1. @Rick Ammon Apple immediately announced it was planning a billion dollar plant in Austin Texas after bringing its money back, it will create 15,000 new jobs. They broke ground in August 2019 and construction is ongoing. Do the research yourself. I have better things to do than prove you wrong every time you don’t believe something just because you are overwhelmingly misinformed. Apple is not the only company. you start adding up all the new jobs being brought back and of course the economy takes off. Trump 2020.

    2. ​@Rock McCoy Apple had plans in the works for years prior to Donald Tump’s tax giveaway. By the way, Apple produces most of its products in China just as Donald Trump produces the products which carry his brand name outside of America.

      Oh, the lies Trump supporters have to spew in their weak attempt to defend Donald Trump!

      If you think Trump is doing well the facts don’t support you. Those of us who actually form our opinions based on facts know better. Below are some of the numbers from President Obama’s time as President and I am confident that Donald Trump won’t even come close to accomplishing what President Obama accomplished even though President Obama inherited a country in financial distress and Trump inherited a thriving economy.

      President Obama inherited an economy that was a nightmare but went to work revitalizing America as shown by the stats below.

      President Obama saved America from a financial depression and turned the disastrous Republican economy around.

      President Obama:

      Increased job openings by 97% and created 11.6 million new net jobs!

      Dramatically lowered the unemployment rate by three full percentage points to 4.8%.

      Lowered the number of people lacking health insurance by 15.2 million.

      Lowered illegal immigration, illegal immigration DECLINED by 6% under President Obama.

      Increased wind and solar power production by 369 percent.

      Reduced carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel by 11 percent.

      Under President Obama, new car MPG increased by 20%.

      Lowered the violent crime rate by 16%.

      Raised median household income by 5.6%.

      Increased home values by 20%.

      Increased corporate profits by 57%.

      The S&P 500 rose by 166%.

      President Obama turned America’s disastrous economy around as demonstrated by the fact that after-tax corporate profits set records as did stock prices. President Obama turned a thriving economy over to Trump and Trump is in the process of destroying all of the accomplishments from the previous eight years of hard work and prosperity!!

      Below is a comparison of Trump’s presidency to that of President Obama’s, written by Brian Mattes, former Senior Officer at The Vanguard Group (1984-2015)

      How does a 1980 Yugo with mismatched fenders, a broken headlight, a flat tire, thick blue exhaust, and cancerous rust everywhere compare with a new Rolls Royce?

      Maybe the analogy is a bit tortured, but the point remains. Obama was the embodiment of a great president. Class. Dignity. Serenity. Brilliance. Got the job done without drama. Trump is what you’d find in some run-down trailer park. He tweets like a jilted 13-year old girl mad at the world.

      He lies like the con man he is. He has an enormous string of broken promises. He is all about drama and himself. He has plunged the country into a level of debt that threatens to bankrupt the nation within a decade.

      He is divisive, discriminatory, and bigoted. He embarrasses the country daily. And he’s an idiot who believes Finland is in NATO (it isn’t), windmills cause cancer, General Washington fought in the War of 1812 (he was dead for 13 years), and that aircraft existed in the 1700s.

      In short, there’s no comparison. Obama stood at Olympus. Trump is somewhere in the cesspit of Hell.

      Oh, how the Trump trolls attempt to manipulate the facts to make something that is great seem bad. President Obama was sworn in as President in January 2009 and inherited the legacy of multiple wars which all began under a Republican administration. President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on October 9, 2009, for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people” Donald Trump asked the Japanese government to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize because he met with Kim Jong-un and accomplished absolutely nothing. It is really pathetic when the President of the United States has to ask another country to nominate him, BIGLY SAD!

      Seriously, Trump inherited a great economy which he is working really hard on destroying. Ask the farmers how they are doing, ask the American retailers if they are worried about the results of this upcoming fourth quarter where they earn about 40% of their profits, ask the bicycle manufacturers who can’t compete, ask the many businesses who are beginning to struggle because of Trump’s ego-driven war with China. Trump’s ego is in the way of him actually accomplishing what he claims he is going to accomplish with China.

      The great negotiator does not know how to negotiate or make a deal. Donald Trump’s idea of making a deal is to sue, bully, and intimidate his opponent into submission. While that may have worked somewhat in business it certainly isn’t going to work with a country the size of China. Trump couldn’t even bully Mexico into paying for his wall. The American taxpayer is paying for Trump’s ineffective border wall.

      Trump for prison 2021!

    1. You think about it because you have been crying for 4 years. Would you all stop if we gave Hillary a participation trophy. Trump 4 more years. make liberals cry again.

