
@Tobias Birmingham if you would happen to know any facts you would know that Mike Pompeo of the trump administration made the deal with the taliban on when Americans would leave Afghanistan also none of the actual Afghanistan gov. was included in those talks. So it’s actually trumps administration’s fault, they set the impossible deadline not Biden or any of his appointees. Look it up, it’s actual facts, so before you go saying things you know nothing about, do some actual research and not your own type of research obviously yours doesn’t work.
@Tobias Birmingham just glanced at your so called channel, what a clown show. 🤣 LMMFAO
@Tobias Birmingham from the keyboard hero. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Lord Telperion I wasn’t implying causation, just that it can be surprising when a trope that you *assume* is being exaggerated/excessively stereotyped for the big screen turns out to be exactly right. Professionalism, yes, but the gruffness and build and mannerisms as well.
For a different example of the same basic thing: many people are surprised that exploding tanks and ragdoll physics in this real life war are, if anything, even more photogenic and impressive than they usually are in movies and video games (where people typically assume that these things are exaggerated to make them look more dramatic.)
@Alonso Navarro Relax Buttercup!
*So much senseless death because of one small man’s ego.*
*Heartbreaking…* 💔
@green beanz You are sadly misinformed. Biden did not “cause inflation”, no matter what they said on that Russian Disinformation channel you’ve been listening to. Oil Companies Made Billions in profits by PRICE GOUGING with their monopoly on petrol. Which, in turn drives up the prices of all things that are trucked to stores–including food. USA’s huge war arsenal has been in place for decades and is largely the purview of REPUKELICANS who love funding the Military, but not schools or healthcare. What are you? A Russian bot?
History repeating itself,Hitler ring a bell. fcjb and family
@Jineesh P R only thing is boris is gone and still was more competent than bidenese ever was,fcjb and family
@Animalsareperfect Yeah… Russia invade and completly destroy a country but but but its not their fault! They are poor victim! 🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Everything being said is 100% true, Ukraine is extremely thankful to each, and every nation which believes in Democracy, Freedom & Independence and in doing so with the provision of many MBT Main Battle Tanks coming from many Nations, and the civilized, free world, thanks you ever so much from our hearts, and from our souls, however, we must forge ever forward into air defense, which in the weeks ahead must, and I emphasize the word must along with it is imperative that Ukraine receive F 16 fighter jets in order to supplement and enhance the Tank Armada and many other infantry, fighting vehicles.
The Ukrainians will prevail and history will forever label Russia as a pariah state and a state sponsor of terrorism, and will remain behind the iron curtain. For at least the next three generations for 300 years, and will be known as the land that Time forgot.
Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦🇪🇺
Glory to Democracy, Freedom and Independence 🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇳🇵🇱🇫🇮🇪🇺🇯🇵🇨🇦🇲🇩🇮🇱🇩🇰🇦🇺🇪🇸🇹🇼🇸🇪🇬🇧
This kind of speech by this general begins to demonstrate the despair of imminent defeat. If you can’t beat Russia, you need to discredit your victory
@simulations real conflicts keep coping
Ukraine is Europe’s sh*thole, nothing more. Don’t think for one moment NATO is your friend. Once you’re done fighting, NATO will leave you to rot. And Ukraine is not a democracy by any means. You had your chance to be independent…but that wasn’t enough. You needed to mess with Russia which is the dumbest thing you can do, especially since they are your neighbor. I hope we’ll stop supporting you guys very soon.
@MD nobody messed with russia but the russians themselves. a lot of baseless hatred I see, are you a delusional russophile or just a troll?
The Ukrainian PEOPLE are holding the line of Peace and Democracy for the World 🌎 all over and we must , see , understand and recognize this … and the resilience of The Ukrainian PEOPLE
Has benefited the world 🌎 all over. WE MUST SUPPORT UKRAINE 🇺🇦!!!
@E CM Ukraines educated? You must be putting me on🤣
@afp259 more successful than yours..
@2 Bros 1500 troops in a country of 40 million and an army of a quarter million. What’s your point?
@Georgy Zhukov it is. What’s your point?
Remember the significant Russia population in pre war Ukraine who do not want to be part of The Ukraine and never wanted to be part of The Ukraine. Surely, they also have a say. Remember also many have tried to invade Russia from the West over the past centuries including the Nazis who went into the Soviet Union not with ‘mere’ war in mind, but wanted to wipe out every man, woman and child who could not be enslaved. Russia like everyone else deserves a modicum of security.
I feel sorry for those Russians who don’t agree with this war 🙁 .. it’s tragic but Ukraine has suffered so much – Peace & Freedom to Ukraine 🇺🇦💙💛🇺🇦
@simulations real conflicts Putin’s Russia is f’d, mate. It will be a pariah state for a long time to come, assuming Putin can even survive this conflict.