    1. @Downright Dutch thats why their democrats so they can hide and blame others for the crimes they commit , Nancy Polosi for instance , the dems are evil people .

    2. Jason Jubb So true. Sure that Hammer of Truth of Best President Ever hurts evil so much. I also – as a truthtroll on fake CNN/MSNBC – love to torture 👹satan, evil 🐽and arrogant 💩godless leftists with Truth, Honesty, Transparency, and righteousnss ❤️✝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      America! America!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      God Shed His Grace on Thee
      And Crowned Thy Good with Brotherhood
      From Sea to Shining Sea!
      O Beautiful for Pilgrims Feet,
      Whose Stern Impassioned Stress

      A Thoroughfare for Freedom Beat
      Across the Wilderness!
      America! America!
      God Mend Thy Every Flaw,
      Confirm Thy Soul in Self-Control
      Thy Liberty in Law!✝️‼️
      O’Brien: “Today’s work is an example of why President Trump would be rightly considered and should be a front-runner 📣 for the Nobel Peace Prize,” he added. O’Brien noted Trump’s work to put pressure on Iran by pulling the US out of the nuclear deal, wiping out the Islamic State in the Middle East and cutting off funding for terrorists in Yemen, Lebanon and Syria. “And now, we have the Abraham Accords … at last peace between the UAE and Israel!”🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      Sure, its time! All ‘endless, useless’ wars Trump STOPPED. 🐽The wars Bush and Obamma started! Facts!

    1. No just normal people who see through CNN’s BS and the delusional 😢 lefties smashing the like button in equal measure. It’s not like this on FOX. Trump is overwhelmingly popular and will destroy Biden in November. Even over half of CNN’s viewers (whatever they have left) are voting for Trump now

  1. Once upon a time there was a president whose big scandals were: did he one time forget to wear a flag pin or is a tan suit truly presidial?

    1. @Jene’ Walker You make sense and i am with you on your points made. However, I have to warn you my friend. You cannot argue logic against stupidity. Stupidity will win everytime through sheer exhaustion. It will do two things very well: 1. Drag you down to its level. 2. Beat you over the head with illogical nonsense till you have to give up in exasperation. They will then slink back to faux news thinking they won the day. Thats why there is a proverb that says, Answer not a fool according to his folly lest you become like him. Have a great day!

    2. @Molly MacCorkle who’s PRESIDENT!! Saint Trump. He has never put a foot wrong he’s been honest caring, understanding and has empathy for ALL Americans no matter what race Color or creed no matter where they live. Oh how he has UNIFIED this beautiful Republic is just so amazing, words cant explain his goodness to all. Oh and what a faithful husband good father and grandfather , and loves the troops even those suckers, ( oops sorry he never said that) who died, who lost limbs and thinks how wonderful that they are doing this and not in paid jobs. He cares for the unemployed, poor, homeless because he IS SO charitable!! What as man, of great courage , decency and he’s so humble. What a lucky country we are that is why we are SO UNIFIED. Bless you!!!!!

    3. @Lorraine van Lelyveld FOX news is the same garbage, Controlled opposition provided by the Globalist Elites. It’s all BS, tune it out. ALL OF IT!

    4. @Lorraine van Lelyveld and the left backs kids throwing temper tantrums.
      The whole root of these messes, is that Trump won’t let them pass the pension liabilities off on the American people.
      As far as the military, those people charge with defending and upholding the Constitution, they sat back and watched as a piece of legislation, which for me is unconstitutional by the 1st, 5th, 8th, 9th, and, the piece dela resistance, the 13th amendment, and that was Obama care…

    1. Good people around the world will always want to see bad leaders gone. We stand together against greedy, power hungry and oppressive leaders be it in the US, China, Russia, Hungary, North Korea.

    2. Field Of Carnations… btw: homeless and drugs is a nationwide problem.
      Oh, and Bunkerboy is globally despised and ridiculed…. just to be clear.
      And we from afar, are shocked that lying, adultery, racism, misogyny, bigotry, nepotism, corruption, obstruction, collusion…. has support.
      America’s warts and all… exposed for international consumption.
      Condolences to decent Americans

  2. Wow.remember when you didn’t have to be able to think about the president everyday! Please, oh Lord , please!

    1. Hello a Harry, it is what trump is doing to the American people, 200,000 dead for example,what he’s doing to international alliances,what he has done to any concept of the truth and being honourable. I never met Pol Pot, Hitler, Jacob Zumba, Robert mugabie etc but they were truly dreadful wicked men. Sadly trump fits well in their company.

  3. Please bring back boring government that is efficient and for the people and that operates in the background. Thank you and amen.

    1. @Field Of Carnations “while we ignorantly ignore what is going on in front of us. Because we love being ignorant and clueless.”
      This much is evident from the trumpeteers.

    2. @Jason Jubb Thank you. That was good fun. Have you seen the series of Blackmail CNN memes. They are on you tube. Ill send a link to one.

    3. Do away with the Dem party… put this bastard % out on the streets in soup lines. Tell me why do the Dems support mail-in voting even though it has voting fraud in almost every election it had?

    1. @Linda G The beauty of this wonderful country is being able to have discussions and express our thoughts and insight into the issues that effect all of us. Trump is not for everyone but his policies are focused making life better for the American people. Have you watched the x22 report. Please be open minded as you seem to be and check it out. On you tube after 4pm pacific time weekdays and Sundays Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

    2. @Linda G Linda, if the documentary on Biden Family ties to China did not cause you any concerns about Biden running for President, then you should see this one, youtube.com/watch?v=5Tn3OeeIBNQ . 5.3 billion missing and Biden, Obama and numerous democrats are criminally investigated and implicated with evidence and witnesses. Linda the Bidens are not good people. Did you forget about the hole the Obiden 8 year stretch put America in. Myself I am fully aware that all politicians are up to no good and nothing we can ever do about it. I go with Trump because the quality of life of everyone I know improved during his first term. If you like higher taxes, more regulations and the very real possibility of Chinese tanks and high stepping military going down your main street than by all means vote for biden.

    3. Rock McCoy I have a lot of concern about a lot of things. My world isn’t perfect like yours, I guess. It doesn’t seem like you and I are likeminded … good luck! best wishes! bye!

    4. What do you expect whe se cup and cnn fake news just speaks bullshit.. we just think its hillarious.. hahahahahhahaha idiots…… trump another 4 years and keep draining the swamp… we will conquer and save america and americans.. moraly, family values and Christianity… humanity in america depends on, NO TO BIDEN AND SOCIALISM, ANARCHY… THE WORLD ACTUALLY DEPENDS ON IT.. THE OLD FART PSYCHO BIDEN IS FINISHED, DEMS ARE FINISHED. Watch and learn 2016, history will repat itself.. hahahhahahahahahahhahahaha

  4. I love how CNN triggers the maga slaves so much. The insane comments on this section is better than a Dave Chappelle comedy stand up.

    1. Remember after the convention and all the calls to cspan …. do you know what a npc is? Some people have no inner dialogue. Lol

    2. We are Russian bots lol hahaha… I love when people don’t know the joke is on them till they demand freedom…

    3. We refuse to be silenced. And since the Democrats are censoring ppl on the right— we will bring our voices to your left wing sites.

      And that’s why you will find that the left turns off comment sections, frequently.

      This election is America vs communism.
      I stand with our nation, our constitution and Trump & the Republicans!!!

    4. You call us slaves which is what you say we are lol and then references a black comedian who mostly does racist anti black stuff funk monk you ain’t a funk monk if you are voting for trump …. you might be latino though hahahaha

    1. I’d rather be bored than live in stress and chaos every single day can’t hear a press conference he’s there can’t hear update on virus ditto,can’t look at Twitter,internet, news he’s like a child looking for attention from anyone and everwhere he can get it

  5. It seems every day trump is in the news for some nonsense. I don’t remember Obama’s time in office doing this.

    1. Scripts since blind Americans love drama. They wouldn’t dare touch Obama. They didn’t want to seem “racist”. But they are since they see skin color and constantly push it as a main narrative. Not the individual human.

    2. @Yah Saves Sooo…have you heard Trumps tape recordings….I think you must have!! . Turns out to be how the majority of Americans have suspected this…..Trump isn’t just stupid and incompetent, he just enjoys being in command of hundreds of thousands of people dying!! . Makes him really feel, how he views himself…..as a GOD!! … … He’ll go down as the most Reprehensible President in history!! . . . . This is no mistake… This is deliberate murder/genocide for his own narsassistic pleasure!! . Rallies without masks….killing his own supporters!! . We’re watching it very closely… You bet he is….. . . Hear Traitor Trump’s own words!!!!!

    3. @Alec scott Come up with A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE YET? Name one source!!!!! You failed so now you want to move to another hoax?? It doesn’t work that way. BTW.. ” Jesus” is not was not and never will be his name. It’s just another lie that YOU have fallen for. Crack a book.

  6. I will add, Remember the times when we were able to talk without putting at risk family, your job, friendship and honor? The GUILTY president has made America the worst place to live

  7. exactly. he needs to get that message out everywhere. we are all desperate for relief from this constant attention seeking manbaby. omfg.

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