@♠️ Манька Облигация Yeah… Zelensky srart that war when RUSSIA INVADE DUNBASS… Yeah makes total senses… Imagine the level of brainwashed needed to think your invasion is not your fault 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Stop using the Ukrainians then USA ? USA destroying another entire country just to get their one guy again. And you support that nation building crap. Good job
@Fra Diavolo and why did they refused? Because Forbes magazine says that you’re Cray is the most corrupt country in Europe to do business it.. Ukraine is a fraud perpetrated on the American taxpayer.
@TJ COMBO you telling me that the usa isn’t making its citizens get on their kneels ?? Get bent
A Tribute to Ukraine
The Fight
Where were you
when the walls came crumbling down.
Fearing for our lives
In our home towns.
Where children once played
Laughter was everywhere
We now find graves
Seems like only…we care.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s soul.
Instrumental 🎶
If we lose.
If this was our last fight.
I promise you
We didn’t run and hide.
Only one way to live
Head high and full of pride
What we would give
Our blood and tears we cried.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s soul.
Instrumental 🎶
A burst of lightning
coming from the morning sky
confuses all
We will not run and hide.
But now,
We’re standing side by side
Defending arm in arm
Praying for our lives.
And now,
We’re standing toe to toe
Fighting hand to hand
Dying for our nation’s…..
And then,
There’s one thing that remains.
Fight until the death
Fight for our Ukraine.
But now,
Our prayers were not met
By those who stood by
By those who would forget. .
By Humble Driver
thank you for reading humble poem ❤️ 🙏 and if you are interested in song please go to Humble Driver YouTube
@Animalsareperfect thank you for reading humble poem
Since Zelensky started this war, since the attack of his Bandera junta militants on Donbass and the beginning of Russia’s operation to protect Donbass, the income of American arms manufacturers has increased by 21%. That’s who benefits from this war, that’s who gave the order to his puppet Zelensky to attack Donbass and start this war. Of course, Russia had to react according to the agreements with the republics of Donbass and start protecting the people of Donbass. 82% of Ukrainian citizens by nationality Russian , the expression “Kiev is the mother of Russian cities” has been around for more than a thousand years, Ukraine is a fake state created in 1921 by Russophobe Lenin on Russian lands. This fascist pseudo-state will be destroyed, all Russian lands will return to their homeland, to Russia, following the example of the Crimea. I am a Ukrainian girl living in Mariupol. When the allied forces liberated our Mariupol, we hid in the basement from the Bandera orcs, took only water and Orthodox icons with us to the basement. Finally we heard the words “Allahu Akbar!” at the top and were delighted to realize that it was the Russians who came and began to be baptized on icons. Kadyrov’s men freed us, God grant them health. Russia has united Christians, Muslims and Buddhists in the fight against Satanic evil, we pray that the Russian army will quickly liberate my Ukraine from the criminals of the neo-Nazis of the Bandera junta.
Freedom to Ukraine! Death to the Fascist occupiers! Glory to the Russian soldier liberator! 🇷🇺 ❤️
I don’t know , when your little brains understand, zelensky started this war with ego on Putin , and to make west world happy about him
This war is much useless to Ukrainian citizens but very much useful to usa or EU ( in future if war happens with Russia ,they can deploy their weapons close range to russia
@Purushotham Yadav Thank you so much for reading humble poem And your insight very interesting
“The purpose is to uphold the rules-based international order, an order that rejects the idea that big, strong, powerful nations can attack other smaller countries, that borders shall not change just by the use of aggressive military force. This is the very underlying, founding principle of the United Nations at the end of World War II.”
Wow! That was really something! Clever competent people taking of things they know better than anybody else. It’s like a history lesson told at present time.
Millions of Americans are literally starving to death because of Biden’s inflation but money for war, they have that! At this point the Biden administration should be classified a domestic terrorist organization!
@green beanz I live in Miami and I don’t see anybody here dying of hunger. I’m definitely not pro-biden but inflation isn’t a fault of his administration – that’s just normal economical reaction from pandemic monetary policy
This kind of speech by this general begins to demonstrate the despair of imminent defeat. If you can’t beat Russia, you need to discredit your victory
@simulations real conflicts does it really look like Russia can win?? To me, it surely looks the opposite
@Nikita McConnell you: “I don’t see it in my bubble and therefore it’s not happening.”, Is it even possible for a human to be dumber than you without being mentally disabled?…🤦♂️ Also, in what fantasy world of yours does a cold virus with a 99.9% survival rate cause such a severe strain on the economy?? It’s literally not possible!! Biden’s administration caused this 100% and they did it intentionally to kill Americans!! They are domestic terrorists and they need to be arrested for treason!!!
Stay strong Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Sieg Heil! As they say in Ukraine right?
Millions of Americans are literally starving to death because of Biden’s inflation but money for war, they have that! At this point the Biden administration should be classified a domestic terrorist organization!
We’re trying. 🥲
Ukraine needs to quit wasting US money and accept the inevitable outcome, try to make a compromise with Russia to keep some parts of their country while they still can.